The links above have all three sheets pictured. These original Armor of God coloring pages are based on Ephesians 6:10-18. They were created by Mandy Groce, please leave a comment to encourage her ministry.

Directions: To use these printable Armor of God coloring pages in your ministry, school, or home – simply click above download as a printer friendly PDF file. If you prefer working with large JPEG image, simply select the files below.
There are two versions of the coloring page – one picturing a boy and the other picturing a girl. The children have the phrase “strong and courageous” written on their t-shirts. The third sheet is the pieces of the full armor of God. You can have the children cut and paste those pieces to construct the final picture.
These coloring pages would be a perfect craft project for your Armor of God Sunday School lesson. As you teach about each piece, you could have the children attach it to their picture.
Armor of God from Christian Clip Arts

More Armor of God Activities for Kids
- Download our complete free Vacation Bible School curriculum based on the Armor of God.
- Download our 9 Week “Armor of God” Curriculum for Children’s Church titled “How to Win Against Sin”
- Watch the Armor of God song from Go Fish Guys

Ephesians 6:10-18 The Armor of God
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
Thank you so much for making this VBS material free to us in small churches. We’re holding our first VBS in August 2015 and I’m so excited. Your how to prepare article was so helpful. We’re studying to prepare ourselves for the children who will come. Please pray that our efforts will be successful as we reach out to the children in our community. My desire is to draw them into God’s house and expose them to the Word of God before the world corrupts them. Please pray for us. Thank you again for unselfishly giving of yourself and sharing your materials. God bless you.
Hi Mandy
I’d like to use your Armor of God colouring pages to complement a kids message on that text from Ephesians. I’ll be preaching on it to the adults, and the youth are participating in the service, demonstrating with baseball gear the importance of protective equipment. Then I’ll give the handouts you made to the children for Sunday school or home – we’re just a little rural church in Ontario – less than a dozen Sunday school age kids.
I really like that you’ve brought together the tactile – cut and paste – piece alongside the intellectual – the verses and equipment, all tied back to the command to be strong and stand firm. Great work for the Kingdom!
Dear Mandy
May God bless you so much
lives of kids in Kenya will be transformed
our VBS this August 2015 will be Armor Of God
Hi Mandy – I’m using your artwork at our local homeschool co-op group where I will be teaching about the armor of God!
Hello Gracie,I have been using this website for my children’s church lesson plans and I have enjoyed everything so far!!! So glad to start” God’s Amor” tomorrow for Sunday morning children’s church! The art work is awesome!
I love these and I love this site! I am super excited to incorporate the lessons and these great illustrations into our homeschool setting!
I homeschool my daughters and we have a time for bible study. I think this is a great visual tool for them to use.
I am using it for “Back To School” sunday school lesson. Thank you!
We are using your art work with our Sunday School lessons.
Thank you!!
Hello Mandy,
I was planning on drawing or finding an image of these very objects for my preschoolers. I will be using your drawings to copy and enlarge them on a poster board and have the children put a piece of Armor on them each Sunday and until we learn about all the pieces and completely dress the boy/girl when we finish. Thank you for letting us use them:)
We will be using the coloring pages as part of our Back to School lesson. Thank you!!
I’m using these for a Back to School summer Sunday school lesson for our church’s children. Thank you so much for these wonderful free resources; they are very much appreciated!!!
Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with my Sunday School class. We are a small church, and our resources are limited. The children in my class (K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd) love your lessons and art. You are a blessing to us! We really appreciate your willingness to share the love of Jesus with us!
Thank you! I think we are going to work through these lessons and also practice putting on our armor in the mirror in the mornings. Love your drawings!
These lessons w/ coloring pages and crafts are a huge help to us in our AWANA program. They are well done, very Scriptural and we really appreciate you sharing them with us.
Thank you for sharing these with everyone. I will be using these with my children for our homeschool study of the armor of God.
We are finishing up the Armor of God lessons tonight in the children’s department at my church. They were all terrific. The content was rich with God’s word and the explanations on how to make each piece of armor was easy and kid friendly. Teachers and kids both loved them. We also loved the song and the sign language to help us remember the memory verse. Please continue to share your ideas. I love teaching children but I am not creative.
HI thank YOU FOR YOUR IDEAS, I AM AT THE SALVATION ARMY IN Essex u.k. I am going to use them in our Sunday school lesson on alternative to Halloween. teaching children about the evil within Halloween. I love your ideas on linking it to putting on the full of armour
Hi Mandy
Thanks for making this material available to us! We have used it to teach our little mission kids sundayschool group and are preparing it now for our malawian sundayschool group who will translate in the local language
This is the perfect craft activity for 3rd graders to use in my Bible lesson! My students will love coloring, but will remember the spiritual weapons from this creation!
Thanks so much for providing this free material.
I look forward to using these wonderful pictures to teach such an Important message! Thank you and God Bless!
Teaching this lesson next month in Sunday School for grades K-3. Thank you!
We will use them for our VBS program. After discussion, we will have children paste the correct pieces to the boy/girl.
Thank you for sharing these! I’ll hand them out to children during our Children’s Message about the Armor of God this Sunday.
God bless you!
