I'm Quitting My Ministry Job … You'll Never Guess Why

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For the last 10 years, I’ve served as the children’s pastor at Calvary Baptist Church– but Sunday is my last day. In short, I’m quitting my ministry job.
This has been the best job I’ve ever had – God has blessed us beyond my imagination in these short years.
There’s no scandal.
I’m not taking a new job.
And I’m not leaving for a bigger church.
In fact, we’re staying right here in same town, at the same congregation, and I will be a regular volunteer in the children’s department.
So what’s the story?
It started back in April I shared this resignation letter with our Church Family.

Over the past year I have become much more involved in our church’s mission work to Haiti. I have seen firsthand how the Lord is using our congregation to witness the Gospel in that place. With each visit God has confirmed that he is calling my ministry in a new direction.
In July, I will transition away from my children’s ministry role to focus more on mission work in Haiti. This means leading more frequent trips for our church while working with other congregations to expand the ministry.
We are not leaving, but this does mark a new chapter for our family… Please pray for us – specifically for wisdom and courage to follow where the Lord leads.

Really, it started one year ago that I left my heart in Haiti. In that time, I’ve made five visits and have another one next month.
We don’t really know what’s next. With so many young children, our family isn’t ready to relocate yet. This is a new path and we’re trusting God with each step along the way. In the short-term, here are three hats I’ll still be wearing:

  • Editor at Ministry-To-Children: As the site continues to grow, it’s clear this online ministry is helping thousands of churches every week. There is so many things we can improve, but my time has always been limited. One could easily make this a full-time job!
  • Father to 8+ Kids: Our family keeps growing through foster care & adoption. After following Jesus, my calling at home is the highest priority. Of course, there are some exciting things on the horizon too (even if I can’t share that publicly yet).
  • Mission Leader to Haiti: Just last week, our church formally recognized and commissioned me in the role of Missions Pastor. I’ll be leading regular teams from my church and others to expand our current mission work – specifically with the orphanage we support. First priority is to learn the language of Haiti.  This is a volunteer (aka not paid) pastoral position, but one that God has firmly placed on my heart.

So, even though I’m quitting the “job” I’m not leaving children’s ministry. Each of these roles will keep me deeply involved in sharing Jesus with the next generation. Please pray for me and my family during this time – if you want to follow along you can check out the new blog where we talk about our family’s mission work in Haiti.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.

55 thoughts on “I'm Quitting My Ministry Job … You'll Never Guess Why”

  1. You are in my Prayers. It is a continuation of God great work at Haiti. I love your readings Quite edifying to the ministry of Children.
    Syl Rambwa South Africa

  2. Praying for you and your family! Praying for God,s directions in your life as you and your family continue working for the Lord.

  3. Praying for you and your family. May God go before you and lead you on all your ways. Stay blessed.

  4. God bless you for following your heart and your God. You will be blessed. I can’t tell you how much help you have been to me in finding Children’s Church material for our small CC group. I find that we are happiest when we listen to God and what he has for us.

  5. Ministry to Children is a major blessing to me as a children church leader! I know you and your family will be a blessing to the people in Haiti. May God continue to bless you with the wisdom and strength needed to accomplish His work!

  6. The Lord God shall direct your steps through the path of righteousness. As you have obeyed Him, you and your own shall never lack.
    – Akon, writing from Nigeria, West Africa

  7. Tony,
    I rejoice with you. If I have learned anything in my walk and journey of Faith, it is that we have to be willing to go where God leads us. My passion right now is to teach my 4th/5th grade Sunday School Class. I can’t imagine anything else right now. But, I pray to always have my heart soft and open to God’s leading. I’m excited for you and your family as you begin this new ministry and season of your life and walk with Jesus.
    I do want to say, you and your Ministry has been a great blessing to me (and I’m sure many, many others), in getting ideas and lessons, etc. for no cost. I am not able to spend much on materials, etc. so it has been wonderful to have a resource that has been effective in lessons my students love and learn. Thank you!

  8. Tony that is wonderful! I have used the ministry to children website for years for my children’s church class. So even though I will miss reading your articles, I am very excited for you. God bless you and your family!

  9. I would just like to say that the Ministry to children website has been a blessing to me over the last 12 months. I will pray for you Tony that the Lord will direct your steps.
    Thank you for serving the Body of Christ through your role as children’s pastor and through this website, I am sure the Lord has great things in store for yourself and your precious family.
    Be blessed!!!

