Lesson: Strong and Wise (Book of James – Part 1)

The book of James contains a plethora of information for believers to become mature in their relationships to Christ. This series of five lessons will cover each chapter of James with the goal of outlining how we can become stronger in our faith. In part 1, “Strong and Wise,” there will be an emphasis on trusting God’s plan, persevering through … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Lesson: The Baptism of Jesus in Matthew 3:13-17

Teach about the Baptism of Jesus with this free Sunday School Lesson. Kids need to learn about Baptism. This lesson is from Matthew 3:13-17 and includes crafts, coloring pages, game ideas, worksheets, object lesson, and full teaching plan. About this Sunday School Lesson Title: Jesus’ Baptism Scripture: Matthew 3:11-17 and John 1:29-34 Sunday School Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Lesson Main … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Jellybean Games for Easter

Got some jellybeans? Then you’ve got almost everything you need to play a few exciting Easter games. These make great time fillers in between lessons or lesson components. (Jellybeans also make great directions for the check-in table.) Prepare to Play Jellybean Race This first game is like Mother May I, only the jellybean colors tell the students what movements they … More Children’s Ministry Resources

How to Use Cell Phones for Teaching Kids

Let’s face it, y’all. Cell phones are here to stay and they are firmly in the hands of the kids in your children’s church. As children’s ministry leaders, we have to set boundaries on when and how the phones can be used. What better way to take control of cell phone usage then integrate the phones into your teaching sessions? … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Walk in Wisdom ("Walk" Series – Part 1)

Because Christ lived a perfect life of obedience, we too can walk in wisdom, truth, love, and faith. “Walk in Wisdom,” (the first of four lessons in this series) will teach children the difference between earthly wisdom and spiritual wisdom. In addition, they will learn practical ways to incorporate wisdom into their lives through prayer, humility, obedience, and a reverent … More Children’s Ministry Resources

God's "Sticky" Eternal Love – Valentine's Day Lesson for Kids

God’s love for us is extravagant, forever, and incomparable! In this lesson, “God’s ‘Sticky,’ Eternal Love,” children will explore the depth of God’s love for them through bible study, a sticky-note activity, and an energizing seek-and-find game. In addition, the children will learn that the “stickiness” of God’s love is secure, so we can live in assured obedience to his … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Devotional: Shifting from Martha to Mary

“As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Planning a VBS on a Budget

It’s the beginning of the new year — time to plan a VBS! As you know, Ministry-to-Children loves Vacation Bible School and we frequently feature reviews on new VBS material. However if you’re in a financial pinch you can plan a VBS on a shoestring budget – don’t miss our free VBS curriculum downloads. Here are a few suggestions to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Encouragement for the Mature Volunteer

Getting older is fun, isn’t it? We’ve all heard the jokes. Your knees creak, memory fades, hair gets little lighter — or thinner. But the truth is with age comes wisdom and experience. Just because you seen a few more birthdays than perhaps your friends that doesn’t disqualify you from volunteering in children’s ministry. If you have a heart for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

New Beginning for Peter (John 21:15-19) Lesson for Kids

Peter is well-known among Jesus’ disciples as being an outspoken leader, and God used him to lead many people into a relationship with Christ. However, Peter was also an imperfect person who sinned and denied Christ. In, “A New Beginning,” children will learn that God desires repentance and the acceptance of his forgiveness so we can continue serving him. The Lord used Peter … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Leading Kids Through a Pastoral Change

Pastoral changes are hard on everyone, especially the kids. Imagine how you would feel if you were seven and the only pastor you have ever known decided to leave the church. Whether the parting of ways is truly a God thing or something else, it can diminish a child’s concept of stability–and quiet possibly even his or her ideas about … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Neat Ways to Improve a Food Drive at Church

Many children’s churches and ministries show their thanks this time of year by holding a food drive. What typically happens is everyone is excited at first but after a few weeks the donations wane and you realize that your canned food drive is severely lacking. Instead of bringing in food that would be helpful for a holiday meal or for … More Children’s Ministry Resources

2 Active Christmas Party Games

Well it’s time to prepare for all those holiday visitors in your children’s ministry. Besides stocking up on extra snacks and craft supplies, it’s a good idea to have a few active Christmas party games ready too. I don’t know what it is about the month of December but kids have so much energy. Fill in the gaps of your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Two Snowball Party Games for Kids

Where I live it rarely snows. (I know, stop complaining.) However that doesn’t stop us from having the occasional snowball fight–in the classroom. Kids love it, I love it. With a little preparation you can host a snowball fight in your own classroom or children’s church. Here are two party games that everyone will love! Paper Snowball Fight: Before class … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: A Giving Christmas Party

Want to throw a Christmas Party that matters? In this event-filled lesson, “A Giving Christmas Party,” children will participate in a mission project, craft, and game that all encompass giving. They will learn that God’s gift of eternal life through Jesus (Romans 6:23) is why Christmas should be about giving. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To provide opportunities for children to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Luke 2 Reading Game for Sunday School

Many children’s ministry leaders plan to read Luke 2 at least once during the Christmas season. I love story and so do my kids but it’s fun to make set up too. This year we’re going to play reading game the hopes of keeping kids more engaged in the story. Before you read the text together have children take their … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christmas Songs for Kids Game Activity

Need to fill in some blank spaces in your children’s ministry lineup? Then we have a Christmas activity games for you. These games will keep kids moving and keep kids focused on Christmas. This game is perfect for children of all ages even preschoolers love it—even if they don’t get all the motions correct. I like to play an instrumental … More Children’s Ministry Resources

What to Do When Teaching Styles Clash?

If teaching children’s church or Sunday School was as easy as showing up and teaching a Bible story, everyone would do it! However, that’s rarely the case. We serve an awesome God but we’re all human–that includes our leaders. A recent email from a discouraged teacher has me thinking about one particular subject–when teaching styles clash. You know what I … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankful for Service (Biblical Thankfulness – Lesson 3)

This third and final lesson on biblical thankfulness, “Thankful for Service,” will help kids understand that we should be thankful to God for the service opportunities he gives us. While thankfulness and service don’t seem to be discussed together very often, it’s important for kids to make the connection between the heart’s motives (thankfulness) and our actions (service). True servants are thankful, so … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Thankful for Others (Biblical Thankfulness – Lesson 2)

Is it enough to only express thankfulness to God? Why and how should we take the time to say, “thank you” to others? In part 2 of “Biblical Thankfulness,” children will learn that real thankfulness to God will lead to thankfulness for others. Our words and actions must work together if we are serious about being thankful.  You can preview lesson 1 or lesson 3. … More Children’s Ministry Resources