Bible Craft Ideas: Fishers of Men (Matthew 4:12-23)

Jesus is the lamb Jesus calls us to follow Him. We can be His disciples, listening to His instructions and calling others to do the same. We leave other work and hobbies to place Him first and foremost in our lives. The blessings He offers in return far outweigh any sacrifice on our part! These crafts celebrate the calling to be “Fishers of Men.” A “Whirlwind Pinwheel” considers how we can serve Jesus in our lives. A

Be Still! Craft Ideas for Psalm 46 for Sunday School

Psalm 46 is a beautiful promise from God that He is our refuge and strength, and wants to help us and be present in all things. God also wants us to be still and rest in Him, recognizing that He is powerful in our lives and desires to help us. These crafts remind students that we can have peace in knowing that He is God. Despite challenges or the busy demands of life, we can take time

No More Sorrows! Craft Ideas for Heavenly Hope Isaiah 65

One day, things will be different…this is the theme of many hopeful and joyful promises that God gives us about the Resurrection and our future in Heaven. It is profoundly peaceful to consider that our Lord will make all things new, and will reverse and replace former things. There will be no more pain and sorrow, and enemies will be friends. These images are the inspiration behind two craft-able puppets. A “Reversible Mask Puppet” focuses on the

True Contentment Bible Crafts from 1 Timothy 6

 “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” These are wise words from Paul, but what do they mean? What is contentment, anyway? The Bible reminds us that the love of money is the root of evil, but we are to pursue higher things and be content with the blessings He provides.  These crafts focus on the joy of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord and following Him. A “Contentment Command Wreath” focuses on the positive elements that outweigh worldly

Craft Activities Luke 14:7-14 Parable of the Banquet Seats

Enjoy these free Sunday School crafts on the Parable of the Banquet Seats. You can find a related children’s sermon lesson or download the complete Sunday School Lesson on Luke 14:7-11. Pride comes before destruction…we know this proverb well, but still sometimes think more highly of ourselves than we ought, seeking the best for our own lives rather than putting the needs of others first. Jesus advises us not to look for the “best spots at the

Sunday School Crafts (Luke 13:10-17) Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

Enjoy these free craft Ideas for the Healing of the Crippled Woman. You can also download our complete 20-page Sunday School lesson on Luke 13:10-17 from the Sunday School Store. Jesus spent His ministry changing the established rules and sometimes defying authority…this is good news for us, because He changed the rules that held us in bondage to sin, and He transforms our lives with His love and grace! These crafts accompany the story of His healing

Craft Activities: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

The story of the Good Samaritan reminds us of the importance of loving ALL of God’s people, not just those close to us or the ones we get along with well. It isn’t always easy, but when we care for others, we demonstrate the love of Christ. The Good Samaritan also reminds us how much God loves us, even in our broken sinful state. These crafts recall the story and offer something for students to give to