More than ever, children need to learn to trust God’s promises for their own lives. This simple activity is designed with that end in mind. It would be appropriate as part of a lesson on God’s promise to Noah or any lesson on God’s promises.
- Print one copy of the rainbow promise stories and one copy per child of the rainbow promise booklet pages.
- Cut apart the booklet pages (picture 1).
- Place the stories in different locations around the room with a pile of the matching small booklet pages near each story (picture 2).
- Divide the children into small groups. If some children cannot read well, there needs to be a teacher or older child with each group.
- Each group travels around the room reading the stories. At each location each child collects a booklet page.
- When the children return to the table, give each one a booklet cover.
- Each child stacks the pages to form a booklet and staples it together (picture 3).

Variation: If you don’t have room to move around, staple the stories into a booklet, using the provided cover, and read it together. Then let the children cut apart the booklet pages and make their own booklets.
If you enjoy this activity, please leave a comment below to share how it was helpful in your ministry. We love hearing the feedback and your creative ideas will help other readers too.
Very creative lessson. Love it!
Great way to teach children. Fun and creative. Love it. Thank you
Thank-you soooo very much. I’m just beginning to teach class. This really helped get me started!! Now if you’d kindly tell me how to find some crafts for Gods promises lessons. I have one for Noah n maybe one for abraham n sarah. My theme is God’s promises. My children are 4 (almost 5) to 7 yrs.😊😇