Springtime Crafts for Children

According to the groundhog, Spring is just around the corner!  And, I, for one, couldn’t be happier!  I am so ready for sunny, warm days with flowers to smell and pick! Here are a few of my favorite spring time crafts to do with the kids.  1. Flowers  Items Needed: construction paper, green pipe cleaners, glue, cupcake liners (pastel colors) of different sizes, fake leaves, crayons Draw a basic flower shape on the construction paper (stem with

Who Will Carry Your Spiritual Baggage?

Several years ago in the youth service at my church, our former youth pastor spoke about the baggage that we carry around with us daily.  This topic has really been stuck in my mind since that night. Each of us has things in our lives that we try to deal with on our own. Maybe we are angry or bitter with someone we feel has wronged us.  Maybe we refuse to forgive the person who lied to

Winter Crafts Ideas for Sunday School

Try these fun Winter themed crafts in your Sunday School. What better way to enjoy the cold weather than to make some fun winter crafts!  On those days when it’s snowy or just too cold to get outside, bring the fun in. The printable directions below include this page, the PDF templates, and a bonus coloring page. Winter Craft ideas for Sunday School Grab a cup of hot cocoa and try one of these fun, easy crafts.

5 Fun Christmas Craft Ideas

Christmastime is here, and what a fun time of year for crafts!  Here are a few of my favorites: 1. Gingerbread Puppets: Supplies Needed: glue, cinnamon, popsicle sticks, tape, brown crayons Have children color a template of a gingerbread boy or gingerbread girl with a brown crayon.  Next, spread glue over the boy or girl.  Sprinkle cinnamon on the template.  Tape a popsicle stick to the back to make a puppet. 2. Applesauce Ornaments:Supplies Needed: 1 cup

Should We Compare Our Children?

Recently I became a mom of two.  My oldest son just turned seven and my newborn is now eight weeks old.  They are both joys in my life, and I am overwhelmed with gratitude that I was chosen by God to be their mother. It has definitely been challenging adding a new baby to the mix.  My son was an only child for nearly 7 years so I was used to giving him all the attention.  He

Make November a Month of Thanks

With November right around the corner, the holiday season is quickly approaching!  Here’s a fun idea to help your family remember the blessings that have come your way during the month we set aside to be thankful. Beginning November 1st and going through Thanksgiving Day, have each member of your family write what he or she is thankful for on a piece of paper and place it in a special bowl or container.  We use a bowl

Pumpkin Prayer Activity & Object Lesson

The pumpkin prayer is a classic activity for Christian families and Sunday School classes leading up to the Halloween season. Use our printable template and directions to share this object lesson with your kids this October. Prayer Pumpkins Activity Idea Materials needed: pumpkin for carving, carving tools, trash bags, a copy of pumpkin prayer, candle for pumpkin, Bible. Some of you may have heard of or even read the pumpkin prayer before.  It is a fun way

10 Fall Fun Ideas for Families

Fall is a favorite time of the year for many people.  We see God’s handiwork in the changing of the leaves and the relief of cooler weather after a warm summer.  We get to decorate with pretty wreaths and fun pumpkins.  We can pick up our favorite fall flavors at the coffee shops and put on a pot of soup to enjoy with our family.  These are just a few of the reasons that many of us

Helping an Older Sibling Adjust to a New Baby

Seven years ago, I gave birth to a son.  My husband and I knew almost immediately that he would be our only child.  We felt content with one child and didn’t think we would ever want another one. When said son was about 4 years old, and we had committed to go to the mission field to serve, we begin to feel the desire to have another child.  We felt that it would be good for our

What To Do When Homeschooling Doesn’t Work

One year ago at this time, my husband, son and I had packed up our apartment in Louisville, Kentucky (where my husband attended seminary) to move back to our home state of South Carolina.   My husband had graduated from seminary, and we were searching for God’s plan for our lives. We had homeschooled our son while in Louisville for his kindergarten year and had completed that year with success.  We had planned to continue homeschooling him once

Don't Let Fear Keep You from That Mission Trip

I’ve been thinking a lot about fear lately.  I have many fears.  I fear the unknown; I fear the known, sometimes.  I fear for my son; I fear for my husband.  These are just a few, and I know that they are ultimately unfounded.  Probably the thing I fear most is change!  I struggle with that one a lot! One of the things that I used to fear that I feel God has given me the power

Lesson: Zacchaeus and Our Personal Relationship with Jesus

It’s important for children to begin thinking of Jesus as a real person who wants to have a personal relationship with them. Too often, they assume he’s only a distant historical figure. We must show them the living God is calling out to them through the Scriptures. This simple lesson will help younger children begin to think about a personal relationship with Jesus. Bible Topic: Zacchaues & Our Relationship with JesusScripture: Jeremiah 29:11, along with Luke 19:1-10Target Age Group: Younger

The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) Sunday School Lesson

This Bible lesson will teach children about the spiritual discipline of evangelism. Sometimes we forget that children can speak God’s truth, even better than grown-ups. (See Matthew 21:16) Telling others about Jesus is also a key for kids to grow in their own faith. Spiritual disciplines are just a fancy way to say “spiritual exercise.” That means something we can do to help us get closer to Jesus and stronger in our faith. Evangelism is exactly such

