Three Laws of Vacation Bible School (VBS According to Twitter)

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The last few days, I’ve been tracking some of the comments on Twitter about Vacation Bible School. In case you’re wondering, Twitter is like a big public chat + instant messaging website. Twitter makes it easy to connect with people who share your interests. One big interest of mine this time of year is VBS and I use my @TonyKummer account on Twitter to stay current.

Three Laws of Vacation Bible School

After watching these tweets, I noticed several patterns. The more tweets I read the more I was convinced that 3 universal laws operate in every Vacation Bible School. At least according to people on Twitter.

1. VBS is very hard work


2. It is sad when VBS ends


3. Kids get saved at VBS


What About Your Vacation Bible School?

Have you noticed these same three laws working in your church? The comment section is open, share your story. You can also take our 2009 VBS survey.

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