Bible Lesson – Putting Others Before Ourselves

In our culture, competitiveness is a part of everyday life. Our children value being the best at whatever it is they are doing.  It is good that children strive to always do their best, but the Bible teaches us to be humble and to always do for others without thinking of ourselves.  This lesson will help children understand that they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching a Negative Child

Teaching kids about the love of God is a privilege and a joy but what happens when your group includes a negative child? Everyone has a down day occasionally but this little one sees the glass half empty all the time. If it’s snack time, he bemoans the cookie and cracker selection. During the teaching time, he interrupts to infuse … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 More "Fruit of the Spirit" Activities

Bearing spiritual fruit is proof that God is at work in your life! Even though they are small, this Bible principle applies to kids, too. However, kids won’t know about developing spiritual fruit if we don’t teach them. Include these fruit of the Spirit activities in your next lesson and watch the “spiritual lightbulbs” come one. This fun, playful ideas … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Hints for Reaching Unchurched Parents

Twenty years ago, I was one of those parents who sent her child to local church functions, like VBS but didn’t actually attend myself. Although I had enjoyed sporadic visits to church as a child via bus ministry, somehow, I didn’t relate that I would enjoy church as an adult. I don’t really remember what I thought about church at … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cool Ways to Use Bubble Wrap in Kids Ministry

Who loves bubble wrap? Why you do–and a few thousand children! If you want to instantly grab kids’ attention and create real excitement in your class or church, break out the bubble wrap. It’s easy to find at the department and dollar stores and packing suppliers. You may also be surprised to learn how much is bubble wrap is going … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 Tips for Teaching Prayer

Prayer is something we should all do but understandably it can feel intimidating if you aren’t confident or experienced. I love listening to children pray. They really don’t have the presets we do and they aren’t afraid to ask God for anything. Still, after a few unanswered prayers, like, “Dear God, please make me fly,” kids will need some encouragement … More Children’s Ministry Resources

7 Ways to Minister to Children in Your Community

**This post was written by Glenys Nellist. She’s the Coordinator of Children’s Ministry at the West Michigan Conference of The United Methodist Church. Learn how you can submit an idea to our website. Last year I met Sierra. She is 8 years old. Sierra lives in a tiny house with her three older siblings. Her mother is an alcoholic. Her father is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Olympic-Inspired Games for the Classroom

If you are looking for an exciting theme for children’s church this winter you can’t go wrong with an Olympic theme. Using an identifiable theme is a fun way to integrate lessons games and crafts into a comprehensive unit. Teachers know that reinforcing the lesson with games and activities is a great way to help kids remember what they have … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Hot Topic: When should children "move up" from kids church?

Our post about church nursery brought out some interesting discussion about the pro’s/con’s of younger children being present during the pastor’s sermon. Many patents have strong convictions about this topic, but I will risk a little disagreement to hear what you think. Please leave your thoughts below. One note – respectful debate is welcome, but I will moderate anyone who … More Children’s Ministry Resources

VIDEO: The Lord's Prayer in ASL Sign Language

Learning the Lord’s Prayer in American Sign Language is another way to help children internalize and retain this scripture passage. Some children’s ministries will even have the class present their work to the congregation on Sunday morning. We found this video on YouTube that teaches the sign language movements for Jesus’ model prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Credit: This video was … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year's Idea: Prayer Balloons

If I believed in magic, (which I don’t) I would have to say that balloons have a magical quality. No matter where you put them in a room, children will unavoidably be drawn to them. Even uninflated balloons are full of potential for kids. Don’t believe me? Place a basket full of balloons in the center of your classroom table. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year’s Eve Party Activities and Games

Do kids really need a New Year’s Eve party? Yes! Everybody appreciates a “do over.” Repentance and forgiveness are foundational in our Christian. In our culture, New Year’s Eve is the time when many people decide to start over in their attempt to reach a specific goal. Encourage your kids to search their hearts and get a fresh start for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Year Watch Party Activities for Kids

Many churches hold New Year’s Eve “watch parties” to ring in the new year. Congregations have different programs but if it’s a lengthy one, kids will get bored. Nobody wants that! If your church has an activity planned for the adults have something for kids to do too–besides watch a movie. These activities are great time fillers when you want … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Time Capsule Ideas for Kids' Church

Wondering how you can mark the New Year in children’s church? A time capsule is a capital idea! What a fun tradition to open and replace a time capsule each year.  This activity is good for any class size and even younger children will find this New Year activity fun. With a time capsule, you can teach kids valuable lessons … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fall and Winter Volunteer Appreciation Ideas

If you’ve been blessed with a faithful team of volunteers, you’ve got a great advantage over many struggling ministries. You may have noticed that fall and winter are some of the busiest times in you kids ministry, not just for you but for volunteers too. While you’re planning fall events and a Christmas party, don’t neglect planning fall and winter … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Extraordinary People

What if I lived during “Bible times”? Would I be included in the Bible? What would have been written about my life? These questions meld in my head as I reflect on my life, my actions, and my decisions. There are extraordinary people whose lives have been documented for all time in the greatest book of all time. We can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Will You Be There to Pick Me Up?

These days, we have so many ways to keep in touch. There’s Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, email, texting, etc. People compete to see who can get the most “friends” or “likes” on their page. Are all of the “friends” on our accounts, mean we have that many real friends? Webster’s Dictionary states that a friend is “a person who has a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Owl Bulletin Board Ideas

Cute and whimsical owls are big in the teaching world right now and they make sweet characters for a bulletin board. Dress up a small or large bulletin board and place all your announcements where everyone can see them. Kids and parents will love stopping by your owl-inspired bulletin board each and every week. You’ll need some supplies like colorful … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Am I Doing My Best?

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” Colossians 3:23 NASB This is a verse that I tell my children over and over, especially when they are having a bad attitude about doing their work. My goal is for them to have a good work ethic, so when they go … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Facebook Promos for Kids Ministry

You have a good promotion idea–one that you are sure families will love but the day comes and goes and nada. Nobody or only a few people show up. You feel disappointed (and rightly so) but you quietly tuck away 200 goodie bags and keep going. After the event, families are disappointed and amazed that they didn’t know about it. … More Children’s Ministry Resources