"My Children Walking in Truth" Song by Johnny Cash

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If you’ve ever paid attention to my email signature line, then you’ll know about 3 John 1:4. It’s a greatly under appreciated Bible verse, especially overlooked when talking about kids ministry.

“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” 3 John 1:4 ESV

One of my Sunday School teachers surprised me this morning with an old Johnny Cash song based on that scripture quote. Cash was an American musician who was well known for his faith and Gospel music later in his life. It’s worth a listen, even if his music is not your favorite style.
I found this video clip below on YouTube. It has the song and some pictures of Cash with his children.
I think that verse sums up what a lot of Christians feel about passing on a faith legacy. When our lives are just about spent, few things will be more precious to us than knowing our kids (and those we teach) are living out the truths of the Gospel.
I was just surprised to find this sentiment echoed in from the “The Man in Black.”

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