Strong Curriculum is a brand new Sunday School curriculum from RBP. They are happy to introduce this exciting new STRONG KIDS material.
To enter this giveaway — just leave a comment on this post saying how your church could benefit fro this material. We’ll randomly select a winner next week!
When you choose the Strong Curriculum, you are choosing a Sunday School curriculum with all of God’s Word and the life application that comes with it. Watch the video below to learn more or get a free trial on their website
Regular Baptist Press firmly believes God’s Word is living and powerful and more effective than any idea or philosophy man could ever dream up. The Bible is Spirit empowered, so it cannot fail to strengthen kids who interact with its truths. Believing this, we purposefully built Strong Kids on Bible bedrock. We know the curriculum’s solid Biblical foundation will make it transformational. Coming up with a comprehensive plan to teach the Bible systematically and completely is not easy. We did the heavy lifting to build the plan so you can use it to focus on communicating God’s Word and strengthening the kids under your care. The Strong Kids comprehensive curriculum plan means you can share God’s Word with confidence.
We built the Strong Kids scope and sequence on the seven teaching aims Jesus had during His earthly ministry. Identifying Jesus’ aims helps you teach the Bible with purpose and clear goals in sight. Every lesson in the Strong Kids scope and sequence addresses at least one of Jesus’ teaching aims.
Whole-Bible Emphasis
Each Strong Kids age group has a special emphasis that contributes to the overall purpose of spiritually strengthening kids. Why? First, there are far too many crucial lessons in the Bible to have all five children’s age groups covering the same Bible passage on the same Sunday. Too many of those important lessons would be left untaught. Second, the age groups’ needs are too varied to force them to cover the exact same scope and sequence every curriculum cycle.
Smooth Transitions
Strong Kids for pre-primary, primary, middler, and junior age groups all track along a similar chronological path through the Bible. By design, all four age groups end year 1 with Judges and year 2 with Revelation. This provides continuity as the students move from one age group to the next, and gives them four opportunities to work through the Bible over an eight-year span.

Growth you can measure.
How do you know if Strong Kids curriculum is working? You measure your students against the Bible’s standard for spiritual maturity. Strong Kids provides measuring tools that point out your kids’ areas of strengths and weaknesses. The curriculum also gives supplemental ideas for reinforcing the seven teaching aims so you can strengthen areas of weakness. The measuring tools make spirituality practical. They describe what it looks likes to live out Christ’s seven aims. The measuring tools provide a natural connection between the classroom and the home. Parents understand the changes and growth they should be seeing and encouraging in their children’s lives.

Results that last forever.
Heaven is an important emphasis in Strong Kids curriculum. The pre-primary through junior age groups learn how the decisions they make today will affect them for eternity. The curriculum directs them to live in light of eternity by living for God rather than for themselves. It gives their lives meaning now so they might count for something in eternity. In eternity, all believers will want nothing more than to glorify God. How kids live now will determine their capacity to glorify God forever in Heaven.
beuridull a lot of visual I love my chuch have something like this will be a good gif for then
This looks awesome. I really like all the visual aids and the fact that music is available as well. Our church is small but we want all our kids to be strong in their faith.
I’m certain our kids in church will love this Sunday School Kit. 🙂 It’s colorful and interactive… kids will surely enjoy while learning. Aye Quijano of Macedonian Missionary Baptist Church, Philippines 🙂
Thank you so much for your series on ‘The Walk Lesson’ and ‘Sanctify of Life’. These are great lesson plans.
My Sunday School children and the Youths are blessed.
God bless you abduantly.
Our children are young at church, between the ages of 1 year and 5 years old. They love interactive activities such as colourful pictures. The curriculum sounds excellent especially since it’s based on just learning the Bible but using helpful aids such as pictures to enable that to happen.
I am certain our at Elohim Christian Church will love this Strong’s curriculum because children work well with interactive lessons. The vibrant colors will entice their interest and excitement.
Nancy Miranda of Elohim Christian Church, Richmond NY
My kindy student will have a “ball’ with this resource. They learn best by example!
