What is the Holy Spirit? Children’s Sermon (Acts 2:1-21; John 16:4-16)

The Holy Spirit can be a challenging element of the Trinity to explain or discuss with children (or anyone, for that matter!). At Pentecost, we celebrate the coming of the Spirit and the “birthday” of the church. This message seeks to communicate to students who the Spirit is and what He does for us. We may not see the Holy Spirit physically, but through his power all things take place! Law/Gospel Theme: Jesus promised to send a

Children’s Bible Lesson (Acts 16:6-10) Who to Tell about Jesus

Use this children’s Sunday School lesson to teach kids about when and how to tell others about Christ. Needed: Bibles, blindfold Intro Game: Disciple Tag  Choose one student to be It. When they tag someone, that person links hands with them and joins their team. They continue adding people to their team, linking hands with each one until all but one student is part of their chain. That remaining student becomes It for the next round. Play

Paul's in Macedonian, Lydia Accepts Jesus (Acts 16:9-15) Lesson for Kids

As we meet characters like Lydia and her household, we will discuss how we have responsibility to not just tell people about Jesus, but to encourage and build up our friends and those around us. We’ll also make sure to emphasize not being intimidated by status or age, but working with all equally. Lesson focus: God wants us to share the good news of Jesus with everyone, because He made us all the same and loves us. Sharing

Acts 15-16 Lesson: New Missionary Teams

This lesson combines the Jerusalem council, Barnabas and Paul’s disagreement and Paul’s call to Macedonia.  The focus on the lesson is how the Holy Spirit resolves conflict and directs believers in the way they should go. This Bible study was prepared for older elementary students and is only a guide to help you teach your students. Please adapt to the needs of your students.  This is only a suggested guide to give an idea how to teach

God Sends Paul to Help in Macedonia: Sunday School Lesson

This children’s Sunday School lesson is the next in the series from the Book of Acts. Paul decides to visit the believers from their first missionary journey. Paul and Barnabas part company over a disagreement whether to take John Mark with them. Paul chooses Silas and begins his second missionary journey. This lesson teaches students that the Holy Spirit guides believers as they follow Jesus. Walking with Jesus daily and staying in His Word enables believers to