"Big Fish Bay" VBS from Regular Baptist Press

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This fun program for VBS 2020 is from Regular Baptist Press. Big Fish Bay (official website) has a ocean / fishing boat theme and focuses on the Biblical story of Jonah. RBP is a longtime supporter of our website and we love to highlight their excellent resources for children’s ministry. Our website doesn’t sell curriculum, but we review all the major VBS 2020 themes as a service to our readers. If you like it, take our poll and vote for Big Fish Bay theme as your favorite.

First Impressions of Big Fish Bay

Sea themes and ships for Vacation Bible School are popular and come around every few years. That means decorations will be easy and familiar, especially if you add the lighthouse, ship, sea animals, and nautical elements prominent in their logo. What sets RBP apart is their focus on evangelism and outreach as the primary goal of VBS 2020..

YouTube video
Our look inside the 2020 VBS theme from Regular Baptist Press titled “BIG FISH BAY”

Big Fish Bay VBS 2020 RBP

Big Fish Bay

VBS 2020 from Regular Baptist Press

Learn more about the VBS from the official RBP Big Fish Bay Website. You can get updates from their Big Fish Bay Facebook Page.

Big Fish Bay Theme Song Music

As you can see from the video above, this theme has great music and will get kids moving in the worship rally time. RBP has a great team of curriculum writers that are passionate about telling kids the Good News. This comes out when you see how their daily lessons drive home the Gospel message.

The Big Fish Bay curriculum will give every child a chance to hear the Gospel and respond by putting their trust in Jesus. You can trust RBP for solid Bible teaching and quality curriculum. Their teaching is available in KJV and NKJV translations.

Update from Jonathan Norris at Regular Baptist Press


I’m sending you the kit, but also a couple items that come outside of the kit because they’re new this year.  The brand new Worship DVD is in the kit.  So is one of the lesson visual poster set, but I’ve included a complete set to be sent to you as there’s a map of Jonah’s Journey on there that we think will be very helpful for teachers during the lesson.  Also included in the order is the visual packet (we love the artist’s work on these – vibrant and child-friendly art) as well as the puppet script & CD book.  While we offer puppets, it’s not a critical element to the VBS.

Bible Teaching Overview of Big Fish Bay VBS

Big Fish Bay is a nautical theme where kids explore an exciting bay, fish off the pier, and venture out to sea, complete with a lighthouse, tall ships, and coastal animals. During lesson time, kids will embark on a journey into the life of Jonah. They’ll encounter God’s mercy and see how His compassionate heart was most fully expressed in Jesus’ death and resurrection. Seeing God’s mercy, sharing God’s mercy—kids will be “Hooked on God’s Mercy.

Day 1: On the Lifeboat: Nineveh Receives God’s Mercy

  • BIBLE STORY: Jonah 3:1–10 (Big Fish Bay)
  • TOPIC: Sharing God’s compassion
  • MEMORY VERSE: “Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee” (Psalm 86:5).
  • THEME: God’s compassion and mercy are worth sharing.
  • OBJECTIVE: Students will realize that nobody is beyond God’s mercy and will seek to share God’s mercy with others.

Day 2: In the Sea: Jonah Thanks God

  • BIBLE STORY: Jonah 1:17—2:10 (Big Fish Bay)
  • TOPIC Looking to God for rescue
  • MEMORY VERSE“ The LORD is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. All thy works shall praise thee” (Psalm 145:9, 10).
  • THEME: God’s rescuing work is the answer to our greatest needs.
  • OBJECTIVE: Students will respond to God’s offers of rescue and will thank Him for His rescuing work.

Day 3: On the Lifeboat: Nineveh Receives God’s Mercy

  • BIBLE STORY: Jonah 3:1–10 (Big Fish Bay)
  • TOPIC: Sharing God’s compassion
  • MEMORY VERSE: “Thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee” (Psalm 86:5).
  • THEME: God’s compassion and mercy are worth sharing.
  • OBJECTIVE: Students will realize that nobody is beyond God’s mercy and will seek to share God’s mercy with others.

Day 4: Against the Wind: Jonah Is Angry at God

  • BIBLE STORY: Jonah 4:1–11 (Big Fish Bay)
  • TOPIC: Choosing what God wants
  • MEMORY VERSE“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).
  • THEME: God’s desires should be our desires.
  • OBJECTIVE: Students will compare God’s desires with what they want and will identify ways to have God’s perspective.

Day 5: From the Lighthouse: Jesus Shows God’s Mercy

  • BIBLE TEXT:Luke 23:33–46; 24:1–12 (Big Fish Bay)
  • TOPIC: Trusting in Jesus’ work
  • MEMORY VERSE: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us” (Titus 3:5).
  • THEME: God offers us His mercy through Jesus’ death and resurrection.
  • OBJECTIVE: Students will look to Jesus, the One Who truly showed God’s mercy, and will seek to follow His example.

Share your Thoughts on Big Fish Bay

We always love to hear reader feedback about new VBS themes. What do you think about RBP’s Jonah based program? Will you be considering Big Fish Bay for your Vacation Bible school for the summer of 2020?

Regular Baptist Press is Focused on Evangelism

“VBS is a great way to reach children with the love and truth of Christ, and RBP does a wonderful job of providing a VBS kit with strong biblical content and a daily presentation of the Gospel. Child Evangelism Fellowship® is happy to recommend Big Fish Bay as a VBS kit that can help churches achieve the goal of reaching children with the Gospel.”—CEF®


Big Fish Bay will hook kids on God’s mercy

  • RBP produces gospel-centered programs that weave the salvation message into each lesson.
  • In each rotation of Big Fish Bay, choose a discussion starter to reinforce the salvation or discipleship message.
  • Our VBS programs are built around a solid theological framework and motivated by a desire to teach Bible truths using age-appropriate methods.
  • Big Fish Bay helps you look beyond the fun to see the need for a Savior.

As I would expect from Regular Baptist Press, the Bible content is solid and I’m very happy to once again see an intentional focus on helping children who are already Christians learn how to live what they learn in their everyday lives! A great option for a VBS with a strong evangelism focus and solid Bible content or for an outdoor event and mission trip resource!

Lynda Freeman Editor, AbouttheChildrensDepartment.com