Thank you so much Mandy for these wonderful drawings which I will use with the lesson on Ephesians 6. They will be a great way of the children understanding about putting their armour on each morning. So pleased to have found this wonderful lesson and printouts. May God bless you in your work.
I run an After-School program with The Salvation Army. I will be using your activity as a part of our Devotional.
Hi Mandy,
Thank you very much for sharing these printouts with us! I will be using them with the Sparks club at our church’s Awana program. Our Sparks club is made up of 40 clubbers and on Sunday they are going to be learning about The Armor of God. These pages are perfect to include with the lesson.
You are a blessing,
Natalia 🙂
I Love your idea for The Armor of God. So hard to find a way for pre-schoolers to connect with lesson when they cant yet read. It was like playing paper dolls.. they colored and decorated placed the armor where it belonged on their cut out person and talked about why and what every piece of armor iwas for. Thank you! We had so much fun, I live in a small Mt. community of only 2,400 people and our congregation is only about 90. Helps so much people like yourself post these wonderfully helpful ideas promoting Gods word and love for free.
I used The Armor of God activity for children to colour during a sermon/presentation on Halloween where I challenged the children to dress not in Halloween outfits, but in the Armour of God.
This is absolutely wonderful. I love the pages and the lesson plan.
Thank You, using this for homeschooling and Sunday school lesson 🙂
Hi, in the UK. Thank you for your resource and for making it free. I’m using it with kids 4-8 years for Sunday Club tomorrow. God bless you for your heart, this is helpful to so many.
These are awesome, Mandy! I’m using these as we finish up a series we’re doing at Church on Ephesians. Our Kids Church kids will love them! Thanks for your kindness in sharing. xo
Loved this activity, the kids really enjoyed the challenge of cutting out the armour and pasting in the right places. Thank you for creating it.
Thank you so much for all your work on these colouring in crafts. It was exactly what I needed. Blessings to you
I just printed it all off and plan to do a combined VBS with our nursing home residents and local children. It will be so fun!
We have a very small cowboy church and don’t have a lot of funds to purchase teaching materials to help the Sunday school teacher, Me! A lot comes out of my own pocket and I want you to know how appreciative I am to have this curriculum available to me so I can teach the children on their own level the Word Of God.
LOVE these coloring pages! May Elohim bless your ministry and all those you impact!
Mandy, God has entrusted you with such a gift and we bless you for sharing it with us. May the Lord continue to give you strength and wisdom to help spreading His word and Salvation through your ministry!
I truly love this website. The color pages are wonderful. The material is great.
Thank you so much for providing these great tools to help teach children of the love of Christ! They encourage me as a children’s church leader. God bless you!
Hello, Mandy. May God bless you! These coloring sheets will become part of my National Lutheran Schools Week classroom door display in my second grade classroom. Thank you!
Thank you for the armor of God “paper dolls”. That is creative.
Hello from France. I was looking up armor of God material for myself as a reminder to fight God’s way in a difficult circumstance my family is in. Seeing your wonderful coloring pages, I am going to download your lesson to use with my 3 homeschooled children. Thank your for making this resource available. God Bless you.
Thank You so much for your teaching materials and a website that is easy to use. It makes teaching my children much easier about the word of God.
Mandy thank you for sharing your gift with us. My kids loved this set. Thank you God bless you
Mandy Grace, This was just what I was looking for . It will help me tremendously in Children’s Church. I loved paper dolls when I was a child. This will be fun for kids who have probably never even heard of paper dolls. Thank you for sharing your creativity with us teachers.
Hi Mandy,
Thank you soo much for such wonderful material for Kids.. this is helping me a lot to teach my primary school children at our Church Sunday school. kids will surely love your colouring pages for Armor of God. God bless you abundantly. 🙂
i am a first time teacher in my church, i have been an assistant but this time i am leading the class. i came across this website and was so blessed by it! thank you so much for providing this for free. its an amazing resource. i am doing an 8 week study on the armor of God and was nervous but after doing the prep and the study for teachcers i was able to create a lesson using your guide. thank you so much!!
Dear Mandy,
I love your “Armor of God” drawings! I know the kids in the Sunday School Ministry here in Lancaster Ca. will enjoy them very much. God Bless You and Your Family.
Thank you for these and for making them so easy to print!!!
Dear Mandy,
Thank you so very much for allowing the Lord to use you to put together an easy and usable class plan. I only have 2 elementary children in my Sunday School class which I have just begun. This makes it so much easier for me to be able to teach them the Word of God and to enforce it with crafts & coloring pages that will keep them interested. I am truly grateful for the free material that you have put together in one easy to follow curriculum. Thank you so much again and may God continue to bless you and use you for His glory and purpose in the Body of Christ.
This is Great work, May God bless you and Increase you Mores, i have used several times the coloring pages for sunday school, and the children are very fond of it.
Thank you for the armor of God drawings. It’s exactly what I needed. (and I’m not artsy, so I need help) The kids are going to enjoy it.
Thank you so much Mandy, these blessed my life and those of the children at my Sunday school. It came in at the right time and is exactly what i needed. So simple and i love it has for boys and girls
Dear Mandy,
Our Grade 1 and 2 class used either the boy or girl and pieces of the armour of God for our Bible devotional on the Hebrew names of God. The children enjoyed cutting out the armour parts, colouring and gluing them onto their person, as well as learning about what each part represents. Thanks so much for this meaningful and practical application of the Word of God!