Another great batch of Zoom games from our Shawn M Howell. This time she’s helping make those virtual birthday parties a lot more fun. Be sure to check out her YouTube channel for so many great zoom games and party ideas.

Hosting a virtual party on Zoom with family and friends but need new game Ideas? Here are 10 Zoom games for kids and families that everyone will enjoy playing. Don’t forget to choose games that fit with the ages of the players on your Zoom call. If you’ve watched this video and still want more ideas, check out my 20 Zoom Games video that I’ve linked below. Zooming with family doesn’t have to be boring. Spice up your virtual online call with a little fun and laughter. We love having fun as a family and want to share that fun with you. I am passionate about bringing families back together through the lost art of fun and games. I am often guilty of relying on technology to entertain my kids. But when I use simple supplies around my home to create fun games and activities I hear laughter and know I am making great memories.
Oh I am so excited you guys are loving the very first zoom games video!
00:08Thank you guys so much for loving it and watching it and sharing it
00:08with your friends and your family.
00:12So I decided to film the second version of zoom games.
00:22Who’s excited? who’s excited with me?
00:25Okay I’m a little hyper because it’s my birthday.00:25If we’re meeting for the first time, hi my name is Shawn.
00:27Welcome! On this channel I am passionate
00:32about bringing families closer together through fun and games.
00:36And one way we can have fun during this time of lockdown and seriousness
00:38is through online zoom games.00:43So I’m here to bring you eight new games you’ve never thought of
00:48to play with your friends and family.
00:50So if that sounds good to you then keep watching.
00:52While you are here, I would love for you to consider subscribing
00:52to my channel if you two want to grow closer to your family and friends.
00:55alright let’s jump into today’s video.00:59Here we go.
01:01Game number one is called Emoji Lineup.
01:06This game is best played on your phone.
01:08So the leader will type in five random emojis,01:11like these right here, everybody will try to type in
01:13the same exact five emojis and whoever does this
01:18the fastest is the winner.01:20The second game is called Words within Words..
01:23The leader will type a word in and everybody has to try
01:26and find the most number of words within that word.
01:30Does that make sense?01:33Let me give you an example.
01:34Here’s the word and here are some word options
01:35that can be made from that word.01:36You could also play this game with a phrase like this one here
01:41but the trick is you only have one minute
01:44to type in as many words that you can find,
01:46Did you know that Zoom has a whiteboard feature ?
01:50You can play games that require all the players to contribute
01:52and write things on the whiteboard.01:57So tic-tac-toe is a fabulous option to play
02:00especially if you’re Zooming your grandma online
02:01you can do tic-tac-toe.02:03The next game is called Famous for Two Minutes.
02:05You only have two minutes to be famous.
02:08Have all of your Zoom players submit some questions
02:10and pick one person to be famous for two minutes.
02:15Then everybody gets to ask questions to that one player
02:15who’s famous for two minutes.02:18For example, when was the last time you ate Bugles?
02:22No really when was the last time you ate Bugles?02:24They’re pretty salty.
02:26Who are you wearing?02:28Editing Shawn here.
02:30I am wearing quarantine fashion brought to you by Barefoot Dreams,
02:35American Eagle, and Lululemon.02:40Did you know that you can play Guess Who online on Zoom?
02:45And I’m not talking about downloading some game, paying some price.
02:51No, I’m talking about old school Guess Who.02:54If all the players on your call have the Guess Who game02:54then this works perfectly for online.02:58The next Game is called Mind Meld.
03:05I know it sounds very brainy.03:06And maybe a little superhero sci-fi action.
03:12So two players will count down: three to one.03:14And then try to say the exact same words at the same time.03:19So I was gonna get my husband to help out with this demonstration
03:20but he’s with my toddler and they’re in the bathroom03:24and I have no clue what is happening.
03:27I’m going to split the screen
03:29and I will be playing two different people at the same time.03:31Let’s see how this goes.03:32All right good, three two one mayonnaise.
03:36The player who wins that round turns to the next player:
03:40three two one hot dog.03:41This is a great game to play with lots of people on your Zoom call.
03:45Farkle is another game that everybody can play online.
03:46All you need to make sure is that every player has six dice.
03:49Dice or die?03:54Die is one, dice is more than one.
03:56Make sure you have six dice and you’re all set to play Farkle.
03:58On how to play Farkle in the description box down below.
04:02Another game to play online is matching card game.
04:04Now we have this really cute little matching card game set right here.
04:09Everybody can play.04:10Only one person needs to have this game.
04:13I’m gonna insert some footage right now04:17of how to set up a second camera angle
04:19because you are gonna need to do that
04:20so that every player on your Zoom call can see the memory card setup.
04:25This is how you set it up using simple grocery items
04:27that you can find in your pantry and your cell phone.
04:32And then you play on your laptop.04:34Boggle! Again you’re gonna need the setup
04:37that I just showed you in the last game option.
04:40You guys know how to play Boggle right?
04:41I will leave a Boggle board down in the description box
04:43that you could buy off of Amazon.04:45We love Boggle at home.
04:46If you missed the very first Zoom games
.04:49I will link in a card right up here for you to watch.
04:51The last game is Scattergories.04:53You guys know ho to play this maybe? maybe?
04:55You come up with a category, say “fruits.”
04:56And everybody has to name a fruit until nobody can name any more fruits.
05:01And you can divide players up into teams
05:07or you can play one on one and keep a score
.05:12I will leave a Pinterest post in the description box down below
05:16of some Scattegory category options for you to play this game online.
05:21Let me know in the comment section down below
05:23what are your favorite zoom games to play?
05:27I am sure that this community will love some more ideas.
05:30Remember to stay safe at home.
05:32I will see you in my next video. thanks for watching. bye!