"The Wicked Are Not So" Psalm 1:4 Coloring Page

This is the 6th page in our free Psalm One Coloring Book. The picture shows wheat being blown and broken up by the wind. This reminds us that the person who rejects God will soon be forgotten and amount to very little in this life. This is a gracious warning and a powerful reality check for our generation. Download all 8-pages in one PDF document (1 MB) or edit for yourself in the WORD document (4 MB). You are

"God is Everywhere" Lesson for Toddlers

This is the seventh lesson plan in our series titled, “Toddlers Knowing God.” Each of these studies help children age 18-24 months better understand the character & nature of God. Click here to see the main index for these Bible lessons. This particular lesson is based on Psalm 139:7-10 and teaches about the omnipresence of God. Main Idea: God is everywhere! He is always with us! (Repeat throughout the lesson.) Bible Passage: Psalm 139:7-10 Bible Lesson Title: God

6 Thanksgiving Activities for Children's Church

I love the old song that goes, “We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessings…” What a great time of the year to teach children’s church! Thankfulness and appreciation for the blessings of God is an important part of the life of a Christian. During “turkey” month, share these seven Thanksgiving activities with your kids. You will teach them an attitude of gratitude. The Ten Lepers Play: My kids are little actors and they love acting out

Should We Compare Our Children?

Recently I became a mom of two.  My oldest son just turned seven and my newborn is now eight weeks old.  They are both joys in my life, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I was chosen by God to be their mother. It has definitely been challenging adding a new baby to the mix.  My son was an only child for nearly 7 years so I was used to giving him all the attention.  He

"In Everything He Prospers" Psalm 1:3 Coloring Page

This is the fifth page in our free Psalm One Coloring Book. This illustration completes verse 3 of this scripture passage. The prosperity here flows from walking in God’s instructions and avoiding the path chosen by the wicked. This blessed life is a gift of God that is offered to all who will learn from his word. The illustration shows a young man planting seeds. This can remind children how the truth of the scriptures is like a seed planted

"Delight in the Law of the Lord" Psalm 1:2 Coloring Page

This is the third page in our free Psalm One Coloring Book. Our illustration in this image is based on Psalm 1:2, “but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.” This continues the description of the blessed person from verse 1. In contrast to others who reject God’s directions, the truly happy life is one that takes joy in learning from God’s Word. Download all 8-pages in one

"Don't Stand in the Way of Sinners" Psalm 1:1b Coloring Sheet

This sheet is the second page in our free Psalm One Coloring Book. It continues the illustration of verse one, “nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers.” These ideas extend are roughly synonymous with not walking in the council of the wicked. Children need to learn to avoid the advice and example of others who are not following God’s directions. The specific warning against scoffing is greatly needed when children often make

"Blessed is the Man" Psalm 1:1a Coloring Page

This sheet is the first page in our free Psalm One Coloring Book. The illustration here is based on the first verse of the Psalm, “Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked.” Children need to learn how to resist bad advice from people who are not living according to God’s directions. This opening verse indicates the path to a truly blessed and happy life comes only according to God’s Wisdom.

Psalm 1 Coloring Book

The 1st Psalm  has always been a great help to children as they learn to navigate life. It points them to the ways of godliness and to Jesus himself. The coloring sheets on this page take each section of the psalm and attempt to illustrate the meaning using a contemporary situation that children might face. Download all 8-pages in one PDF document (1 MB) or edit for yourself in the WORD document (4 MB). Click on the image

Helping an Older Sibling Adjust to a New Baby

Seven years ago, I gave birth to a son.  My husband and I knew almost immediately that he would be our only child.  We felt content with one child and didn’t think we would ever want another one. When said son was about 4 years old, and we had committed to go to the mission field to serve, we begin to feel the desire to have another child.  We felt that it would be good for our

7 Cool Classroom Door Decorations

What’s the first thing your child sees when he comes to your classroom? Why the door of course! The front door of your room should excite, welcome and inspire parents and students. So how do you do this? With cool, classroom door decorations. Change your door decor every month or few months to keep the excitement level up. Decorating a classroom door gives crafty volunteers and room “moms” something to do too. Try one of these seven

Lesson: Daniel's Response to God's Word

This is another lesson for Daniel 9.  The focus on this lesson is how prayer is a response to God’s Word.  Daniel prays in response to what he realizes from Jeremiah’s prophecy about the 70 year captivity.  This lesson provides practical opportunities for students to pray in response to God’s Word.  The lesson was prepared for older students and can be adapted for the needs of your ministry.  This is a teacher guide for you as you

Faithfulness Bible Lesson (Fruit of the Spirit)

