Poster Contests for Kids Ministry

Looking for another way to get families involved in your events or ministry? Why not host a poster contest? Schools use these contests to spread awareness about a cause and bring attention to aspiring artists. You can do that too! You could make the fall festival the deadline or extend your poster contest deadline to Thanksgiving. Parents and grandparents will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Simple Ways to Encourage Your Preacher

As you all may know, October is Preacher Appreciation Month. This is the time of the year set aside that we, as members of our churches, should remember our preachers. But why? Why should we show appreciation to our preachers? I’ve heard it all: “They’re just doing their jobs, right?” “That’s what they get paid for.” “They only work one … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: In God's Hands

This free Bible lesson for children teaches children about being close to God. It’s based on passages in John 8:32, Deuteronomy 11:18, and Romans 12:9-10. Lesson Title:  In God’s Hands Bible Reference:  John 8:32, Deuteronomy 11:18, Romans 12:9-10 Target Age Group: Elementary School Learning Context: Sunday School Target Time Frame: One Hour Memory Verse: “Fix these words of mine in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ninja Warrior Sunday Ideas for Children's Church

I’m crazy about themes, props and the Bible! I love creating new ways to present Bible principles and verses to kids. Like many children’s pastors, I’m not a big fan of Halloween but I do recognize the incredible evangelistic opportunity I am presented with every year. Since kids love to dress up, each October I fill the kids’ church calendar … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Kid of the Week Program

When I started our Kid of the Week Program, I had no idea how much my kids would love it. I didn’t realize that two years later, I’d still be rewarding kids who follow the Golden Rule with the title, “The Kid of the Week.” However, these TNT Kids Church kids wouldn’t let this program die and I’m so glad. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning the "og" Words Flip Book

My youngest son is learning to recognize his letters and letter sounds. Letters, by themselves, had no meaning to him and he kept wanting me to help him write words. I wanted his zeal for learning words to continue, so I decided to teach him the letters and letter sounds in conjunction with word families. Word families are words that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Offering Ideas for Kids Church

Being a cheerful giver is an important part of a believer’s life. Remember this verse? “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) Not only are we encouraged to give of our finances but also our time. It can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Free Worksheets for Bible Divisions Review

This page link to our series of Bible worksheets for each major section in the Scriptures. These are ideal for children learn more about God’s Word in a homeschool or Christian school setting. You can also use them for review and deeper teaching in Sunday School class. For each division, there are two pages with learning activities. Click on the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Good Ways to Use Bible Bucks

Girl with cash money

I love behavior incentives and so do my kids but with all the stuff I carry in and out of kids church every week, I didn’t need one more thing to remember. Instead of handing out novelties and candy each week, I open the Bible Bucks store once a month and let the kids spend their well-earned Bible Bucks on … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cool Widgets for Kids Church

If you have access to a volunteer or staff member who likes building, you should consider these cool widgets for your kids ministry. These invaluable tools provide a lot of excitement and if taken care of, they can last a good long time. I don’t use these handy items every week but they are perfect for special events or themed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bully Proof Your Child's Life

Bullies today sometimes take extreme measures to get what they want — whether that’s your child’s lunch money or his happiness. (A disturbing thought since many of us are sending kids back to school.) Just a few decades ago, the biggest problems schools faced involved curtailing gum chewing in class, stopping hallway kissers or hand holding on the bus. I’d … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sock Monkey Sundays

Sock monkeys are a folksy craft toy that has gained in popularity the past few years — that makes it the perfect inspiration for a monthly theme! I’ve put the old noodle to work and come up with some fun ideas to create excitement in your ministry using this playful theme. You can use this toy for all sorts of … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Helping Kids Worship: Entering the Worship Zone

Taking kids to a deeper place in God with worship is my heart’s desire! Like so many of you, some of my most healing, profound moments have occurred in the worship-zone. However, leading others to this same place of God’s Presence can be so difficult, at least, it can feel that way. Honestly, as a children’s pastor with 15 years … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Piratey Party Ideas for Kids Church

Children love themes and I guess, so do I. A theme is the perfect vehicle for building excitement and gathering both the usual faces and some new ones to your ministry. A pirate theme, while a bit tried, is easy to incorporate, thanks to the local dollar and party stores. I’ve got some cool games, a craft and an activity … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Swamp Themed Ideas for a Kids’ Event

No offense to the curriculum professionals but I just love dreaming up and creating crusade ideas from popular culture; however, I am a child evangelist at heart. A few months ago, I began planning our next kids’ crusade; we have several a year. I really wanted to return to an old favorite based on the movie, “The Prince of Egypt” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Summer Safety Tips for Kids’ Camp

Summer camps are as American as apple pie and ice cream but in today’s world, you have to take safety issues seriously when kids are involved – especially at church. If your church is sponsoring a week of VBS or a season-long camp, you should consider these important safety tips. Nobody wants accidents to happen but they can and sometimes … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ministry Segments That Motivate Kids to Attend

Kids can’t drive but they still hold a tremendous influence over parents that do. When kids are motivated to attend church there is no stopping them. So short of an expensive, time-consuming event what is a children’s pastor to do? Start by motivating the group that you already have. Strengthen your base with ministry segments that will keep kids coming … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Geocaching for Preteens

**This is a guest post by Glenys Nellist  from Kids Ministry Matters Geocaching is a fascinating, fun phenomenon that is growing in popularity. A free, real-world outdoor treasure hunt, geocaching is played by using a smartphone or GPS to locate hidden containers called geocaches. With over two million treasures hidden around the world, geocaching is an ideal activity for tweens, and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Arcade April: Ideas for Kids Church

When it comes to kids’ church, I am a theme addict. Not only do I constantly (well, almost) brainstorm ideas for themes, my volunteers and kids do too. All credit for this winning idea goes to one of the children I mentor for ministry–and she’s only 10 years old! For those of you don’t regularly use monthly themes, you could … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Church Mentoring Kids: A Certificate Program

My children’s ministry has a two-fold mission: teaching kids about God’s love and training kids for ministry. I find kids love to serve God, and others, but that type of training is missing in many churches. I am sure there are some great mentoring programs out there but I wanted one that suited my needs. I created a certificate program … More Children’s Ministry Resources