Toolbox Object Lesson (2 Corinthians 10:4) Do You Have the Right Tools?

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Looking for an exciting object lesson that will help your kids get spiritually equipped? I think this toolbox teaching is one way to get started! It will also keep you on your toes. This interactive lesson will not only show kids the importance of using the right spiritual tools but it will demonstrate to them how to use bible verses and when. Ready to go?
What You’ll Need

  1. Small toolbox
  2. Hammer
  3. Nails
  4. Level
  5. Screwdriver
  6. Measuring tape

Prepare to Teach
Place the tools inside the tool box and close it. Put the toolbox on a table in your teaching area.
Let’s Teach
Hey everyone! How do you like my toolbox? Do you have a toolbox at your house? (Let kids answer.) They are certainly handy to have around! When you have a job to do, like fix a board or measure something, that’s what you reach for–the toolbox. Let’s take a look at what we have here. (Take the tools out. Show them all and place each tool on the table. If you’d like, let the children call it what they are.)
Let me ask you a question. If you wanted to hang a picture, what tools would you need? (Let kids guess. The correct answer would be hammer and nail.) That’s right! You wouldn’t need a measuring tape to bang in a nail. You won’t need a screwdriver to push in a nail. You need the right tools for the job. Did you know that the Bible tells us about spiritual tools too? Just like hanging a picture, you need the right tool for the job.
Some of the tools I can think of right now are prayer, worship, the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Like this level, the Holy Spirit keeps our life balanced. He speaks to us and warns us about sin, he also fills us with joy and so many good things. This hammer is like the Word of God. It smashes up the enemies lies and tells us what God really says!  These nails represent the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus washes away our sins. What do you think the rest of these could represent?
Let’s remember this verse: The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. (2 Cor. 10:4) Here it is in the KJV:

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds…

We need to learn how to use these tools! Who’s ready?
Read more from Mimi by following her blog at Tools for Kids Church.

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2 thoughts on “Toolbox Object Lesson (2 Corinthians 10:4) Do You Have the Right Tools?”

  1. I love this! My teenage son is teaching out Kids’ Church tomorrow and this lesson is right up his alley. How fun and meaningful. Thank you!!

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