This is a guest post from Zach Fay, the creator of Lightgliders to share a free resource for kids and families.
Biblical Breaks are free collections of games, prayers, devotionals, and meaningful conversations for kids and families.

To all children’s ministry leaders and educators:
Here is a FREE resource for you to give out to the kids and families that you serve.
Recognizing that most kids and families are now at home and looking for things to do, the team at Lightgliders has developed a free resource to provide a fun, positive way to spend some of the time. They call it “Biblical Breaks – Purposeful Playtime for Kids.”
These are collections of digital games, Bible-based activities, and meaningful conversation starters that can be played on computers, tablets, or smartphones.
Biblical Breaks Just click Lightglider Biblical Breaks to take a look and begin a Biblical Break.
These collections of games and activities are publicly available on the Lightgliders website to give kids something fun to do, while they encounter life-changing truths from the Bible. Families can even download and print application questions to encourage deeper learning and conversation.
Please share Lightglider Biblical Breaks with whoever needs it right now!
What is Lightgliders?In case you were wondering, Lightgliders is a digital world of games, videos, and weekly Bible-based activities for kids age 6-12. It was created to redeem screen time for kids and to encourage meaningful conversations among kids and families about the Christian faith and a biblical worldview. The critical years to impact kids are before the teenage years, and Lightgliders represents a fun and culturally relevant way for kids to encounter God’s love and truth throughout the week.