Jesus is the Star! Craft Ideas for Christmas and the Nativity

Christmas is a joyful, blessed, marvelous time and day to celebrate. It can be easy, though, to get wrapped up in holiday hubbub and forget where our focus should be. As we anticipate and rejoice in the birth of Jesus, we should also think about the blessing of why He came and what it means for us. These fun crafts are great for anytime around Christmas, offering unique takes on the story of the Nativity. A “Star

Craft Ideas for the Story of Zacchaeus Luke 19:1-10

Zacchaeus is a fun story to share with young children (and a great song, too!). As we look at the Bible lesson, we emphasize the change of heart that the tax collector went through after meeting the savior, and we recall how Jesus has power to impact our lives. These crafts help students recount and act out the story, and collect coins to help others, too. A “Find Zacchaeus in the Tree plate” places a moveable popsicle

Pray Authentically!  Bible Craft Ideas for the Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector Luke 18:9-14

 God loves our prayers and wants to hear from us, but sometimes it can be challenging to know how to pray. We might worry about the way that we offer our prayers to God, or if we are in group settings, we might be concerned over how others perceive us. These crafts aim to focus on the benefits and blessings of prayer, and remind students to pray for others.  A pop-up poster presents a reminder of the

Just a Mustard Seed!  Craft Ideas for Faith and Trust

 “With the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains!” Taken out of context, this always seems like rather an odd statement. For one thing, how can mountains be moved? And for another thing, what does faith have to do with plant seeds? Jesus wants us to know that our faith is not about us, but about HIM. Amazing things are possible with just a little bit when we trust in God’s power. These crafts celebrate

Craft Activities Luke 14:7-14 Parable of the Banquet Seats

Enjoy these free Sunday School crafts on the Parable of the Banquet Seats. You can find a related children’s sermon lesson or download the complete Sunday School Lesson on Luke 14:7-11. Pride comes before destruction…we know this proverb well, but still sometimes think more highly of ourselves than we ought, seeking the best for our own lives rather than putting the needs of others first. Jesus advises us not to look for the “best spots at the

Sunday School Crafts (Luke 13:10-17) Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

Enjoy these free craft Ideas for the Healing of the Crippled Woman. You can also download our complete 20-page Sunday School lesson on Luke 13:10-17 from the Sunday School Store. Jesus spent His ministry changing the established rules and sometimes defying authority…this is good news for us, because He changed the rules that held us in bondage to sin, and He transforms our lives with His love and grace! These crafts accompany the story of His healing

Craft Activities: Mary & Martha from Luke 10:38-42

How do we slow down and put Christ first in all things? What does it mean to take time out for God? Children might not have the same concepts as adults when it comes to schedule struggles, but it’s never too early to communicate the importance of making specific time for the Lord. These crafts relate that as they accompany the story of Martha and Mary. Martha was not doing anything wrong, but was busy and distracted

Craft Activities: The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)

The story of the Good Samaritan reminds us of the importance of loving ALL of God’s people, not just those close to us or the ones we get along with well. It isn’t always easy, but when we care for others, we demonstrate the love of Christ. The Good Samaritan also reminds us how much God loves us, even in our broken sinful state. These crafts recall the story and offer something for students to give to

Craft Activities on the Last Supper: Do This in Remembrance of Me

Use these craft activities to teach kids why we practice communion and what did Jesus do on His last night with friends during the Last Supper. Christ commands us to remember Him and the sacrifice He made on our behalf. We recall how our Lord gave His body and blood for us. These crafts recollect the Lord’s Supper and principles of remembrance. A “last supper plate” uses elements of the story in a decorative display. Describe the

Do Unto Others: Sunday School Craft Ideas on the Golden Rule from Luke 6:27-38

Do Unto Others… Craft Ideas for The Golden Rule.  The laws of Christlike love often defy what we might expect. Jesus calls us to love not only those who return kindness, but also people who might not be too friendly with us. However, we know that we are to treat others as we would hope they treat us. It’s important to remind children of this “golden rule”, as it has come to be known. We can communicate

Proclaim Christ: Bible Craft Ideas from Luke 4:14-21

Craft Ideas for the Rejection of Jesus in Nazareth: Jesus came as our savior, fulfilling all prophesies about who the Messiah would be. He proclaimed Himself as that fulfillment, though not everyone who heard understood. We can recognize who He is, and share that good news with others. These crafts encourage children to know and share the Gospel. A “proclaiming puppet” allows for creativity while remembering to proclaim Jesus. A “prophetic scroll” recounts the story and the

Start with a Clean Slate! Bible Crafts on Luke 3:15-17; 21-22

God Knows Me and Makes me New…Rejoice! Craft Ideas for Celebrating Grace and Baptism Whether your church baptizes children at birth or later, all ages can celebrate the joy of knowing that God knows us and calls us by name as His own. Kids can give thanks and be glad that we are made knew by the blood of Jesus, and God forgives us and loves us. These crafts honor the joy of recognizing His hand in