  10. A brother and sister, in the Lord, went in Jan/Feb of this year. Both enjoyed their time there with the children. He was able to go back for the whole month of April. He told us of how the people of Haiti were constantly praising the Lord. How they sing the songs from memory with out hymnals. May the Lord be with you and keep you and your family.
    Keep your eye on the Sky! Joy

  11. Thank you for your ministry for children. It helps me a lot.
    Also I’ll pray for your ministry at Haiti, it is so beautiful to see your heart for God’s work.

  12. May God richly bless this new ministry and may you continue to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. This website has been a huge help to me as a volunteer in our church’s CE ministry. Thank you for all you have done to minister to children that you have never met. May the seeds you have helped to plant bear much fruit for the Kingdom.

  13. I am so thankful for this ministry Tony! I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve used your resources and will definitely continue to do so. I am excited to know that God is using you to minister to the people of Haiti and I hope you’ll share with us from time to time. Blessings to you and your family!!

  14. Your gift is a blessing to us all and God wanted to expand the blessings further. We are happy you and your family for you are all instruments of God. Wee are praying for your safety, guidance, and strength. God bless!!!

  15. I love your passion for God’s work and the joy you derive in doing it, God will continue to strengthen you and lead you in all you do.

  16. As a family with 16 children ( birth, adoption and foster care) , we always saw ,through your posts, your tremendous love for children. It was obvious that your heart was left in Haiti and this seems a natural step. God Bless you and your wife for having such a large , all encompassing love for children. It is rare and God – given.
    Some are called to be prophets and others evangelists. Some are called to the children .
    It is wonderful to see .
    God Bless your family

  17. Best wishes, Tony, you have been a blessing to my church’s children’s ministry. I have a very small class of mixed ages. Thank you so much for your wonderful website and encouraging words. I’ll be praying for your family and your ministry in Haiti.

  18. Dear Tony,
    You have been a tremendous blessing to me and my church kids ministry over the years. I am very grateful for all your lesson materials that are among the very best I have used.
    Where God leads, you can only expect his blessings, providence and protection to follow your every step. Praying for your success and joy in your new venture, the people of Haiti are certainly blessed!
    Celia Mun

  19. Thanks for your support for the passing years in the children ministry and God bless you and your family in the new ministry.

  20. I certainly have been blessed from the e-mails and many ideas you have shared. They have helped me grow in working with preschoolers. Thank you.
    May God continue to bless you and your work and your family.

  21. Tony you are an inspiration to all! We first met years ago when you were coaching soccer for the Upward Soccer program. It’s amazing how much your family have been through in such a short time. You and your beautiful wife have the biggest hearts, so full of love, it can be felt just being around you both! Congratulations on all your adventures and to your growing family. The Lord has lead you to where you are, an I Pray for Good Health, and Safety for you and your family. Love and Prayers To the Kummer Family Xo

  22. I pray the Father continues to bless you and your family. You have done tremendous work creating this web-site and have provided many blessings to me by their use. Thank you for what you have done. God bless you.
    Phoebe Trammel

  23. Good luck and my prayers for you and your family. It’s so refreshing to hear about such good things, especially in God’s calling and work. The world needs more of “you !”


  25. I’m so glad you are opened to God’s leading that is so very inspiring. You’ve been a blessing to me in all the Children’s ministry ideas. I do quite a number church children’s story time and love it. God bless you as you journey on.

  26. That’s the best news I have heard in some time! So happy for you and your lovely family!

  27. Thanks for the news! Am happy for you and your family. You don’t know how much your work has blessed me in my personal life and church work. Am praying for you and your ministry.
    More power to you and your family!

  28. I have just started following and using your Kids Church site so am glad you will continue with it. At the same time I praise God for people like you who are living the call God has given us Christians to look after the poor and less fortunate especially children. May you be blessed in this chapter of your life.

  29. God bless you and all your family and keep the burner burning until the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.By the way that is the great mission which is left especially this time of the end as it is in Mathew 28 verse 18to 20. the Great commission. All the best in your new ministry as you work in his Vineyar.

  30. May the good Lord go before you and grant you grace upon grace to keep making Him proud as you assume your new responsibility. For your family, the Lord will make a way at the appropriate time. God’s blessings!

  31. May the Lord continue to guide and bless you in the fulfillment of your calling. I am so blessed to be a part of your children’s ministry. I’ll be praying for you and your family and your ministry too.
    May the Lord be your Provider for all your plans and needs.

