Lesson: Priceless Pearls… Prioritizing the Right Thing (Matthew 6:19-21)

Recently, we hosted a church yard sale fundraiser, which brought to mind the incredible amount of utter junk that some people hang onto…do we really need the one-armed doll, headless ceramic duck, or box of warped cassette tapes from 1983? Why is it so hard to let go of things that for all honesty’s sake we rarely use? This lesson emphasizes the value of Heavenly treasure and invites students to contemplate how we determine what is truly

Keeping God First Object Lesson (Matthew 22:37)

Kids have a lot to distraction them from God. Video games, school, home life are just a few of those common distractions. Actually, in some cases, kids have even more distractions than adults. God’s gives us instruction about staying focused and keeping God first. I use the following verse for teaching this object lesson. Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.”  Matthew 22:37

"Just as I have Loved You" Sunday School Lesson from John 15:9-17

This free Bible lesson is based on John 15:9-17 when Jesus commands His followers to love others just as He has loved them. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 6th Sunday of Easter, Gospel Reading – John 15:9-17. Lesson – Just as I have Loved You Supplies – Bible What does

A Little Or A Lot Object Lesson (Luke 7:47)

One of my very favorite verses is Luke 7:47, “Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven–as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little.” I know for a fact I’ve been forgiven much. What about you, kids? Have you been forgiven much or just a little? Let’s talk about that! I have some things here to show you. (Before class, arrange a measuring cup, tablespoon, glass pitcher and some

Forgiveness Object Lesson: Asking the Father (Mark 11:25)

“Why isn’t God hearing my prayers,  Miss Monica?” That’s a question one of my kids asked me recently. Where to begin? I totally understood what my children’s church member was asking me. I had been there too. Sure, there are many reasons why a prayer can be hindered. Some of those top prayer-crushers are “asking amiss” and “having no faith” but I knew this child’s prayer. Her request was well thought, biblical and sincere. Thankfully, the Holy

"DISCIPLE = Love Others" Object Lesson (John 13:34-35) Children's Sermon

God wants us to love everyone and people should know that we love them. However, when in regards to loving other Christians, the Bible is very specific. A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. (John 13:34-35) Jesus knew that people would be watching us to see how his disciples

The Temptation Trap Object Lesson (2 Timothy 2:26)

Temptation is a trap that leads us to sin! The bible tells us in 2 Timothy 2:26, “and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.“ However, we don’t have to walk into those traps–most of the time, if not all of them, it is temptation that draws us into those snares. Empower and prepare kids for dealing with temptation with

"Prepare the Way for the Lord" Object Lesson (Mark 1:3)

Mark 1:3 gives us the mission of John the Baptist. “He is a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the LORD’s coming! Clear the road for him!” How amazing to go before the Lord and tell people to get ready for him to come through! Teach kids that they can be like John the Baptist–they can help prepare the way for the Lord! This interactive object lesson doubles as an activity for a class

Lesson: Amazing Grace and Teaching Children the Old Hymns

There are many wonderful worship songs out there to sing, hear, admire and inspire. For that matter, there are also abundant songs for kids to learn and sing. And modern Christian artists flood the radio with wonderful titles and varieties of music. But sometimes we forget how marvelous and insightful old hymns can be. We tend to see classic church songs as stuffy and boring, and ignore the remarkable stories many of them tell. Open the eyes

Lesson: And when you pray, essentials and essentiality of prayer (Matthew 6:5-7)

We do it in church, before meals, when we need something…but many times students neglect or fail to understand just what prayer is and how to do it. Does authentic prayer require a certain ritual, motion, or series of words? Why bother to pray if God has a plan already? Here are some ideas and elements to cover when exploring how we communicate with our Father in Heaven. Age Range: Preschool-elementary (adaptable for any age) Materials Required:

Purse Object Lesson for Mother's Day (Exodus 20:12)

A good mother is worthy of praise! She’s also a great example for an object lesson for Mother’s Day. This highly visual teaching will keep kids laughing and demonstrate the value of listening to their mother’s teachings. Ready to teach? Don’t miss our other children’s sermons for mother’s day. What You’ll Need Large purse Small bible Pack of tissues Chewing gum Comb Mirror Anything else you want to put in the purse! Prepare to Teach Before the

Children's Sermon (John 14:16) Comforter Object Lesson

Kids can experience heartache, grief and sadness just like their grown up counterparts. They may be resilient and perhaps “snap back” a little faster than an adult (or not) but regardless of the length of time, the pain is real. Jesus’ promise in John 14:16 applies to children too! Remember this precious verse? And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever… Therefore it’s so

Pin the Corsage Mother’s Day Object Lesson (Proverbs 1:8)