Start with a Clean Slate! Children’s Sermon on Luke 3:15-17; 21-22

There are times in our lives (maybe a lot of times) that we will make mistakes. We often find ourselves needing to start fresh, and we can do that every day with God’s help. We can’t clean up our sins and mistakes, but the blood of Jesus washes our sins and makes us new. This message uses cleaning products as an example of how we can wipe away old messes and begin anew in Christ.  Baptism reminds

Don’t Miss Jesus! Sunday School Lesson from Luke 2:41-52

Sunday School Lesson on Boy Jesus in the Temple – Very little is known of the childhood of Jesus. This story, our glimpse into the life of twelve-year-old Jesus, is significant for what it verifies about Christ. The passage is also a helpful reminder that we should grow in multiple ways, and that we should always respect and obey parents as well as God. It’s a great opportunity to focus on keeping God central in all things,

Bible Craft Ideas (Luke 2:41-52) Boy Jesus in the Temple

The only story we seem to get in the Bible describing the childhood life of Jesus is an interesting one. It would seem that Mary and Joseph “lost” their son, but Jesus was right where He knew He should be. In this passage, we note how Jesus knew that He was God’s Son, although He was growing as a human, as well. This might be tough to understand—it was for Joseph and Mary, too! Children can take

Don’t Miss Jesus! Luke 2:41-52 Children’s Sermon

Who was and is Jesus? That might seem like a simple and straight forward Gospel question, but it’s an important one to address frequently with kids. This message focuses on the story of Jesus in the temple as a 12-year-old boy. The story reminds us that Jesus was aware of His identity as the Son of God, but also obeyed His parents and was responsible to them as a human. Mary and Joseph thought Jesus was lost,

Bible Craft Ideas from Luke 1:39-55 – Elizabeth and Mary Praise God

Praise God! Craft Ideas for Elizabeth, Mary, and the Magnificat    How do we express praise? There are a lot of ways to show enthusiasm: we can jump for joy, sing and dance, giggle with glee, and more! The story of Mary’s visitation to Elizabeth reminds us that there are many methods of glorifying God, and that He delights in our praise. Even John the Baptist praised, before being born! These crafts celebrate Elizabeth, Mary, and more. A

Elizabeth and Mary Praise God: Children’s Sermon from Luke 1:39-55

How do we praise the Lord? Sometimes, we forget the meaning or importance of glorifying God. We think of songs or prayers, but true praise can occur in a variety of ways, and should come from a place of genuine enthusiasm and gratitude. As Christians, our natural reaction to salvation should be to rejoice with praise and thanksgiving. In this passage, we see John the Baptist praise God in the womb, and we see Mary praise God

Elizabeth and Mary Praise God (Luke 1:39-55) Sunday School Lesson

“Praise God!” There are many ways that we can glorify God in all that we do and with all of who we are. Children should be encouraged that worship is more than just songs in church. Our Heavenly Father blesses us with various gifts, and we can use all of them to love and serve Him. Whatever we do, we recognize and thank God for good things in our lives, honoring His love and faithfulness. Lesson focus:

Authentic Christianity: Sunday School Lesson from Luke 3:7-18

“They shall now we are Christians by our love”… It’s one thing to attend church and call ourselves Christians. Truly following Christ, though, means living as He did and demonstrating to others what it means to honor and serve God. John the Baptist (and Jesus!) emphasized that genuine Christians live out their faith in action as well as word. We are saved by grace alone, but out of gratitude to God, we should also be showing evidence

What’s on the Inside? Bible Craft Ideas from Luke 3:7-18

How can we demonstrate our faith? As Christians, it’s important to live out who we say we are through love and service to others. When we genuinely share and care for those around us, it shows the fruit of the Holy Spirit at work within us. Saying we love the Lord doesn’t mean much if we don’t shine His light. These crafts remind students of the importance of authentic Christianity. A “let your light shine lantern” serves

What’s on the Inside? Children’s Sermon from Luke 3:7-18

As Christians, it’s essential to live in a way that shows others who we are. We want to not only call ourselves Christians, but act like it by demonstrating love and sharing with others. John the Baptist admonished people to share their faith authentically, and the same message speaks to us. While we are saved by faith alone, we should act in a manner that reflects the Holy Spirit within us. This message uses a disappointedly empty

Prepared for Jesus Coming? Bible Craft Ideas from Luke 3:1-6

As the Advent season progresses, we look to the example of John the Baptist, who prepared the hearts and minds of people and proclaimed the coming of the Messiah. John called people to repent and turn from their sins. He pointed to and announced Christ. In the same way, we should tell others about Jesus, how He came and will come again. We prepare for His return by making our hearts ready and by proclaiming the good

Are You Prepared? Children’s Sermon Lesson from Luke 3:1-6

This message reminds students of the importance of giving Jesus the priority in our hearts. It can be easy, especially during the holidays, to get busy with preparations of various kinds. The most important thing we can prepare for is Jesus! How do we do that, and why should we? Preparing our hearts means that we pray, give thanks, and read God’s Word to understand who He is and give thanks for His presence now and always.