I'm Quitting My Ministry Job … You'll Never Guess Why

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For the last 10 years, I’ve served as the children’s pastor at Calvary Baptist Church– but Sunday is my last day. In short, I’m quitting my ministry job.
This has been the best job I’ve ever had – God has blessed us beyond my imagination in these short years.
There’s no scandal.
I’m not taking a new job.
And I’m not leaving for a bigger church.
In fact, we’re staying right here in same town, at the same congregation, and I will be a regular volunteer in the children’s department.
So what’s the story?
It started back in April I shared this resignation letter with our Church Family.

Over the past year I have become much more involved in our church’s mission work to Haiti. I have seen firsthand how the Lord is using our congregation to witness the Gospel in that place. With each visit God has confirmed that he is calling my ministry in a new direction.
In July, I will transition away from my children’s ministry role to focus more on mission work in Haiti. This means leading more frequent trips for our church while working with other congregations to expand the ministry.
We are not leaving, but this does mark a new chapter for our family… Please pray for us – specifically for wisdom and courage to follow where the Lord leads.

Really, it started one year ago that I left my heart in Haiti. In that time, I’ve made five visits and have another one next month.
We don’t really know what’s next. With so many young children, our family isn’t ready to relocate yet. This is a new path and we’re trusting God with each step along the way. In the short-term, here are three hats I’ll still be wearing:

  • Editor at Ministry-To-Children: As the site continues to grow, it’s clear this online ministry is helping thousands of churches every week. There is so many things we can improve, but my time has always been limited. One could easily make this a full-time job!
  • Father to 8+ Kids: Our family keeps growing through foster care & adoption. After following Jesus, my calling at home is the highest priority. Of course, there are some exciting things on the horizon too (even if I can’t share that publicly yet).
  • Mission Leader to Haiti: Just last week, our church formally recognized and commissioned me in the role of Missions Pastor. I’ll be leading regular teams from my church and others to expand our current mission work – specifically with the orphanage we support. First priority is to learn the language of Haiti.  This is a volunteer (aka not paid) pastoral position, but one that God has firmly placed on my heart.

So, even though I’m quitting the “job” I’m not leaving children’s ministry. Each of these roles will keep me deeply involved in sharing Jesus with the next generation. Please pray for me and my family during this time – if you want to follow along you can check out the new blog where we talk about our family’s mission work in Haiti.

New Sunday School Curriculum: Our Bible lessons are designed to keep the kids’ attention and show how God's Word makes a difference. Every series is flexible enough for a wide-age group and affordable enough for small churches. Download a free Bible lesson in pdf or view our latest Sunday School curriculum for small churches.