How to Create an Object Lesson for Kids Church

Love visual lessons but can’t find the right one? You don’t have to rely on others to present you with object lessons–you can do it yourself. That’s true even if you don’t have a teaching degree or any experience writing curriculum. I learned how to create an object lesson a children’s ministry conference well over a decade ago. We were … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Breaking the Law Object Lesson from 1 John 3:4-5

Try this fun way to teach kids about what breaking God’s law means! I do love an object lesson and with so many inexpensive sheriff or police officer costumes available right now, why not? Base the object lesson on 1 John 3:4-5. “Everyone who sins breaks the law in fact, sin is lawlessness. But you know that he appeared so that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Top 10 Thanksgiving Bible Verses

thanksgiving bible verses

God’s Word has a lot to say about gratitude and being thankful. Here are our top 10 Thanksgiving Bible Verses to inspire you and your family this November. Don’t miss our longer list of 42 Thankful Bible Verses. Top 10 Thanksgiving Bible Verses Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever. Bible Verse from 1 … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson Ideas with Popcorn!

Popcorn is a classic snack and children love hearing it and watching it pop-pop-pop! Did you know that popcorn makes the perfect tool for an object lesson? Take this opportunity to teach the kiddos an important Bible truth about what happens when God turns the heat up! Demonstrate how a hard, inedible seed becomes a fluffy, delicious treat. I recommend … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About the Kingdom of Heaven

The Greatest Treasure Bible Lesson for Kids

Teaching kids about the kingdom of heaven? Present object lessons based on this passage from Matthew 13:44-46. The simplicity of Jesus’ parables will make it easy for kids to understand and apply to their own lives. “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Proverbs Bible Lesson: God Gives Us Everything

The following lesson is from a Proverbs series our entire church is studying.  The lesson was used for a small group of children ranging from 6-10.  The children discover that we can have an attitude of generous giving when we remember that God has given us everything. Bible Story Title: Proverbs-God gives us everything Scripture: Proverbs 11:24-25; Proverbs 10:22 and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Rose Object Lesson for Kids Church

Even young kids know how sweet and lovely a rose is! The bible describes the Lord as rose in the Song of Solomon, “I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.” (Song of Solomon 2:1) This object lesson allows you kids to see and smell the “beauty of the Lord.” By demonstrating with a rose object … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Learning the Bible: Pizza Object Lesson

I believe in object lessons! Especially visual lessons that involve food, like pizza. If you want to grab kids’ attention and teach them a valuable lesson about learning the Bible, try this pizza object lesson. It is a good idea to have some pizza on hand for snacking later, after the teaching. Supplies you’ll need: Pizza recipe on an index … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fruit Punch Object Lessons

Looking for a power-packed object lesson? Reach for the fruit punch! You can blend fruit punch from a packet or buy a bottle of pre-mixed punch. When working with this colorful juice, remember that it can stain your skin and clothing. If you enlist the help of a child, have an apron handy to protect his clothing. Keep extra punch … More Children’s Ministry Resources

“In The Beginning” Bible Object Lesson

I love teaching from the book of Genesis—there’s just so much “God” there! Genesis gives an amazing retelling of what happened all those thousands of years ago. All the action, all the drama, it truly is one of my favorite books to share with my kids. I have found that children do want to know how the world started and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson Using Band Aids

If you have an emergency first aid kit and a bible, you have all you need to teach a few exciting and important object lesson. Bandages make a great visual aid, especially if you enlist the help of a volunteer or kid helper. You could also cover a puppet in bandages for fun. I recommend using these two verses but … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Christian Object Lessons: Kitchen Utensils

Do you like dressing up as a character when you teach? I do! Sometimes showing up for class in a costume really gets kids excited about learning. Add in a few Christian object lessons and you’ve really got a fun idea. One of the easiest characters to dress up as is a chef. Grab the kitchen utensils, an apron and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sandcastle Children’s Ministry Object Lesson

What’s more “summery” than a sandcastle? Besides being a recognizable symbol of fun in the sun, sandcastles make a great object lesson. This powerful object lesson takes a little prep work but I’m confident that you will find it worth it. I recommend that you use Matthew 7:26-27 as the text: “But everyone who hears these words of mine and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson Using Honey

God’s word is a great resource for living but most kids don’t take the initiate to read it independently without some encouragement from you and I. With this object lesson, you will teach kids that God’s word is sweet for our souls; it nourishes us in wonderful ways. I recommend using Psalm 119:103 for this object lesson, “How sweet are … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About Evangelism

Evangelism isn’t just for grownups—it is for kids too!  Our big God wants to use each person’s experiences to turn others hearts to Jesus. As teachers and pastors, we have a mandate to tap into a child’s boldness and desire to share the good news with his friends and family. That means that you and I must teach evangelism regularly … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About Self Control

I believe God designed us to learn self-control during early childhood but for a number of reasons, this doesn’t always happen. Let’s be honest–some children have stronger wills than others and insist on touching the “hot stove” even when they are told not to.  Poor impulse control can manifest in different ways–constant interruptions during conversations, throwing a fit, ignoring instructions … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Lesson: Jesus' Final Days: The Triumphal Entry

This Palm Sunday Lesson was created for a small group of children between the ages of 6-9.  They will discover that the greatest need for all people is to be forgiven from their sins. Bible Passage: Matthew 21 Bible Story Title: Jesus’ Final Days: The Triumphal Entry Target Age Group:  Ages 6-11 (K-5th Grade U.S.A.) Target Time Frame: 60 Minutes Original Teaching … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Verse Balloon Race

Kids can’t resist balloons, can they? This thought inspired me to get busy planning a fun game using a bunch of balloons. While we’re having fun, it doesn’t hurt to reinforce a bible verse! This active game is perfect for kids age 6 and up but you could probably introduce it to smaller kids if they don’t mind popping a … More Children’s Ministry Resources