I lOVE THE COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH PROVIDED FOR PRESCHOOLERS. It is frustrating when some see church as child care. Every interaction with a child at church is an opportunity to show and tell them about God and his great love for them. I love the visuals. Kids needs to see, touch, and experience to learn. Thanks for creating this curriculum. Ohio
I have a variety of ages in my small but eager to learn Sunday School class and am looking for engaging and insightful and most importantly a Doctrinely Sound curriculum for them. I would love to win this.
I would love to avail of the trial free gift, I’m a pastors wife and my heart is for the young people, children and the youth. I need materials that will be relevant for them is this present time and a material that is user friendly and yes I find your resources very easy to use. God continue to use you in His kingdom. More power!
I am excited to see a whole curriculum for pre schoolers. We are a young church trying to find a curriculum is so hard.so much out there, really want to find a biblically strong lesson for pre schoolers. anyway, this would be amazing help for our church
I’m so excited at what i just saw!!!! My kids at church would benefit so much from this curriculum! Love you guys and all you do for the kids!
Of course we teachers at our church would love to have this resource for our children’s ministry. We want to be certain that we’re guiding our little ones (and not so little ones) with the Truth of God. My earnest prayer, however, is that the LORD will have his hand on who will truly benefit from this resource, and that they will be the recipients. Thank you for using your talents to develop a curriculum that is engaging and full of the Power and Truth of God.
We are a part of a church revitalization at Grace Baptist Church in Detroit, Mi. Currently we have only 30-40 attending church but we know that God will grown the church. I have used Ministry to Children material for many years and have found it to be not only very Biblically solid material, but it is also very child friendly and fun! I highly recommend it to anyone. And we would love to have this new curriculum for our children’s ministry!
To God be the Glory. May God continue to bless your ministry and teams for providing Biblical teaching materials to reach children and be save and grow. We are a small baptist congregation here in the Philippines, but have a burdened hearts to the growing population of children who have not known the Lord. I hope and pray to God to provide us materials like this, in order for us to get as many kids to the Lord and nourished them in a biblical way.
I would love to use the curriculum. I lead a mutli age class that ranges from ages 4-12. The Strong curriculum would be more than helpful in our children’s ministry.
I just love love love the music accompaniment and the curriculum is so colorful and inviting. This curriculum would be such a blessing to our children’s ministry. It’s a fresh and new approach to teaching our children. God bless you for always creating new material.
I appreciate the fact that the curriculum is all inclusive, catering to all learning skills and techniques for the children. We are currently doubling up our morning and evening Sunday School lessons, from what I saw, this would be a welcoming resource to our outreach program especially for our primary age group. God continual blessings on your good works.
This looks like a great curriculum for helping children learn about the bible and God’s Love
With the age group (8-11) I teach for Sunday School, I believe they would really benefit from this curriculum as it looks to be very interactive and gets them excited to learn more about the Lord and other biblical stories. This would be a great resource for my class.
I really love the looks of this curriculum. We just started our children’s ministry and this could be very helpful
Our church just started our Sunday school program back up because we had a decrease of people. We are on a very fixed income so this curriculum would be a blessing to our church and to our kids. I am Sunday school teaching grades 1-5. Mixed grade level and i feel this would be perfect . My class would benefit from this curriculum . I try to be hands on and get them excited and have fun while learning about the Lord. May the Lord bless you as you choose your winner 🙂 Thank you for the chance.
I have a wide range of kids 6-14 with a small class which is unpredictable. I love having all we need right at our fingertips. It looks very adaptable to ages. I love the interactive activities.
This would be great for my kids in the Childcare \center that I manage. I am/We are looking for a Bible Based curriculum. I think this one could be it.
We are a New Bible Church in Southern , Az……. Lifting up the Name of Jesus! Our Sunday School Program is multi-age……..3- 8. I am very Thankful for this website Ministry to Children. I often browse and use the Free Lessons!!
It would be a Blessing to use Strong Kids Curriculum!!
Preschool material
Children will love the simplicity of knowing that Jesus has come for them too.
