Taming the Tongue: Bible Craft Ideas from James 3:1-12

The tongue can be a tremendous tool…or a deadly weapon! It might seem simple enough, but our words have powerful impact. It’s important to teach young children that our words carry weight, and we want to use them wisely. These crafts remind students to think before speaking and to use kind words that build others up and glorify God. A “tongues in cheek envelope” offers ideas for using speech well. A “two-tongued puppet” warns of the dangers

Taming the Tongue (James 3:1-12) Children’s Sermon

This message emphasizes to kids the importance of using speech wisely. Children experience the impact that words can have, but they don’t always stop to think before they speak or consider how their words will impact others. This message reminds students that the things we say can be a helpful tool or a harmful weapon. Words do have lasting effects for good or for bad. We want to encourage our young people to use their mouths to

Tame that Tongue! (James 3:1-12) Bible Lesson for Kids

In this lesson, we will consider the power of words. They can build up or break down, and the tongue is quite a significant weapon. We will discuss the importance of the “Thumper principle” (if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all!). Lesson focus: Our words are powerful, and we need to use them wisely for telling the truth and lifting others up, rather than bringing them down. Passage: James 3:1-12 Key Verse: All

"James" Bible Book Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the Book of James. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click here to download the print friendly PDF version. We’ve also uploaded the image in JPEG format. The illustration captures the theme from James Quick to hear. Slow to speak. Slow to anger. A harvest of righteousness is sown in peace. We will add a series index one we have several books online. For now

Lesson: Strong and Patient (The Book of James – Part 5)

Waiting on God’s timing is hard, but a maturing Christian understands that patience is necessary for an increasing growth in the faith. In this fifth and final part of the Book of James series, “Strong and Patient” will outline the reasons and positive results of patience. Also, children will learn that we should be patient with others because God is patient with us! TARGET AGES: 9-12 This lesson is part of our five unit study on the

Lesson: Strong and Humble (The Book of James – Part 4)

Growing humility is a necessary trait of a strong believer in Jesus Christ. This fourth lesson of the Book of James series, “Strong and Humble,” will teach children how to embrace humility and incorporate it in their daily lives. Also, by identifying Jesus Christ as the ultimate example of humility, the children will understand that sacrificial service and humility are results of obeying God. TARGET AGES: 9-12 This lesson is part of our five unit study on

Lesson: Strong and Wise (Book of James – Part 1)

The book of James contains a plethora of information for believers to become mature in their relationships to Christ. This series of five lessons will cover each chapter of James with the goal of outlining how we can become stronger in our faith. In part 1, “Strong and Wise,” there will be an emphasis on trusting God’s plan, persevering through difficulties, and obeying the bible. In addition, several opportunities for the teacher to share how God has

Lesson: Strong and Active Faith (Book of James – Part 2)

Having a strong and mature relationship with Jesus Christ requires deliberate actions that model one’s faith. In this second part of the “Book of James” series, children will explore what James 2 has to say about a Christ-follower’s actions matching the word of God. TARGET AGES: 9-12 This lesson is part of our five unit study on the book of James for Older Elementary children. Use the following links to navigate to the other sections ONE —

Lesson: Strong and Kindly Spoken (The Book of James – Part 3)

A strong believer knows his or her words have the power to draw or push others away from Christ and avidly desires to honor God through their speech. In “Strong and Kindly Spoken (The Book of James – Part 3),” children will learn to stop and think about their words, consider how their speech affects others, and come up with positive substitutions for everyday, sinful responses. In addition, they will learn that humility is required to speak

Baking Soda Object Lessons on Anger & Self-Control (James 3:2-8) Message for Kids

When looking for Bible object lessons, I often migrate to the pantry and fridge. Most of these items are inexpensive and easy to purchase if you need them on the fly. Baking soda has many great properties, making it the perfect item for a children’s ministry object lesson. Put one of these two baking soda lessons to use your church! They are safe but may be messy so prepare the demonstration area. Object Lesson About Self-Control You

Three Object Lessons on Lying (James 3)

Telling lies is a temptation we all face, kids and grown-ups. Use this power packed, triple-punch of object lessons to teach kids what God says about lying and how we can resist this universal temptation. Spread the object lessons out over three weeks or use them in one lesson. Salty ice cream: You need a tray of goodies for this object lesson. Include ice cream, a bowl, scoop, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, salt and a spoon. Scoop out

"Wild" Object Lessons (James 3:1-12, Jeremiah 29:32)

Have you ever presented an object lesson to a class and had as much fun as the kids? I have and what an experience! There is nothing like seeing the “light bulbs” come on and hearing kids say, “Now I get it.” When I have success delivering God-moments to my children’s ministry, I write it down, including details about the lesson. Over the years, I have gathered my favorite wild object lessons into a binder but these