Ancient prophecy is not always a common topic of Sunday School lessons, but prophets can offer a fantastic way of looking at the power and plan of God. They show us that God is faithful to His word, and point us to the undeniable truth of the Gospel. There are some wonderful elements of hope in the book of Isaiah that point us to Jesus, making it great for the Advent season! These crafts celebrate Isaiah’s prophecy that “out of the stump of Jesse fruit-bearing branches” would come (pointing us to David’s role in the lineage of Christ). A “Jesse’s Stump Tree” provides a 3-D mini-tree decoration to recall the passage and meaning. A “Jesse’s Stump Stick Tree” also provides for a tree-themed craft, this time slightly flatter. And a “Jesse’s Stump Ornament” makes a fun tree-hanging reminder that God keeps promises!
- See the Children’s Sermon Lesson on Jesus the Righteous Branch
- Download the complete 19-page Sunday School Lesson on Isaiah 11:1-10.

Craft one: “Jesse’s Stump Tree”
You will need:
- Paper towel or toilet paper tube
- Scissors
- Markers and/or crayons
- Construction paper or cardstock
- Glue or tape
- Paper bag
- Tissue paper
- Extra decorations as desired
- Decorate paper bag with verses, captions, and extra decorations as desired.
- Cut out leaf shapes from paper, and attach to paper towel tube with glue or tape.
- Roll or cut the top of the paper bag to resemble a stump. Stuff with tissue paper or newspaper for stability.
- Place tube in bag “stump” to remember the branch emerging from Jesse’s stump.
Craft Two: “Jesse’s Stump Stick Tree”
You will need:
- Markers/crayons
- Construction paper or card stock
- Decorations (stickers, etc.)
- Scissors
- Popsicle sticks
- Pipe cleaners
- Tape or glue
1. Decorate a piece of paper or cardstock with verses and captions.
2. Attach popsicle sticks and/or pipe cleaners to look like a tree.
3. Draw or glue leaves onto the tree “branches”.
4. Attach a pipe cleaner or string to hang the picture, if preferred for hanging.
Craft Three: “Jesse’s Stump Ornament”
You will need:
- Markers/crayons
- Construction paper or card stock
- Decorations (stickers, etc.)
- Scissors
- Pipe cleaners, ribbon, or string
- Paper towel or toilet paper tube
1. Cut paper towel tube into 3-4 inch lengths (cutting optional for toilet paper tube).
2. Add verses and captions to the tube piece.
3. Add stickers, or additional decorations as desired.
4. Cut out leaf shapes and attach with glue, staples, or string.
5. Attach string, ribbon, or pipe cleaner to the tube to hang as a tree ornament or decoration.
Bible Verses or Craft Captions to Consider… (Isaiah 11:1-10)
There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse,
and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit.
2 And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him,
the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the Spirit of counsel and might,
the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. -Isaiah 11:1-2
“Out of Jesse’s stump…a Messiah!”
Roots and Stumps…hope of a Messiah
Jesse tree… hope grows!