Love that it looks adaptable to various ages. Looking to change up our curriculum!
Always looking for new ways to reach youth for Christ. We are a small Church in a very small town in NW Iowa. Congregation less than 100 and 16 children ages 2 years to 16 years. I teach the small ones and next year will have 5 in my class ages 3-5 years. Loving children and teaching them that Jesus Loves them because the Bible tells us so.
I’m sure the little kids at my church will enjoy this kit! I can’t wait to use it and share it with the other teachers.
We have two class from the age of 3 to 8 and 9 to 13, I’m certain than they will benefit from this curriculum. God bless you for this new material for kids
Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway. we just did the random drawing and Pamela was the winner! Congratulations.
Thank you for helping spread the word to our children. God bless you.
Sincerely Jacqueline Jones and Casey Jones III
Walk by faith MBC
Would LOVE to win this for our Children’s program at Church.
My church would greatly benefit from the this curriculum.
We have a small church, with a small number of kids attending church and Sunday School.
The majority of our kids are being raised by grandparents, or aunts and uncles, either due to tragedy (father killed by a drunk driver, and mother walked away), or poor choices by parents.
These kids have been through a LOT in their young lives, but attending our church with the love and consistency that they need has made them STRONGER KID, and knowing that Jesus loves them unconditionally gives them the support they desperately need.
This curriculum would help them become even stronger as they get older and face more challenges in life. WE LOVE the Ministry to Children website.!
I love your website. You have so much to offer churches and children of all ages. I would love to get this curriculum for our youngsters. We are starting a new program to build our children and youth departments and having strong curriculum will give us the edge to do that.
Thank you,
Amen, I understand that. We work with mostly foster families and children and teenagers in those families. There are some very tragic happenings in these children. I will pray for your church and the families and children their.
Honestly, we are a homeschool family in the military and it has been HARD finding a church home… I would LOVE to incorporate this into our Bible class for school??
We are a small church and have problems find literature for this age group. Most of our children are bused in and no nothing about God. As the director I’m always searching for literature and this looks like something that we can use. Has a lot of pictures and things for the kids to do. I use Ministry-to-children’s website for a lot of my lessons.
thank you for using this website to touch and inspire lives. the children of glory temple Christian center no longer drag their feet to go to Sunday school because of the on point activities and lesson plan I get from this website. God bless MTCC
You guys rock with all your ideas and resources.
We are a small church and I am always looking for quality affordable curriculum.
Would love to try this out.
Thank you
Carol Cason
I am still ,”reading up” on the Strong program. Keep this quality programming coming. Especially as we are developing our ’19-’20 Sunday School lessons and activities. We are a small church but devoted to gathering together as believers through salvation and learning more from the Bible.
Thank you!
I believe that my church’s children’s ministry can benefit from this material in a way that not many other churches can. We serve a very low income community and our budget for children’s lessons is zero. We have no resources and mainly rely on teachers to create their own bible study for their class. However, having a uniform curriculum with intentional instruction and syllabus could make a world of difference for our kids.
I have very few classes so we have quite an age range in each class. It would be great to have a curriculum that could be easily modified to reach each age in the classroom!
The Strong Kids Curriculum is awesome! It offers so many resources to choose from. I love the fact that it has picture books, music, video, etc. I like that the curriculum has a strong foundation of the Bible, able to reinforce the lesson, and that the children are having fun while learning. Our children’s church will benefit from Strong Kids Curriculum and our teachers will enjoy having new materials to teach from. Thank you for all that you do and the willingness to share with others. God Bless you and your ministry!
Luana Fox
I love love love your curriculum! It’s been amazing to use in our Sunday school! The kids love it
I am drawn to the ‘growth you can measure.’ We, and the parents should know where our children are ‘at’ spiritually. I would value this aspect of the program particularly.
