Use these ideas in your children’s ministry as kids go back to school. Give them the spiritual boost and remind them God is going back to school alongside them!
I love this time of year! Kids are headed back to school and back to church. Something about fall makes me think of big events and outreach ministries. In years past, we’ve done a few back to school giveaways but the “Blessings of the Backpacks” event is dear to my heart. Fortunately for us, we always have a plethora of backpacks to send home and plenty of kids show up to receive them. Here were some fun ideas that really worked for this back to school event.
Prayer Cards for Backpacks
Hand out laminated prayer cards for backpacks: These were part of our giveaway packets. Before kids left, we prayed this prayer together. Here’s what I wrote:
“Dear God, please protect my backpack and me. Help me remember my books, my locker combination, homework assignments and the Golden Rule. Keep me and my backpack safe while I learn. As I grow in knowledge, teach me also about You, Father. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
After laminating the cards on cardstock, you can also hole punch them and attach them to the zipper of the backpack with nylon cord or ribbon. Kids can tuck the prayer card inside their backpack or share it with their friends.
More Children’s Ministry Ideas for Back to School
Backpack Mix Up Game: You can’t gather kids together and not have a game. If your kids are bringing their own backpacks, have them pile up the backpacks in one pile at the front of the kids church. When you blow the whistle, or start some upbeat music, kids must run, grab their backpack, put it on and run to the stage or back to their seat. Give clear instructions though. Kids should not push or shove anyone. (If I see pushing or shoving, I freeze the game and start over until we get it right.)
School Uniform Exchange: In our school district, children are required to wear uniforms. About a month before school starts, we begin soliciting for uniform donations. These can be hand me downs (in good condition), thrift store finds or new uniforms. We organize them on tables and allow the parents to stop by after the event. It helps a great deal!
School Supply Giveaway: If you can, stock up on school supplies during the end of the previous school year. If you forget, you can often pick up school supplies fairly cheaply at some discount stores. Even inexpensive supplies like a pack of pencils or index cards is a big help to some families.
I hope these ideas help you bless your kids — and their backpacks!