Kids Worship Music: To Be Like Jesus (Sovereign Grace Music)

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Finding children’s worship music that has biblical depth and musical excellence can be a challenge. That is one reason why I was excited to learn about the new CD for kids from Sovereign Grace Music. To Be Like Jesus contains 12 worship songs about the fruits of the Spirit. The album is inspired by Galatians 5:22-23, “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Click here to see more resources based on the Fruit of the Spirit.
You can listen to samples and order the CD on the Sovereign Grace Website. Please check it out and share your thoughts in the comment section below.

Morality Rooted in the Gospel

Normally, I am cautious about children’s resources that focus on being a good person.  That kind of approach can leave out the Gospel and makes right morals the goal of Christianity. “Be a good little girl and God will love you” is never the message of the Bible.
But Sovereign Grace Music is always about the Gospel, and this album is no exception. Every song on this CD points listeners back to Jesus and his cross. Consider the words from the title track:

I don’t always do what’s right

Jesus lived a perfect life

And for sins like mine He died

Teach me to obey Your Word

Help me to put others first

Holy Spirit, change my life

Theology Set To Music

I also appreciate the God-centered focus of this music. This album shows that true Christian character must be rooted in the character of God. Every song celebrates the Glory of God and several praise his specific attributes. Children will sing about God as the Creator, Provider, and Savior. They will exalt in his goodness and gracious attitude toward humanity. This music will help kids think rightly about God and grow in their love for Him.

Powerful Music That Enhances The Message

The music is excellent. The clear melody and frequent use of a children’s chorus will encourage kids to sing along. Most songs have an upbeat contemporary style, complete with a powerful bass rhythm, lead guitar, and drums. But there is variety, especially with the more contemplative songs that feature a piano accompaniment. The musical style of each song complements the lyrics.

Suggested Ways To Use This CD

I have ordered several copies of To Be Like Jesus to encourage families devotions in our church. We will also integrate a some of these songs into our regular children’s worship time during children’s church. Many older children will want to listen to this CD on their own.

Sovereign Grace Music offers discounts for church orders and does give a price break on larger orders. This is their second children’s worship CD. The first was titled Awesome God and is available on their website.

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