Crash Course: A Must Have Resource for Young Christians

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OK – That titles a little stronger than our usual book review. But keep reading and you’ll find out why I’m so impressed with this one.
“Crash Course,” by Daniel Darling, promises “that it guides you to know what you believe and why you believe it, to make good choices, to find direction, to stay true in a world of lies and to find joy in a tough world. Written in a 100 day devotional format, it promises a fast-paced journey to form a solid foundation for the rest of your life.”
Each of the 100 days has a short essay-explanation of the main idea, that is relevant and helps to get the idea across. The “main idea” is in big letters across the top, so you can’t miss it. The “bottom line” is a summary of the idea and is followed by an “own it” exercise. There is a “power prayer” and “power passage” as well. All of these elements come together to solidify the main idea quickly but with a strong foundation.
The book is easy to read and very clearly explains five concepts – doctrine, decisions, direction, devotion, and delight. Each oconcept tackles 20 main ideas in each of the above concepts. Ideas are well organized and presented consistently each and every of the 100 days. The font is larger and easy on the eyes, making the book a quick read. Very trendy graphics would appeal to teens and young adults.
“Crash Course” works as an individual growth resource but would be an effective bible study as well, covering topics such as purity, humility and my personal favorite, “sometimes your parents make sense after all.” It talks about Heaven and Hell as well as struggling against sin. Topics of divorce and suffering are tackled with truth, clarity and and humility by the author.
The “power passage” boldly displayed on the right side of every page, is the cornerstone of book. It sets the example, by finding “answers” to the big questions in God’s Word, and not from an earthly author. This is key to the validity of the book and its promise to form a solid foundation for the rest of your life. The author shows how we are to be a humble servant to God’s Word, by always turning to it for guidance for the 100 days and beyond.
Brought to us by the “the author of Teen People of the Bible,” this book is written for teens. But, as I read the first section, I kept thinking this book is not just for teens. It would serve adults as well. (Even sections that are clearly for teens were reflective in nature for adults). By the second section, I thought this book would be great for new believers. By the third section, I knew this book would be helpful to someone who is struggling with their faith. In the fourth section, I was convinced this book would be a great outreach to the non-believer. By the end, I was wishing I had a case of them to give to everyone I know! It is a great resource for anyone, of any age, at any place in their journey.

This book is available on at a sale price of $10.19. Order a case and pass them around — it will be worth every penny! Click here to read another positive review of this book.

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