Psalm 95 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 27 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 95 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 95, we’re reminded of the hardness of our hearts apart from Christ and how we need

"Elohim / The Word" Names of God Lesson for Kids

This is part of a new series we’re calling, “Hello, My Name Is…  A Series on the Names of God.” Look for the next installments to come throughout February. You can find the latest when you follow Tara’s author archive. We’ll add links to the whole Bible study once it’s complete. Lesson Two: Elohim/The Word Main Idea: God is the Strong Creator of the universe and of us. We can trust him and through his strength do

Trading Grumbling for Peace (Kid’s Club – Lesson #5)

Boy, it’s hard to not grumble and complain! Sometimes tough things happen and our moods and attitudes take a hit. But what does God want us to do when we are frustrated? Can we choose whether or not we complain? In this fifth lesson of the Kid’s Club series, children will learn to take responsibility for their personal responses to difficulties. Also, they will learn how to choose peace (instead of grumbling) when hard circumstances arise. TARGET

Video Bible Story: Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:25-40) Free Download

Simeon and Anna waited almost their whole lives to meet the promised rescuer. When they met Jesus, they rejoiced that God kept his promise! Read about it in Luke 2:25-40. You can download the video directly from Vimeo. Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. 26And it had been revealed to him by

"Names of God" Lessons for Kids

This is part 1 of 16  in our study of the Names of God for kids called, “Hello, My Name Is…  A Series on the Names of God.” Use the links below to navigate through this curriculum. You are here — What’s in a Name? “Elohim / The Word”  “Yahweh / I AM” “Adonai”  “Abba / Father”  “Consuming Fire / Jealous God”  “Yahweh Shalom / Prince of Peace” “Lord of Hosts/ King/ King of Kings”  “Rock/Cornerstone”  “Judge

Psalm 93 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 26 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.” “Praise God Through the Psalms” – Psalm 93 Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 93, we’re reminded of God’s majestic and sovereign rule over all. Through this lesson, kids will

The Story of Jeremiah Lesson

It’s hard to be the bearer of bad news, but sometimes God asks us to do challenging things as a part of his plan. In “The Story of Jeremiah for Kids,” children will learn that Jeremiah obeyed God and shared a message of impending judgment (even though the message was not welcome and Jeremiah himself didn’t escape the consequences of the message). Life can be tough, but God promises that we can trust his methods and his

"Elijah Helps a Widow" Preschool Bible Lesson (1 Kings 17:7-24)

Lesson Title: Elijah Helps a Widow Bible Reference: 1 Kings 17:7-24 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Children’s Church Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Gospel Connection: One thing that Christians can always be sure of is that God will take care of them. The Bible teaches that not a flower or bird escapes God’s notice. God is in control of all of His creation and we never have to worry because God will take care of

Faithful Fear and Reverence: A Lesson on Worship

What do we want children to feel when they think about God? What attributes do we emphasize and what impressions are left when we teach students? Often, we tend to air on the side of caution.  Nervous about portraying our Heavenly Father as a judgmental punisher, we sometimes wind up “dumbing God down” and highlighting His softer and friendlier elements. God becomes a buddy, a Santa Clause, a vending machine. We don’t want to scare anyone away,

Sheep and Shepherds Bible Lesson for Kids (Luke 15:1-10)

Throughout the Bible, we are given images of God as the “good shepherd…” and there are great reasons for this. Perhaps the simplest and yet most significant explanation behind this metaphor might be the fact that sheep are actually pretty dumb, and can’t get along without a guide. When it comes down to it, so are we. God created us to depend upon Him and He knows we can’t survive without Him. This lesson focuses on an

Kid Volunteers: The Welcome Table

Kids speak “kid.” When a new child walks into the children’s church for the first time they rarely feel brave. If he’s greeted by a group of adults giving him directions and talking to him all at once, he can feel nervous–even afraid. However, when you have children working the door, you’ve got a whole different dynamic in play. Since my children’s church has a two-pronged mission statement: teaching kids about God and training them to be

"Never Tire of Good" Preschool Bible Lesson (2 Thessalonians 3)

Sometimes as teachers we tend to struggle with the gospel of productive work activity…we instruct our students that God cares about us no matter what, and teach that our works do not save us, but God does. Yet we also read passages that indicate that we do need works to prove we are truly Christians. So which is it? We need to emphasize to kids that acting right is a direct and natural result of loving God,

God Gave Solomon Wisdom (1 Kings 4) Preschool Bible Lesson

Lesson Title:  God Gave Solomon Wisdom Bible Reference: 1 Kings 4:29-34; Proverbs 3:5-6 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Children’s Church Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Gospel Connection: God gave Solomon the amazing gift of wisdom. As a result, he became famous for his wisdom and was able to pass it along to us through writing the book of Proverbs. The Bible teaches us everything that we need to know. Today our preschoolers will learn that

Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-9) Preschool Bible Lesson

This lesson teaches children about salvation using the parable of the sower. Jesus used parables to teach his disciples about The Kingdom of God. This lesson will be best utilized in a Sunday school or a kid’s church setting however it could also be used at a preschool. Objective: To give children an understanding about salvation Targeted Age Group: Preschool Activity: The week before this lesson ask the parents to bring baby picture and current picture of

Let Us Pray – Bible Lesson for Children

Prayer is an important part of a believers’ life, it is how we talk and listen to our God! Prayer is how we express ourselves, it is where we seek comfort, and it is a precious time with our savior who loves us. This lesson is designed to teach children how to pray using The Lord’s Prayer. This lesson will be best utilized in a Sunday School or Kid’s Church setting. Objective: To teach children how to

Everyone is a Helper (Kid's Club Lesson #4)

It’s important for children to understand that helping others isn’t all about getting rewards. Although the bible is clear we will receive blessings when we serve others, it shouldn’t be the motivation behind our actions. Instead, we should help and serve others because we love God and want more people to believe in him. In this lesson, children will learn that obeying God means we will serve and help others. TARGET AGES: 4-12 SCRIPTURE: Galatians 5:13 –

Absalom Rebels Against David: Preschool Sunday School Lesson

Lesson Title:  Absalom Rebels Against David Bible Reference: 2 Samuel 15:1-12; 17:1-12; 18:1-18 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Children’s Church Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Gospel Connection: Being David’s son you would think that Absalom would respect his father’s crown and see that God had appointed David to be king. But that’s not the case. Absalom was a selfish man who desired to be king. He was well-liked by many people and used his popularity to

God Forgives David: Preschool Bible Lesson

Lesson Title:  God Forgives David Bible Reference: 2 Samuel 12:1–7; Psalm 51:1-12 Target Age Group: Preschool Learning Context: Children’s Church Target Time Frame: 1 ½ hour Gospel Connection: David was a very good king but he was not immune to sin. Whenever David sinned whenever he saw Bathsheba and wanted her as his own. He sinned again whenever he put the events into place that led to Uriah’s death. The good news is that David repented and

Thanksgiving Devotional for Families

This devotional is designed for the family and can be done on Thanksgiving or around Thanksgiving. The objective of this devotional is to teach children to thank God for all of the things that they are thankful for. Pre-Devotional Questions: Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving? (Answer: Because of the good harvest) Who should we thank at Thanksgiving? (Answer: God) Why should we thank God? (Answer: Because God gives us the good harvest) Thanksgiving Devotional for Families I

Jesus Confronts Hypocrisy and Embraces Humility (Luke 14:1-14) Bible Lesson

Kids are naturally egotistical, and have no problem boasting or viewing the world as surrounding their needs. In today’s culture of self-esteem encouragement and “everyone’s a winner” mentality, it’s easy for this concept to solidify. There is nothing wrong with positive attitude boosting, of course…until it leads to pride and entitlement expectations. Throughout His ministry, Jesus emphasized the importance of putting others ahead of ourselves. He preached this idea and lived it out, as well, inviting us

Seek Thee (Family Devotional)

Seek Thee is a family devotional designed to connect God’s creation to the Bible. This devotional would be perfect for summer and/ or a camping trip. It focuses on one verse and helps the kids put it into action.  Activity One: As a family wake up early enough to watch the sunrise. The kids would find it fun to sit outside in the pajamas with blankets and pillows. As a family talk about what you see, talk

November Blessings Calendar for Kids

Well, November is here and I love to have my students get to thinking about the blessings that they have in their lives. I like to be involved in the “action” as well, so I have put together this simple November Blessings Calendar to help with that. Just simply print out this calendar and copy on to colored paper (if you’d like). Give one to each of your students (and to yourself) to take home and work

Trick-Or-Treat (Halloween Devotional for the Family)

Family Devotion to use on Halloween This devotional is designed for families to be used on the night of Halloween. Halloween can be a scary time for children and so this devotional focuses on the fact that we can trust Christ in all situations. Happy Halloween and have fun trick-or-treating! Pre-Devotional Questions: What is your favorite part of trick-or-treating? Does Halloween scare you? Does Halloween need to scare you? Halloween Devotional: Halloween can be a scary night

Thanksgiving (Elementary Sunday School Lesson) Psalm 107:1

This lesson is designed to encourage children to be thankful for God around Thanksgiving. It encourages kids to focus on the love of Christ by using the verse, Psalm 107:1. This lesson would be best utilized in a Sunday School or Kid’s Church Setting. Objective: To teach kids to be thankful for the love of Christ Targeted Age Group: Elementary Students Memory Verse: At this point the kids can recite the verse that they took home last