Awesome Kids Worship Songs on CD

Worship Songs for Kids Promote Christian Growth I am always looking for ways to help kids grow spiritually apart from formal instruction times.  In my experience, solid kids worship music is one easy way to make that happen. That is why I’m excited about all the great resources available for children today. When kids really enjoy a worship CD, that music becomes the default soundtrack for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How To Start a Children's Ministry

9 Steps to Launching a Kids Program at Your Church How do I organize my children’s ministry? Starting a children’s ministry from scratch can be a big challenge. You have to navigate parental expectations, curriculum options, and hundreds of little questions about how things should work. For this discussion, I’m assuming you are at a smaller church with no paid … More Children’s Ministry Resources

19 Memory Verse Games – Make Scripture Stick

It’s not a chore! Learning scripture can be fun if you know the right games. Test these creative ideas and help kids make amazing progress! Each idea below is easy to learn and gets kids “hands on” with the Bible verses. Taking apart and putting the verse back together is a great way to use repetition without creating boredom! 1) … More Children’s Ministry Resources

This Week in Children's Ministry for 4/21/2010

I’m always amazed by the volume and quality of posts that filter through our BIG list of children’s ministry blogs each week. Here are a few that caught my eye this week. I’ve limited the list to 10 once again. Enjoy! I found a blog called “The Crafty Crow” which has some really great craft ideas for kids. Watch kittens … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Hand Painting Craft for Kids Ministry

Fun Craft Idea for Children Here is a craft idea that we just tried for our Wednesday night children’s ministry program. To complete our new children’s church decorations, we used the children’s painted hand prints as leaves to complete the tree mural. The project was not too complicated, but it took real coordination on the part of our adult volunteers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Difference Between Kids Arts and Crafts

I’ve always wondered about the difference between arts and crafts. Often these two words are joined in one phrase but are actually different concepts. Cullen has posted a simple explanation of these two words on her YouTube channel. Basically, kids crafts are more directed by the adults and aim at a specific project outcome. The goal is for the finished … More Children’s Ministry Resources

2010 Kids Ministry Blog Madness (Final Round)

The voters have spoken and our field of 64 children’s ministry blogs is down to four. This round will determine who will get the $200 in books from and bragging rights until next year! The buzzer has sounded and Childrens Ministry 1234 is the Kidmin Blog Madness Champion. Thanks to everyone who voted. Final Four (votes from rounds 1 & … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Do Family Worship?

What is family worship? How can I lead devotions to God in my home? This page will answer those questions and help you make family worship a habit in your congregation. Church leaders and Christian parents are beginning to put more emphasis on the role of the family in the spiritual development of children. This is a good development. Everyone can agree … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Family Worship Guide for Easter

Here is a simple devotional guide to help families worship Christ together during Easter time. It might be ideal for Saturday evening before Resurrection Sunday. Family Worship is the regular and intentional assembling as a family unit to worship God by reading scripture, praying and singing praise. This brief worksheet will help you lead your family in a short time of devotion … More Children’s Ministry Resources

No More Crying: Easter Bible Lesson

This simple lesson plan is a great way to share the Gospel message at Easter (or anytime) in Children’s Church or Sunday School. It shows points kids to the future hope that Jesus made real when he rose from the dead. This lesson was written by Doug Wolter. This Bible lesson is based on J.C. Ryle’s sermon for children called, No More Crying.  This … More Children’s Ministry Resources

2010 Kidmin Blog Madness (Round 2)

Vote for Your Favorite Kidmin Blogger It’s time for round #2 of our bracket style tournament to determine the top children’s ministry blog. Our little contest is inspired by the NCAA March Madness, but aims to promote some of the great bloggers who write about children’s ministry. >> This round is now closed, go vote now in the final round. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"How To Make an Easter Basket" Craft Idea

Here is another craft idea from Cullen’s Abc’s. Watch the video below for her full instructions for making an Easter basket with your children. You will need white paper sacks (lunch bag size), decorative scissors, colored construction paper, and stickers or markers for decorating. For a more advanced option you can use paint and cookie cutters for stencils. I would … More Children’s Ministry Resources

2010 Kids Ministry Blog Madness

Round #1 is now closed and the top 16 blogs have advanced. Here is the link to vote in round two. Vote for Your Favorite Kidmin Blogger There are some great bloggers writing about children’s ministry. That’s why I put together the Big List of Children’s Ministry Blogs. It’s also why I complied the Top 10 Children’s Ministry Blogs last September. This … More Children’s Ministry Resources

101 Easter Resources & Ideas

Easter Cross

Try something new for 2019 Resurrection Sunday. This page links to our best materials for teaching kids the Easter Story. Lessons, Crafts, Printables, Songs, and Games — all 100% free like God’s grace. 10 Best Crafts & Activities for Easter 15 Easter Coloring Pages Worksheets about Easter & Good Friday Sunday School Lessons for Easter? M&M Poem for Easter Story … More Children’s Ministry Resources

St. Patrick’s Day Ideas for Kids Ministry

This holiday is more than candy and the color green! Let’s ensure kids hear that Jesus saved Patrick and sent him back to share God’s love with his enemies! Enjoy our most popular St. Patrick’s Day activities for children’s ministry. 3-in-1 Shamrock Coloring Page Children’s Sermon for St. Patrick’s Day Lesson on God’s Plan (Jer. 31) Veggie Tales Story of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Veggie Tales History of St. Patrick's Day

This year let’s make sure kids learn how God saved and then send Patrick back to love his enemies. This is a great holiday to talk about sharing the Gospel. I’ve included kids discussion questions below. Discuss the Story of Patrick This clip originally appeared on their DVD titled “The Sumo of the Opera.” The clip is also available on … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Helps for the Parable of the Sower

We just posted a new lesson plan based on Jesus’ parable of the Soils. Here are some additional learning activities that will help you teach this Bible story. This well known Bible story explains why different people have different responses when they hear the teachings of Jesus.  Please leave a comment to share your ideas with other readers. Parable of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Looking for Craft Ideas Besides Coloring Pages

Are you falling into a rut with the craft selection for your children’s Sunday School class? You are not alone, most of us default to Bible coloring pages when we can’t find anything better to do. Recently a Facebook reader asked me this question: How about a craft that doesn’t involve coloring? My son always hated coloring because he has … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Does God Call People as Children's Ministers

Do you ever have questions when someone talks about “the call” to children’s ministry? Maybe God is dealing with you about your ministry position. If so, then keep reading. This month’s Children’s Ministry Think Tank is all about God’s to minister to children. Here is the question as I posed it to our think tank members. “How do you understand … More Children’s Ministry Resources

DVD Review: "What's in the Bible" from Phil Vischer

Phil Vischer is back with new DVD series for Christian kids, but is this something your family should buy? Can these videos really teach kids about the Bible? Keep reading my review to find out more. Our regular readers will know that I’ve had mixed opinions about Veggie Tales. On one level I loved them for their kid-safe entertainment value. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Olympic Medal Craft for Children

With the Olympics coming up, now is a good time to plan a special activities for your children’s ministry or Sunday School class. Here is a great idea that I found on Cullen’s Abc’s. Watch the video below for a full demonstration. The Olympic medal craft uses construction paper, string, and a few other supplies to create this prize. There … More Children’s Ministry Resources