Lesson: The Spiritual Discipline of Stewardship

This Bible lesson will teach children about the spiritual discipline of stewardship and giving. This is an often overlooked way that God grows the faith of children. Remember, it’s not the size of the gift but the heart that matters most.  This lesson is designed for a smaller group of children, but could be adapted for any Sunday School or Children’s Church setting. Bible Topic: Stewardship Scripture: Colossians 3:2 Target Age Group: Elementary (1st -5th grade) Learning Context: Any small group setting like

Lesson: The Spiritual Discipline of Serving

This simple Bible lesson will teach children about the spiritual discipline of serving others. It’s designed for a smaller group of children, but could be adapted for any Sunday School or Children’s Church setting. Bible Topic: Serving Others Scripture: Mark 10:45 Target Age Group: Elementary (1st -5th grade) Learning Context: Any small group setting like Sunday School Target Time Frame: 30 minutes You Can Help: Please share your feedback and suggestions to improve this children’s Bible lesson. Click here to respond Lesson Objective:

Lesson: The Spiritual Discipline of Worship

This simple lesson plan will help introduce children to the concept of worship as a spiritual discipline. It’s designed for a smaller group of children, but could be adapted for any Sunday School or Children’s Church setting. Bible Topic: Ways to Worship God Scripture: Psalm 100:2 Target Age Group: Elementary (1st -5th grade) Learning Context: Any small group setting like Sunday School Target Time Frame: 30 minutes You Can Help: Please share your feedback and suggestions to improve this children’s Bible lesson. Click

Lesson & Craft: The Spiritual Discipline of Bible Reading

This simple lesson plan will help introduce children to the concept of “spiritual disciplines” with a particular focus on the importance of Bible Reading. It’s designed for a smaller group of children, but could be adapted for any Sunday School or Children’s Church setting. Bible Topic: Reading the Bible Scripture: Psalm 119:105 Target Age Group: Elementary (1st -5th grade) Learning Context: Any small group setting like Sunday School Target Time Frame: 30 minutes You Can Help: Please share your feedback and suggestions to

Lesson & Craft: The Spiritual Discipline of Prayer

This simple lesson plan will help introduce children to the concept of “spiritual disciplines” with a particular focus on the importance of prayer. It’s designed for a smaller group of children, but could be adapted for any Sunday School or Children’s Church setting. Bible Topic: Spiritual Disciplines Scripture: 1 Timothy 4:7-8 Target Age Group: Elementary (1st -5th grade) Learning Context: Any small group setting like Sunday School Target Time Frame: 30 minutes You Can Help: Please share

Homeschooling is Not for the Faint of Heart!

What a true statement that I am learning first hand!  We have almost completed a year of homeschooling, and I have to be honest: It Has Been Challenging! Homeschooling is definitely not something to be taken lightly.  We had prayed for guidance regarding this decision, and I still believe this is where God had us for this school year.  However, we are now re-evaluating and praying about what we will do for the next school year. Homeschooling

8 Tips for Choosing a Homeschooling Curriculum

If you have taken the plunge and decided that homeschooling is for you and your family, the next step may be finding which curriculum to use.  Finding the right home school materials can be overwhelming for new homeschooelrs. Here are a 8 tips that helped me along the way to decide what to use. 1. Pray about a curriculum that God would have you use. 2. Consider your child (children). For example, if your child is a “hands-on”

"The Greatest Valentine" Preschool Bible Lesson about God's Love

Here is a simple lesson plan to use with preschool aged children. It would be ideal as a Valentine lesson for preschool kids at church. Like all our resources, it is 100% free for you to use in church, home, or school. This lesson includes a craft suggestion and a free coloring page from our website. Click here to leave feedback about this lesson. Jesus Loves You: The Greatest Valentine! Target Age: 2-5 Scripture Focus: John 3:16 (you can also use

Homeschooling – What We're Learning after 3 Months

We have just finished our third month of homeschooling and are moving into the fourth.  The time has flown by!  We have our good days and bad, but overall, I would say that homeschooling has been a success for us. One of the biggest challenges we have faced when it comes to homeschooling might just be the teacher!  I’ve found that it is often hard to keep to the schedule we have set for ourselves when it

Homeschooling: Our First Week at Riddle Academy

This week (home) school began for my son and me.  I put “home” in parenthesis because even though we have school at home everyday, it is still school.  Some people may question whether homeschoolers really do anything.  There may be some out there who don’t, but I believe the vast majority wishes to educate their children to the fullest extent; that is my desire. We began this week slowly, trying to get into the routine of getting

I Can Pray: Preschool Lesson and Craft

Here is a preschool lesson about prayer for your toddler or preschool Sunday School class at church. It’s based on selected scriptures and teachers younger children this powerful truth – they can talk to God. This lesson plan was written for a preschool class at church, but it could be modified for other ministry settings. You could expand it for elementary children or use it at home for family devotions. Bible Truth: I Can Pray Scripture: 1