What are the first things kids learn from our ministry? What messages really stick? This short article (and audio) will help you focus on 4 basic lessons children need from your church or Sunday School.

4 Lessons Kids Need to Learn Every Sunday
Teaching Sunday School can be hard – lesson planning requires prayer, preparation, and the right supplies. Effective teaching doesn’t happen on accident. Good teachers will do this work long before class time, but that doesn’t help if kids miss these four messages:
- The people at this church like me.
- This is a fun (and safe) place for me.
- Jesus is the best friend I can make.
- I have a part in the work of Jesus.
These are worded for children, below is clarification and tips to get the message across.
1. The people at this church like me.
This always comes first. Children will know in a matter of minutes. If they don’t feel welcomed, then nothing we teach will make a difference. In fact, a mean teacher (or simply frustrated teacher) talking about the love of God can have a long-term negative impact on a child. We are the first impressions kids will have of church people. How we treat them will color their relationship with the church for years to come. Let’s make that a good thing.
How can we show kids that we like them?
- Before class (and as often as needed), take a moment to breath, clear your mind, and ask God’s help to show love to each child.
- Smile, say hello, and call them by name.
- Thank their parents for bringing them today.
- Reach out if they stop coming.
2. This is a fun (and safe) place for me.
When kids talk about fun, they are talking about a generally positive experience. This doesn’t mean all games and kids jumping off tables. Most children find a chaotic environment the opposite of fun. Safe is also an important consideration. Children feel safe when they know their peers and teachers. Structure and routine can help a child feel secure.
How do we make our church programs fun (and safe)?
- Make the room child appropriate
- Share your name and the names of their peers
- Make sure visitors know how they can find their parents
- Allow for play, but maintain class expectations
- Always have a teaching plan
3. Jesus is the best friend I can make.
This is a very simple way to talk about the Gospel. As children mature this basic concept will flourish into a nuanced understanding of knowing Christ. However, the most basic idea remains the same. Jesus is real, he loves me, and is inviting me to know him personally.
How can we be sure kids hear about Jesus?
- Repeat this phrase often and in various forms.
- Tell stories about your own friendship with Christ.
- Build it into class prayer time, even if not a focus of the weekly lesson.
- Display this and lesson below in every teaching space.
4. I have a part in the work of Jesus.
This is a blind spot for many American churches and is easy to forget when planning curriculum. When we follow Jesus, he saves us and then invites us to join his work.
We show that Jesus is King when we live right, love others, help suffering people, and work to fix injustice. This isn’t just for adults. Children have the same opportunities to make good choices and live according to the Gospel.
How can we invite kids into the work of Jesus?
- Ask yourself – How does this scripture invite us to share in the work of Jesus?
- Remember these categories – Live right, show love, help others, fix unfair things.
- Give examples of how they can serve others in everyday life.
- Organize special activities and projects that encourage service.
Let’s Put First Things First
These four lessons don’t happen on accident, but they can become second nature if we build positive habits into our ministry. These truths matter for all kids, both one-time visitors and regular attenders. Let’s not make assumptions! God loves and relates to every child as an individual. We can do the same.
Every Sunday, kid will hear thousands during their time at church. What will stick when they get home? What lessons will they carry with them back to school? When they are grown, how will this time at church impact their lives?
- The people at this church like me.
- This is a fun (and safe) place for me.
- Jesus is the best friend I can make.
- I have a part in the work of Jesus.
With God’s help, let’s make these four lessons the focus of our teaching.