I just love this curriculum. The pictures is very colourful and attention grabbing to children. It spark an interest and focus on the Bible Story that is being taught. May God continue to bless you in your ministry as you lead His children to etetnal glory. Coming from and teaching children growing up in poverty, rife with gangsterism and drug abuse, social challenges, etc it is a tremendous help to change the mindset of the children…providing them with a new hope to dace their challenges and change their circimstances. Thank you for having me as a member and teaching and equipping me in order to inspire those around me. God bless
Awesome. We are a small church and could really use this for our kids.
My church just merged with another church. I was the Children’s Church Director at our old church and now at our new church. I am currently searching for a new curriculum, especially for our younger children, as they didn’t have one implemented for them at all. So it will be a blessing and exciting to introduce Strong’s Kids.
I’m very interested in using a curriculum that focus on Biblical truths by teaching BIBLE literacy. Our two small groups of students: 4-7 yrs and 8-12 yrs+ would benefit from this highly engaging curriculum.
I am inspired to serve the youth and families in my community. I have substituted for Sunday School before but this is my first time actually starting a youth bible program for the youth in my community.
I was in an accident in 2009 and was left in a paralyzed state and God raised me up in 2016. After relearning to walk (for I walked like one wrapped in grave clothes); I was blessed with a sit down job; however shortly after I slipped and fell and am much better now thanks to the LORD ‘s faithfulness in keeping me. I have not been able to work yet and I need help in providing the materials necessary for the youth in my community. I believe the “Strong” series will be a necessary resource for the youth in this community, because most of the youth are at risk of destructive behaviors.
I teach Chapel once a week at a state licensed center that we try to run as a Ministry. We have mostly unchurched kids and we do not have a budget for Chapel material. Your site has provide me with many wonderful lessons and great biblical material I can use to share the word of God with these kids. Im always looking for new material to keep their interest because I’ve repeated lessons for 7 years now. Thank you for what your provide.
Strong Kids Curriculum will help us to teach children the word of God with great CONFIDENCE ‘cos of its Biblical root
This new curriculum must be amazing. My church had benefited from it because the attendees came out in numbers every Sunday base on interesting topics and I know they will also enjoy this new book.
would love to receive this!! we have a small sunday church/sunday school and enjoy your website for lessons, it would be great to be “STRONG” in the Lord together for our kids
My church is located in Ibadan, Nigeria. There is barely any budget for the children’s ministry and as the director, I am constantly looking for funds to make our dreams for the kids a reality. Those of us in that section of the church usually donate money to meet our needs. I have always used your resources and they have ministered to the kids in diverse ways. We would really appreciate getting this resource for free.
Thank you so much for these children’s activity. It inspires me a lot give kids these activities for these are creative, an d presentable. God bless your endeavors in life. God be lifted up.
Thank you for this chance to win! We are a small church with limited resources so I rely mainly on your ministry resources to teach my Sunday School. I find it to be the best I ever used as it always goes straight to the heart of children. My focus is always teaching Gods word and helping these precious children see Jesus in every lesson.
New to learn about all of this but would love some curriculum to start teaching my 4 sweet children! Thanks for your ministry.
I am excited with this new curriculum to try with kids ministry in the Church. This is great material for learning. Thanks
I am the Team Leader for the K-5th classes at my church. We are a small-ish church that has almost as many kids as adults but not a huge budget! We would love to try a new curriculum!
I am grateful to have come across Ministry-to-children information on line, our church has been struggling to effectively minister to children due to lack of teaching materials and other useful resources, some children come to our church but later on go finding another church with better Sunday school teaching materials. I strongly believe your free offer will give us a good foundation to teach and impact children’s lives and they will never match out of church again.
I strongly believe your free offer will give us a good foundation to teach and impact children’s lives and they will never match out of church again.
I am new to religious education and am looking for material for my class. It would be great to incorporate your material in my Sunday class and give you feedback.
This is an amazing curriculum. I would love to win it and review it on my blog! I have s 3 year old, 5 year old, and a 10 year old. I usually make it work for all.
This would be great for your Prek/K class, always love using your sight. It is so helpful! Thanks for all you do.
I believe the materials will help in the spiritual support that the children need to be responsible, face life’s challenges and also strengthen them for they are the tomorrow’s church/leaders, Sunday school teachers.