  32. Being obedient to the call of God isn’t always easy, especially if you are required to leave behind family, friends and the comforts you have grown used to. God sees your heart and that of your family’s and He is pleased with you. Be blessed in all that you endeavor to do. My prayer is that He prepares a good place for you in Haiti and the work you do blesses many lives. Go with the Blessing of our Heavenly Father.

  33. Faithful is He who has called you. This is a new door and I pray that His grace will be sufficient for you and His favor clothes you and your family. Thanks and God bless you.

  34. God bless you and family, gods power is working through you,taking ministry in new direction.You are doing what Jesus what us to do,going out for the needs of the people in haiti.Jesus knows that you are capable of handling thing in haiti.Many blessings, God showers his grace on your family and you.Last,the world need people like you,to have unity and peace

  35. Praise God, That is wonderful, Keep on hearing the voice of God and you will see Him doing wonders
    in your life, GREAT! God bless you in your new work and your family.

  36. I wish you the best in the work of the Lord. We shall continue to pray for you on your new mission. It was a pleasure to work with you in these past ten years.
    Christian Musungwa

  37. How exciting for you! May God continue to bless and guide you as you follow Him! Thank you for your ministry!

  38. May the almighty God contunue to shower you with his blessing. You have been a blessing to me as a sunday school teacher in Wesley Methodist Church in Mombasa, Kenya. All the best.
    Lily Baya

  39. You’re an inspiration especially in Children’s Ministry. You’re a great worker in the field and your willingness to obey His leading is all that matters. The Lord bless You and the family as He continue to use you mightily in His vineyard.
    Cirila Budaden

  40. As we know we are in the end days, and as the bible says the harvest is plenty by the works are few, even today in our church it’s so had to get committed members of the church to help in any ministry mainly children ministry where I am involved. Today I hear churches out of the city in remote areas the churches are growing many are getting saved but the Pastors are finding it hard to handle or minister to the increasing numbers. The good news is we were warned that this will happen. So I guess Pastor we have to go ahead as the Load leads us. Well I am not sure if everyone agrees but the way I see it is, for me fist comes God second Family and then Ministry. We continue to pray for your Family and ministry.
    Please pray for my country as well Sri Lanka – Today satan not only attacks children spiritually mentally but now physically as well, the number of sexual abuse rapes incidents of school children suicides of young children has increased in the resent past.
    Thank you,
    God bless,
    Best regards,


  42. May God strengthen you keep you and your family and also grant you the wisdom knowledge and understanding.He will supply all your needs according to his riches and glory Amen.

  43. Thank you for sharing the direction you feel God is calling you to be available for Him to use you at this time in you/your family’s life.
    I really appreciate this web site and have shared the address with a number of others.
    Thank you for making an effort to keep it up and running at this time.
    We also have a heart for Haiti and have seen first hand the needs–so many around the world.
    I am sure your efforts will be blessed as you focus on His direction for your life.

  44. I am very happy to hear that the Lord is moving you to higher grounds, although you’ll be missed for all the times you’ll be away from home, is good to know that you’ll still be close for he children’s ministry. I’ve been following you for maybe a couple of years and your tips have helped me greatly in the children’s ministry I serve in, I really wish you and your team the best experience and that God may use you with great power and wisdom to guide those people in need of a savior. May God the father and our Lord Jesus Christ bless you and watch over you, blessings.

  45. Congratulation first for having such a great family. May God continue to bless you on your mission. God sent you there so I know He will protect you ; so all the best to you and you family. Serving God is a wonderful thing.
    God bless you now and always.Love Orriea

  46. thanks for your sharing Mr. Tony…. i am glad to hear that you and your family follow God’s guide, give your live and heart for the misssion. may Jesus always protect you and your fam. i wish all the best for you all.
    thanks for this ministry that have supported me in my ministry in sunday school.
    may God shower bless, wisdom and always sthrengthen you and fam.
    with pray, lanny

  47. God’s blessings on the new phase of your life. God places us where He needs us most and He certainly equips us and provides so that His will for our lives can be fulfilled.
    May He grant you all the strength and wisdom you will need to fulfill your purpose. May your family and your ministry be richly blessed.
    Kind regards.
    Christine Snyders (Cape Town South Africa)

  48. as we are in the hands of God, he sends us where he wants and he will provide. Be blessed and we’ll keep you and your family in prayer. Pastor Nesly nozil

  49. Congratulation first for having such a great family.Be blessed and we’ll keep you and your family in prayer. May He grant you all the strength and wisdom you will need to fulfill your purpose.

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