Charity Easter Baskets

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I’m always looking for ways to get my kids involved in the community and assembling charity Easter baskets has been so successful in helping me do this. In the past, the kids of my children’s church have helped homeless families, children in military families, even kids that have lost everything in hurricanes. While we are not a huge operation, I find we can easily help a dozen or more families each year. By giving charity Easter baskets, kids see how fortunate they are and this activity reminds them of what this special time is really about — that’s hope in God. Expand your ministry and give this idea a try. Your kids may surprise you!
At the beginning of the Easter month, whether that’s March or April, I set up a table near the welcome center. On the table, I put empty Easter baskets and fill them 2/3 full with newspaper wads. I top that with inexpensive paper that I shred use the office shredder. From there, we collect items during the month and kids get to see the baskets being assembled.
Here is a list of the items we have put in baskets:

  • Washcloths
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Shampoo
  • Soap
  • Mini sewing kits
  • Small toys
  • Small bibles
  • Coloring books
  • Crayons
  • Stickers
  • Bubbles
  • Pencils
  • Markers
  • Canned foods

Start by looking at your community and asking these questions:

  1. What recent disasters has your area experienced?
  2. What groups have contact with the parties in need?
  3. What do these families need?
  4. How can you minister to kids?
  5. How many families do you want to help?

Set yourself a reasonable goal and have somewhere to take the baskets when they are complete. If it is a safe option, take the kids with you to deliver your baskets.
Unfortunately, there are scammers out there and people who may not express the level of appreciation that you want kids to see. By working with screening organizations like the Red Cross or Catholic charities, you can be assured some scammers have been weeded out. As far as thankfulness goes, explain to kids that everyone responds differently when they receive gifts and it’s the heart of the giver that matters to God.
Enjoy this charity Easter basket idea. I know it will bless you and the people of your community.

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