Enjoy these free Sunday School crafts on the Parable of the Banquet Seats. You can find a related children’s sermon lesson or download the complete Sunday School Lesson on Luke 14:7-11.
Pride comes before destruction…we know this proverb well, but still sometimes think more highly of ourselves than we ought, seeking the best for our own lives rather than putting the needs of others first. Jesus advises us not to look for the “best spots at the table,” but to humble ourselves. These crafts remind children of the importance of bending low to be lifted high. A special invitation recalls the banquet element of the story (and considers the feelings of others). A “blue ribbon for faith” recounts the importance of humility over competition.

Craft one: “Invitation to Others”
You will need:
- Crayons or markers
- Scissors
- Glue or tape
- Paper (Construction/cardstock)
- Stickers, glitter, or other decorative items
- Fold paper (construction or cardstock) into card shape.
- On the inside of the card, provide details of church or Sunday School to invite a friend to.
- Decorate the inside and outside of the card with extra pictures, color, and stickers, as desired.
- Give the invitation to a friend or acquaintance that might not have a church home, or just needs a friend!
Craft Two: “Blue Ribbon For Faith”
You will need:
- Construction Paper or cardstock
- Glue or tape
- String or pipe cleaner
- Paper plates
- Scissors
- Decorative elements as desired
- Markers or crayons
1. Write captions and verses on the paper plate to look like a medal or center of a blue ribbon. Emphasize the role of faith and humility in our “award-winning” lives.
2. Add extra decorations as desired.
3. Cut paper or cardstock in the shape of a ribbon, and attach to bottom of plate.
4. Attach string or pipe cleaner, if desired, to hang the “ribbon” on display.
Verses or Captions to Consider… (Luke 14:1, 7-14)
For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.” -Luke 14:11
Don’t think too much of yourself!
Bend down…to life HIM high!
You’re invited…to God’s house! (church details to follow)
Blue Ribbon of FAITH!