Parable of the Good Samaritan for Kids (Luke10:25-37) ๐ค Bible Lessons for Kids
Jesus tells the parable of Good Samaritan in the Gospel of Luke.ย [Lk 10;25-37] The story is about a traveler, who is assumed to be Jewish, who is stripped of his clothing and beaten before being left half-dead along the road.ย A Jewish priest and a Levite first come by, but they both ignore the man.ย Finally, the Samaritan comes upon the traveler.ย Despite Jews and Samaritans being hostile to each other, the Samaritan aids the wounded man.
Meaning of Jesus’ Parable of the Good Samaritan
Jesus tells the parable to answer a lawyer’s provocative question, “And who are my neighbors?”ย In the context of The Great Commandment, “”ย It is clear that the neighbor figure in this parable is the one who shows mercy on the hurt man, namely the Samaritan.
Kids love learning the Parables of Jesus. Use the following Bible lessons and activities to share the moral and spiritual meaning of this parable with the children in your Sunday School, Kids Church, and Children’s Ministry. Read more about the Good Samaritan in the Bible and compare more Good Samaritan Sunday School Lesson for Children.