This free Bible lesson is based on Mark 5:21-43 when Jesus brings a young girl back to life. It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year B – 5th Sunday after Pentecost, Gospel Reading – Mark 5:21-43.

Supplies – paper, drawing/coloring utensils
Hand out supplies and have each child draw a picture showing one of Jesus’ miracles. Then have them share their picture with the class.
Lesson – I Believe
Do you believe in Jesus?
Oh, I hope you do!
I believe in Jesus,
and I’ll tell you why that’s true.
I believe He loves me,
And He’s with me every day.
When I’m sad He holds me,
And listens when I pray.
I believe He saved me.
He payed for all my sin.
He gave His life up for me,
So my life could begin.
The Bible tells of many
Who didn’t believe at all.
But it also talks of plenty
Whose faith was big and small.
A man begged Jesus, “Help me!”
“My daughter is sick and dying!”
But before He could make the journey,
He was told there was no use trying.
That didn’t stop Jesus from going,
And He told the man, “Just believe.”
When He reached her tears were flowing,
As the family began to grieve.
At first, they had big faith in Jesus,
Then it quickly shrunk down so small.
But death wasn’t too much for Jesus,
He could heal one and all.
When He saw the little girl lying,
Jesus quietly grabbed her hand,
Told her family she was not dying,
And said to her, “Get up and stand.”
The family stared in amazement,
Their daughter was back from the dead!
There were hugs of total excitement,
She was alive like Jesus said.
With big faith they came to Jesus,
Believing that He could heal all.
And when their faith fell in weakness,
He rewarded their faith, even small.
Do you believe in Jesus?
Oh, I hope you do!
I believe in Jesus,
Because His love is true.
Activity A – I Believe – Bible Verse Challenge
Supplies – Bibles
Verse – Mark 5:34
Pass out Bibles to students. Bibles should be closed and sitting on the table face up in front of each child. When you say go, have the kids look up this week’s Bible verse. As each child finds the verse, have them stick one finger on the verse and quietly raise their other hand. The first one to find the verse gets to read it to the rest of the class.
Help younger kids and new kids find the verse by following these steps.
Look in the Table of Contents for the book you are looking for. Make an effort to show them if it is found in the Old Testament or New Testament to help them in the future. Then open the Bible to the page number listed in the Table of Contents.
Show them the large numbers in the text, known as the chapters. Flip through pages until you find the large chapter number you are looking for.
Then scan through the text with them pointing out the smaller verse numbers until the correct number is found.
Activity B – I Believe – Do You Believe?
Supplies – none
Divide the class up into groups of 2-5, and give them a few minutes to make up a skit about sharing their faith with someone who doesn’t believe. Then let each group perform their skit for the rest of the class.
Closing Prayer – I Believe
Ask for a volunteer to pray for the class before leaving, and encourage them to ask God to help them share their faith with others so that they may also believe.
For even more ideas, you can compare our Jesus Heals Jairus’s Daughter lesson based on this same passage. We also have a preschool lesson about Jairus’s daughter.
- Watch the video demonstration of this lesson and related Bible craft ideas
- Find even more ideas from Mission Bible Class on Mark 5:21-43