4 Reasons to Stay in Children's Ministry

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4 Reasons to Stay in Children's Ministry
Children’s ministry is so rewarding but like all ministries, it can also be very demanding. Ministering to more than a handful of children each week can be wearing, physically and spiritually, no matter how much you love Jesus. Add in personal struggles, personal relationships and other stressors and you have plenty of reasons to walk away from ministry. I know it’s hard. I’ve been working with kids for almost twenty years. How many times have I said, “That’s enough. No more.” More than a few, I promise you. So no condemnation from me!
Let me say before we go any further that there are legitimate reasons to leave ministry. Sometimes you just have to take a break. I highly recommend regular sabbaticals! However, there are times when it’s the enemy who’s pushing and pulling on you. (Yes, he’s still on the job, looking for whom he might devour. 1 Peter 5:8) Even if you aren’t struggling with sin, you can still be a target of his discouragement. You might be wondering, “Why should I stay in children’s ministry?” I can think of at least four reasons for you to stay in children’s ministry.
1. You are making an eternal impact on a child’s life.
What you do is immeasurable. It can’t be measured by a man–only God sees the extent of what you do. If you stay in children’s ministry, you’ll make an even greater impact!
2. You’ll be a better student of the Bible.
Naturally curious, children will make you study. “Why did Samson’s hair make him strong? What color was his hair? Did he really wear it in a braid?” Serving children will force you to know the word for yourself.
3. Children’s ministry reminds us to be humble.
I’ve seen kids giveaway their prizes, snacks and even their own shoes to someone who needed them or asked for them. Children are God’s perfect examples of compassion and sharing. We all need those kinds of examples. No matter how old we get.
4. You have something to offer.
Your unique life experiences, your views, your heart is like no one else’s. God’s love, filtered through your hands and feet can change the world.
You can do it! We need you!
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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