Mother’s Day is upon us! What an awesome time to honor to the mothers in our church. You’ll probably be busy leading crafts and wrapping gifts to send home with the kids but don’t forget the lesson. Usually, on major holidays, I do spend a lot of time crafting with our groups but I always take a little time to present an object lesson. One of my favorite verses to use is: Listen, my son, to your

Object Lesson: Different Containers, Same Contents (1 Samuel 16:7) God Looks at the Heart

There are many wonderful illustrations, conversations, and activities that address how outer appearance is not as important as what lies in the heart. Between racial difference discussions, equality emphasizing, and body image talks, students will no doubt be exposed to the “don’t judge a book by its cover” maxim so much it might seem trite and cliché.  But there is no overstating this critical principle, especially with younger children. Small kids are just beginning to formulate their

Balloon & Rocks Object Lesson: The Weight of Sin (Romans 3:23)

Ready for another cool object lesson? With Passover and Easter so close it is a great time to teach kids about the weight of sin and how it affects the soul. Kids hear us say, “Jesus saves us,” but do they know from what? This balloon object lesson is ideal for demonstrating how sin weighs down the soul and how only Jesus can remove sin. This object lesson would make a good intro to a teaching on

“Understanding Scripture” Sunday School Lesson (Luke 24:36b-48) Emmaus Road

This free Bible lesson is based on Luke 24:36b-48 when Jesus suddenly appears before the disciples after his resurrection. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry.If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 3rd Sunday of Easter, Gospel Reading – Luke 24:36b-48.Opening Activity – Understanding Scripture – TelephoneSupplies – nonePlay a quick game of “Telephone” before class using the following phrases.

Carry My Rocks Object Lesson about Sin (1 Peter 2:24)

This is a variation on an old object lesson I taught. This teaching shows kids that only Christ can carry their sins. It’s especially effective for teaching when talking about what happened on the cross. You’ll have to gather a few supplies but you’ll love this object lesson so much that you should probably record it so you can show it again. Supplies you’ll need: Sturdy adult backpack Rocks Sheets of paper Rubber bands Markers Cross or posterboard

Using My Talents Object Lesson (1 Peter 4:10-11)

The New Testament features more than one parable about talents but this particular lesson focuses on talents being gifts. It may be a while before the children in your class or church step into ministry but it’s never too early to start thinking about how to use those God-given talents for kingdom service. This object lesson begins with these verses: “ As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of

Lesson: Jesus Heals A Man Born Blind (John 9:1-41)

Materials: tray, various items (big and small), paper, pencils Activity – Seeing and Remembering Fill a tray with various items. Give each student a piece of paper and pencil. Show the tray to all of your students for a given amount of time (3-5 minutes). Remove the tray (or cover it) so that the children can’t see the items any longer. Give the students 2 minutes to write down all of the items that they remember seeing.

Jesus' Post-Resurrection Appearances: Lesson & Activities

“What Next? Christ’s Post-Resurrection Appearances and Ascension” Sunday School Lesson from Luke 24, John 20, Acts 1 It is critical, of course, to study the work and death of Jesus. But all of that is rather meaningless if Christ did not also rise again as He promised. Then what? Following the events of Easter, Jesus appeared to the disciples and gave them instructions regarding what to expect and to do in remembrance of Him and to carry

"Dirty Water" Bible Object Lesson – 2 Timothy 2:22

Seen any music videos recently or tuned into the Disney Channel after dark? If so you might feel as if you’ve stepped into an alternate universe where purity, even amongst our children, is no longer a welcomed value. I won’t hop on my soapbox today and expound on the dangerous path our culture has taken but I don’t mind encouraging you to teach kids about the importance of purity. Even if your kiddos aren’t old enough to

"Easter Miracles" Sunday School Lesson from John 20:1-18

This free Bible lesson is based on John 20:1-18 when Mary Magdalene visits the tomb and Jesus rose from the dead. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – Easter Sunday, Gospel Reading – John 20:1-18. Coloring Page: Mary at the Empty Tomb – Angel says Jesus Is Risen Opening Activity – Easter

"Roll Out the Red Carpet" Sunday School Lesson from Mark 11:1-11

This free Bible lesson is based on Mark 11:1-11 when Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 6th Sunday in Lent, Gospel Reading – Mark 11:1-11. Opening Activity – Roll Out the Red Carpet – Smile for the Camera! Supplies – red rug/sheet, dress up

Hope in Holy Week (Mark 14:22-24) Lesson for Kids

As we approach Holy Week and prepare our hearts for Easter, it’s easy to become caught up in the excitement of egg hunts, palm branch crosses, and chocolate bunnies. It can even grow tiresome to talk yet again about what may seem an “obvious” Christian story. But students can benefit from focusing on details of this time in Christ’s life, and many may have questions come up that for us as teachers remind us how amazing were