Children’s Sermon Object Lesson: Ascension of Jesus (Luke 24:44-53 and Acts 1:1-11)

“Hello children of God. Have you ever traveled on an airplane? Some people get a little bit nervous about going way up in the air in this big old vehicle. I think it’s a pretty exciting experience. I mean, especially if you’re going somewhere fun, somewhere that you look forward to going, it’s pretty amazing. But there are a lot of steps that you have to go through before air travel happens, right? If you’ve ever been

Sunday School Lesson: Luke 2:1-14 – The Birth of Jesus Announced to the Shepherds

Age Group: 6-12 years old Lesson Objective By the end of this lesson, children will be able to understand the significance of the announcement of Jesus’ birth to the shepherds and the importance of sharing the good news with others. Introduction Welcome, kids! Today, we’re going to learn about the birth of Jesus and how the angels announced the good news to the shepherds. Our scripture passage comes from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 2, verses 1-14.

Children’s Sermon Lesson on the Last Supper from Luke 22:7-23 Do This in Remembrance of Me

This children’s sermon visits the events of the Last Supper that Jesus shared with His disciples. Christ shared bread and wine, inviting His friends (and us) to remember that He gave His body and blood for us, for the salvation of sins. We need God’s grace for our spiritual nourishment, just as we need physical food to sustain our bodies. This message describes the practice of communion and why we do it in church, celebrating the saving

Unexpected Combinations: Children’s Sermon on the Golden Rule from Luke 6:27-38

Lesson Objective: The lesson here uses unexpected combinations to illustrate what can happen when we love our enemies. This message focuses on Christ’s challenging instructions admonishing us to love others. We are called to not only care for people that we like, but to pray even for those who might be unkind to us. It seems contradictory, but loving our enemies has power to change our hearts as well as theirs. An odd food mixture demonstrates how

Proclaim Christ: Bible Craft Ideas from Luke 4:14-21

Craft Ideas for the Rejection of Jesus in Nazareth: Jesus came as our savior, fulfilling all prophesies about who the Messiah would be. He proclaimed Himself as that fulfillment, though not everyone who heard understood. We can recognize who He is, and share that good news with others. These crafts encourage children to know and share the Gospel. A “proclaiming puppet” allows for creativity while remembering to proclaim Jesus. A “prophetic scroll” recounts the story and the

Start with a Clean Slate! Children’s Sermon on Luke 3:15-17; 21-22

There are times in our lives (maybe a lot of times) that we will make mistakes. We often find ourselves needing to start fresh, and we can do that every day with God’s help. We can’t clean up our sins and mistakes, but the blood of Jesus washes our sins and makes us new. This message uses cleaning products as an example of how we can wipe away old messes and begin anew in Christ.  Baptism reminds

Don’t Miss Jesus! Luke 2:41-52 Children’s Sermon

Who was and is Jesus? That might seem like a simple and straight forward Gospel question, but it’s an important one to address frequently with kids. This message focuses on the story of Jesus in the temple as a 12-year-old boy. The story reminds us that Jesus was aware of His identity as the Son of God, but also obeyed His parents and was responsible to them as a human. Mary and Joseph thought Jesus was lost,

Elizabeth and Mary Praise God: Children’s Sermon from Luke 1:39-55

How do we praise the Lord? Sometimes, we forget the meaning or importance of glorifying God. We think of songs or prayers, but true praise can occur in a variety of ways, and should come from a place of genuine enthusiasm and gratitude. As Christians, our natural reaction to salvation should be to rejoice with praise and thanksgiving. In this passage, we see John the Baptist praise God in the womb, and we see Mary praise God

Authentic Christianity: Sunday School Lesson from Luke 3:7-18

“They shall now we are Christians by our love”… It’s one thing to attend church and call ourselves Christians. Truly following Christ, though, means living as He did and demonstrating to others what it means to honor and serve God. John the Baptist (and Jesus!) emphasized that genuine Christians live out their faith in action as well as word. We are saved by grace alone, but out of gratitude to God, we should also be showing evidence

What’s on the Inside? Children’s Sermon from Luke 3:7-18

As Christians, it’s essential to live in a way that shows others who we are. We want to not only call ourselves Christians, but act like it by demonstrating love and sharing with others. John the Baptist admonished people to share their faith authentically, and the same message speaks to us. While we are saved by faith alone, we should act in a manner that reflects the Holy Spirit within us. This message uses a disappointedly empty

Prepared for Jesus Coming? Bible Craft Ideas from Luke 3:1-6

As the Advent season progresses, we look to the example of John the Baptist, who prepared the hearts and minds of people and proclaimed the coming of the Messiah. John called people to repent and turn from their sins. He pointed to and announced Christ. In the same way, we should tell others about Jesus, how He came and will come again. We prepare for His return by making our hearts ready and by proclaiming the good

Are You Prepared? Children’s Sermon Lesson from Luke 3:1-6

This message reminds students of the importance of giving Jesus the priority in our hearts. It can be easy, especially during the holidays, to get busy with preparations of various kinds. The most important thing we can prepare for is Jesus! How do we do that, and why should we? Preparing our hearts means that we pray, give thanks, and read God’s Word to understand who He is and give thanks for His presence now and always.   

