Craft Ideas for Jesus and John the Baptist (Matthew 11:2-11) Proof of God’s Promises

How do we know that something is true? Verifying predictions and promises takes observing the results of events. When we look at the life of Jesus, we see God’s covenant fulfilled and the hope of blessings past and present. When Christ was on Earth, He offered proof of who He was in the things that He did and the prophecies He lived out. These crafts remind us of how Jesus satisfied the promises of prophets. A “Matching

Pray Authentically!  Bible Craft Ideas for the Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector Luke 18:9-14

 God loves our prayers and wants to hear from us, but sometimes it can be challenging to know how to pray. We might worry about the way that we offer our prayers to God, or if we are in group settings, we might be concerned over how others perceive us. These crafts aim to focus on the benefits and blessings of prayer, and remind students to pray for others.  A pop-up poster presents a reminder of the

True Contentment Bible Crafts from 1 Timothy 6

 “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” These are wise words from Paul, but what do they mean? What is contentment, anyway? The Bible reminds us that the love of money is the root of evil, but we are to pursue higher things and be content with the blessings He provides.  These crafts focus on the joy of knowing Christ Jesus our Lord and following Him. A “Contentment Command Wreath” focuses on the positive elements that outweigh worldly

Psalm 51 Sunday School Craft Activities

Use these activities when teaching children about repentance and how Jesus can clean from the Inside Out! These craft ideas are for Psalm 51 but will work on any Bible lesson about repentance. Watch the craft demonstration below, gather your supplies, and share these hands-on learning activities with your Sunday School class or kids church. You can also download a complete 18-page Sunday School lesson from Psalm 51 at the Sunday School Store. Psalm 51 reminds us that God

Sunday School Crafts (Luke 13:10-17) Jesus Heals on the Sabbath

Enjoy these free craft Ideas for the Healing of the Crippled Woman. You can also download our complete 20-page Sunday School lesson on Luke 13:10-17 from the Sunday School Store. Jesus spent His ministry changing the established rules and sometimes defying authority…this is good news for us, because He changed the rules that held us in bondage to sin, and He transforms our lives with His love and grace! These crafts accompany the story of His healing

Craft Activities: Mary & Martha from Luke 10:38-42

How do we slow down and put Christ first in all things? What does it mean to take time out for God? Children might not have the same concepts as adults when it comes to schedule struggles, but it’s never too early to communicate the importance of making specific time for the Lord. These crafts relate that as they accompany the story of Martha and Mary. Martha was not doing anything wrong, but was busy and distracted