A good mother is worthy of praise! She’s also a great example for an object lesson for Mother’s Day. This highly visual teaching will keep kids laughing and demonstrate the value of listening to their mother’s teachings. Ready to teach?
Don’t miss our other children’s sermons for mother’s day.
What You’ll Need
- Large purse
- Small bible
- Pack of tissues
- Chewing gum
- Comb
- Mirror
- Anything else you want to put in the purse!
Prepare to Teach
Before the class starts, put all the items inside the purse. Close the purse so no one peeks inside. Ladies could walk in carrying the purse. Guys could simply display it on a teaching table.
Purse Children’s Sermon for Mother’s Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all our volunteers! It is a special day isn’t it? Have you hugged your Mom today? Make sure you do before the day is over.
Did you know that God’s Word has a lot to say about our mothers. Not all Moms love God but the ones that do, the ones that try to teach their children about our loving God have a special place in His heart. Ours too, right? Exodus 20:12 tells us,
“Honor your father and mother so that you may live long in the land that God is giving you.” We should honor our parents and listen to them! They know a few things that could help us along life’s journey.
See this purse? Let’s pretend that it is your mother’s purse. I bet you might be surprised to find what is inside. Let’s take a look. (Pull out each item and talk about how it relates to what a Christian mother might teach a child.)
Tissues: We must always pray. We should confess our sins and repent to God when we make mistakes. Sometimes shedding a few tears is necessary.
Chewing gum: We should always have something sweet to share from God’s Word. Be ready to encourage others when they are down.
Comb or brush: Always remember that you represent the Lord. Every morning, when you brush your hair, put on the helmet of salvation!
Bible: Keep the Word of God nearby. Hide it in your heart. When you do, you bring honor to Him.
(Pull more items out of the bag and let kids share their favorite “mom-isms about God.)
To close: Lead the children in pray giving God thanks for their moms.
This site is always a “go-to” for me! and my kids love the coloring pages and the fact a kid did them too!
Thank you.