Waiting on Jesus! Children’s Sermon from Luke 21:25-36

During the season of Advent, we celebrate the coming of Christ. We think back to His birth in Bethlehem, but we also look forward to His Second Coming one day. This message encourages children to consider things that they might have to wait for. Great things are worth the wait, and sometimes we can increase patience by doing other things to pass time. In the same way, Jesus is well worth the wait, and while we look

Children’s Sermon (Luke 24:36-49) Jesus Proves His Identity

This message communicates to children the importance of trusting that Jesus truly is God, and that He has authority to forgive our sins and encourage us in our faith. Jesus proved His identity by coming back to life from the dead! Because we believe in His death and resurrection, we should want to share that good news with others. Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus most certainly died and came back to life! Because of this, we have assurance that

Bible Craft Ideas from Simeon and Anna at the Temple in Luke 2:22-40

These crafts coincide with the story of Simeon and Anna in the temple at the dedication of Jesus. They waited long, and God did not disappoint. Christ was worth the wait! We recognize from this story that God is faithful to fulfill His promises, and that we can wait on Him, too. These two crafts touch on the element of waiting as well as trust in God. A decorative “clock” reminds us to wait patiently, and a

Children’s Sermon (Luke 2:22-40) Simeon and Anna at the Temple

This message uses the “post-Christmas blues” let-down as an example of how we sometimes wait for things and wind up disheartened. However, we know that waiting for God is always worth it, because He keeps His promises. The Gospel lesson that ties in is the story of Anna and Simeon in the temple. They waited for Jesus, and saw that the Lord fulfilled His word. “Wait for it … God Does Not Disappoint!”  Children’s Sermon on Simeon

“Behold and Believe” Bible Crafts from Luke 1:26-38 on Mary’s Visit from an Angel

There are many marvelous variations possible when considering crafts that relate to angels. We might not know exactly what angels look like, but the traditional notion of white winged creatures lend themselves to fun creative creations. We most notably associate the celestial messengers with Christmas, due to the proclamation of Christ’s birth. In this Gospel lesson, an angel visits Mary to announce to her that she will be the chosen mother of Jesus. These crafts celebrate that

“Believe and Obey” Children’s Sermon on Luke 1:26-38

Mary is a celebrated Biblical leading lady, and with incredibly valid reason! We aren’t sure exactly what virtues caused her to be chosen as mother of the Messiah, but she found favor in God’s eyes, and was called to bear the Lord Jesus. This Gospel passage focuses on the angel’s annunciation to Mary that she would carry God’s son. The important highlight to communicate is that God can do anything, if we are willing to let Him

Children’s Sermon on the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35) Blessings in Disguise Object Lesson

This Bible Object Lesson will teach kids about trusting Jesus, even when we don’t understand how God is working through current events. It’s based on Luke 24:13-35 and tells the Emmaus Road appearance of Jesus. Download the teachers notes, watch our Children’s Message example, and gather your supplies. Then you’re ready to share this message in your church next Sunday! Children’s Message: Blessings in Disguise Jesus on the Road to Emmaus and God’s Work in our Lives  

Sunday School Lesson (Luke 2:22-40) Simeon and Anna Rejoice

This free Sunday School lesson is based on the stories about Simeon and Anna from Luke 2:22-40. It shows the great joy that Jesus would bring to those who love God. Download the printable lesson plan below.  It’s part of our new series “Heroes of the Christmas Story” (Celebrated and Lesser-Known) that shares the Biblical story of Christmas.  Simeon and Anna Rejoice at the Dedication of Jesus Christmas Sunday School Lesson from Luke 2:22-40 There are a

Children's Sermon (Luke 23:33-43) Object Lesson on Jesus the Greatest Gift

Use this children’s sermon object lesson for Luke 23:33-43. It marks the end of the church calendar and the final Gospel reading before the start of the advent season. Download the printable message script below and then watch the teaching example video as you prepare your message. We’ve included some bonus coloring pages in the PDF below. Jesus the Greatest Gift Object Lesson A Children’s Sermon from Luke 23:33-43 “The Greatest Gift of All” Children’s Sermon Object

Children's Sermon (Luke 21:5-19) Object Lesson on Trusting Jesus'

This children’s sermon on Luke 21:5-19 uses a series of object lesson to talk about what it means to trust in Jesus’ prophecies (even when we don’t always understand). Download the printable message script below and then watch the teaching example video as you prepare your message. Trusting Jesus Object Lesson A Children’s Sermon Message from Luke 21:5-19 What Lies Ahead? The Unpredictable Future and the Hope of Christ Main Objective: What’s next? Children are often eager

Zacchaeus Children's Sermon (Luke 19:1-10) Changed Hearts Object Lesson

Download the printable PDF teaching scripture for this object lesson for the story of Zacchaues from Luke 19:1-10. Then watch our video teaching example to get ready to share the children’s message in your church next Sunday. “Changed Hearts” Object Lesson (Luke 19:1-10) Children’s Sermon on Zacchaeus The story of Zacchaeus is a classic one when we consider the catchy song and the short man climbing a tree. But there’s a lot more to the message than

Object Lesson (Luke 18:9-14) Children's Sermon on the Pharisee and Tax Collector

This object lesson message shows kids the meaning of repentance and humility based on the Parable of the Pharisee & Tax Collector in Luke 18:9-14. Download the message outline and then watch our teaching example video. “It’s Not Yours to Brag About?” Children’s Sermon from Luke 18:9-14 Object Lesson Message on the Meaning of Humility               Main Objective: Students will gain awareness that identity and value are found in Christ alone. Although it is easy to get caught