This is the seventh Bible lesson in our series based on the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. Each particular lesson plan explains a specific character quality that God creates in us through his Spirit. These lessons are designed to accompany the printable Fruit of the Spirit coloring book from our website. Click here to see all the lessons in this series. Suggested Age Group: 1rst-3rd Grades Scripture: Galatians 5:22-23, Psalm 86:15, Psalm 100:5, Psalm 89:1, 1 Samuel 12:24, Psalm

Lesson: Replacing Pride with praise

From the life of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4 students will learn that God will humble those who are filled with pride. This lesson was originally presented to older children and teaches them to protect their hearts from pride by choosing to praise God for all things.  The lesson is only a guide and may be adapted to the needs of your ministry. Bible Story: Nebuchadnezzar learns to replace pride with praise Scripture: Daniel 4 Target Age Group: Age

Object Lessons from the Movie "Avengers"

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net I recently took my two boys to see the movie, The Avengers. We loved it! In the movie Thor, Black Widow, the Hulk, Hawkeye, Captain America and Iron Man team up to stop the evil Loki from destroying the world. The Avengers is #1 at box office right now and you can bet that many of the preteens in your group will be going to see it. Why

Lesson: Paul's Life Well Lived (Acts 18-28)

The following lesson is a review of Paul’s ministry from Acts 18-28.  The students will have an opportunity to remember the many ways Paul, empowered by the Holy Spirit, faithfully served Jesus in each circumstance he faced as he shared the Good News. The lesson was prepared for older students and can be adapted.  The following is only a suggested guide to help your class  review Acts 18-28. Click here to see all the lessons in this curriculum

Free Preteen Bible Lesson on Revenge

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net Topic: Revenge Bible Teaching Movie: Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked Bible Passage: David spares Saul’s Life: 1 Samuel 24 Activity: When? Where? Why? & How? Respond: Leave a comment below with your feedback on this lesson. Divide preteens into small groups. Give each group a large sheet of butcher paper with the word “REVENGE” written on it. Ask each group to write a definition for “REVENGE” on their

Are Preteens Ready for Ministry Leadership?

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net God always amazes me when he uses preteens in leadership. A friend of mine, Clint May, President of CDM International, told me the story of Sarah, who went through a preteen leadership program at his church. Here’s the story in Clint’s words. “One year we did a mission trip in San Marcus, Texas. We had a rough trip. Many of our kids came down with a virus. Because

3 Ideas for Growing the Faith of Preteens

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net Preteens crave an authentic relationship with God and are eager to grow their friendship with Him. They’re capable of owning the relationship, independently of their mom or dad. One of the best things leaders can do is provide preteens opportunities to grow in their faith. Here are a three ideas to help preteens grow their faith: Easter is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, so launching some type

Build Preteen Relationships with Events

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net I remember one of our first over-the-top preteen events. We named it Nick at Night and it was held on a Friday night. It was a clever name because my name is Nick and the event included lots of Nickelodeon style-games. We rented water inflatables and played games like slime dodge ball, slime soak battle and more. We encouraged preteens to invite their friends and had a huge

Managing Paid Childcare Workers

Lots of churches use paid childcare workers in lots of different ways. Some use them on Sunday mornings to make sure the nursery is covered.  Some use them on Wednesday and/or Sunday nights.  Some cover special events or Bible studies.  Regardless of how you use them, it can sometimes become quite the chore to manage that part of the ministry.  Here are seven tips for effectively managing paid childcare workers. 1.  Have specific job descriptions – make

10 Teaching Tips for Preteen Leaders

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net 1. Customize curriculum Give up the idea of a cookie cutter approach to preteen curriculum. Preteens respond best when lessons are customized. Use examples of real life situations where you struggled or had a success with the given topic. Take into consideration your specific community, church and preteens when editing lessons. Yes, curriculum is good. But it is most effective when leaders make it their own. 2. Add

How To Earn Trust with Parents

Recently our community experienced a great tragedy in which it was revealed that an individual who was highly respected and trusted had been living a life of unbelievable sin for decades.  Yet again, a trusted leader who claimed to be a believer in Jesus had broken trust with an entire town. Our world hears these stories over and over.  In this case, it was a highly esteemed teacher.  In many cases it is a pastor, a youth

Harnessing the High Energy Level of Preteens

**This is a guest post from Nick Diliberto from PreteenMinistry.net Preteens have a high energy level. If you’ve worked with them for five minutes, you know this to be true. They can’t sit still for very long, get easily distracted like to move around a lot. Especially the boys. The body of a preteen is rapidly changing and the brain is undergoing a tremendous amount of change. Because of these changes, preteens are naturally hyper. The dilemma is