If you need a scripture based game to boost your Bible lesson, be sure to search the free Bible Games Central website. They have hundreds of fun group activities organized by scripture and topic. Here are a few of our favorites.
Free Printable Activities from Bible Games Central

Books of the Bible Games
These Books of the Bible Games are designed to help players become more familiar with the various books and sections of the Bible. These games are easy to prepare and many of them come with beautiful printables.

Thanksgiving Games
Thanksgiving is all about family, friends, and the many other good things we have been blessed with. If you are planning a Thanksgiving celebration at home or in church, the games below will certainly liven your gathering. These Thanksgiving games and activities will not only keep your guests entertained, they can also help everyone get to know each other a little better. Free printables are included to make your preparations that much easier.

Christmas Games
Here is our collection of delightfully fun Christmas games for kids and adults. In the mix are lively Christmas party games as well as more relaxed (read quieter) Christmas game ideas.
Whether you are planning a holiday party, Christmas family gathering, Sunday School lesson or church event, these Christmas games will add a healthy dose of festive cheer to the occasion. And preparations will be a breeze with the beautiful free printables provided. Have a Christmas filled with fun, joy and laughter with these games!

Printable Bible Trivia
- Bible: 2 Timothy 3:16-17
- Ages: 6 and above
- Group Size: 2 or more
- Supplies: Bible Trivia Question Cards, Bible Trivia Board, 1 unique token per player (you can use Legos, beads, coins, M&Ms, jellybeans or any small toy), 1 six-sided dice, Paper and pen to keep score