“With the faith of a mustard seed, you can move mountains!” Taken out of context, this always seems like rather an odd statement. For one thing, how can mountains be moved? And for another thing, what does faith have to do with plant seeds? Jesus wants us to know that our faith is not about us, but about HIM. Amazing things are possible with just a little bit when we trust in God’s power. These crafts celebrate the value of faith in the Lord. A “faith seeds treat bag” serves as a kind and tasty reminder of the mustard seed parable. A “mountains moved plate” acts out the mustard seed promise in a fun decorative manner.
Click here to see our complete Parable of the Mustard Seed Bible lesson for kids.

Craft one: “Faith Seeds Treat Bag”
You will need:
- Crayons or markers
- Scissors
- Glue or tape
- Paper (Construction/cardstock)
- String or ribbon
- “Seeds” of various kinds (popcorn, candy corn, sunflower seeds, etc.)
- Decorative bag or cellophane bag.
- Create a tag with paper or cardstock. Decorate with words, special notes, and Bible verses.
- Add stickers or decorative elements to the tag, and hole punch to attach ribbon.
- Place fun “seeds” (sunflower, candy corn, pumpkin, popcorn, etc.) in a special bag.
- Attach the label to the bag. Give away the seeds or enjoy as a tasty treat!
Craft Two: “Mountains Moved Plate”
You will need:
- Construction Paper or cardstock
- Scissors
- Glue or tape
- Decorative elements as desired
- Markers or crayons
- String or pipe cleaner (optional)
- Paper plates
- Brad fasteners
1. Decorate a paper plate with verses and captions to prepare the craft.
2. Cut a circle out of paper or another plate, to place inside the original plate.
3. Attach “mountains” from paper to the plate or paper.
4. Glue small seeds (mustard seeds, if available) to the paper, on the opposite side of “mountain” scenery.
5. Use a brad fastener to attach the circle to the paper plate. Twist and turn so that it appears the seeds are “moving the mountains”! Add hangers for display, if desired.
Bible Verses or Captions to Consider… (Luke 17:5-10)
He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you. -Luke 17:6
With seed-sized faith…we can move mountains!
God can do a lot with a little…put your trust in Him!
All things are possible with God!
Plant seeds of faith!