3 Bible Object Lessons Using Building Blocks

Toys make great Bible object lessons because kids know how they work and how much fun they can be. What kid doesn’t own blocks? When you give kids an example of a biblical principle or verse, demonstrated with toys, like building blocks, you’ll grab and keep their attention. Also, building blocks object lessons are perfect for up and coming teachers … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Owl Bulletin Board Ideas

Cute and whimsical owls are big in the teaching world right now and they make sweet characters for a bulletin board. Dress up a small or large bulletin board and place all your announcements where everyone can see them. Kids and parents will love stopping by your owl-inspired bulletin board each and every week. You’ll need some supplies like colorful … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Toothbrush Bible Object Lesson for Kids (2 Timothy 2:21)

Everyday objects have the potential to illustrate important biblical concepts like purity and living a holy life. One way to demonstrate God’s standard of holiness is by utilizing this toothbrush object lesson during the teaching portion of sessions. You can present Bible truths a few different ways using a toothbrush. Toothbrushes are inexpensive and perfect for take home gifts, too. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Candy Corn Activities for Children's Ministry

From October to the end of November, you’ll always find candy corn in my kids church. It’s inexpensive, sweet and great inspiration for kids min activities. If you’re looking for a few filler ideas for your fall sessions, plug in one of these candy corn activities. Keep things on the sweeter side with some candy corn ideas. Candy Corn Prayers: … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Turkey Games for Kids Ministry

Besides playing a starring role in many Thanksgiving dinner, turkeys have little to do with Thanksgiving but understandably, children associate turkeys with the holiday. It is easy to implement some turkey games into your November kids ministry itinerary. You can use turkey games as a pre-lesson activity or use them as the end of an exciting teaching session. Inexpensive and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Facebook Promos for Kids Ministry

You have a good promotion idea–one that you are sure families will love but the day comes and goes and nada. Nobody or only a few people show up. You feel disappointed (and rightly so) but you quietly tuck away 200 goodie bags and keep going. After the event, families are disappointed and amazed that they didn’t know about it. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Poster Contests for Kids Ministry

Looking for another way to get families involved in your events or ministry? Why not host a poster contest? Schools use these contests to spread awareness about a cause and bring attention to aspiring artists. You can do that too! You could make the fall festival the deadline or extend your poster contest deadline to Thanksgiving. Parents and grandparents will … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Peanut Butter Cup" Bible Object Lessons

Lots of people love Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups! This candy is so popular that it shows up in new incarnations every holiday as the Reese’s Peanut Butter Egg or the Christmas Tree. If you break out peanut butter cups in kids church, I can promise you, you will grab their attention. It’s a good idea to bring some mini cups … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Mirror" Bible Object Lessons

I believe you can teach Bible principles with just about any everyday object, including a plain  hand mirror. I’m sure there are hundreds of ways to use a mirror in your lesson plan but I have had some success with these two mirror object lessons. Feel free to tweak them to fit your needs. Using these Bible verses and a … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fun Way to Teach Noah's Ark: Hand Shadow Puppets

Noah’s ark is quite possibly the most taught Bible lesson in children’s ministry and for good reason. It has it all, animals, and a boat, an interesting and inspiring hero and of course a rainbow, and undeniable evidence of God’s love. What great lessons we can learn from Noah and his ark; lessons like obedience to God saves us from … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Cupcake" Bible Object Lessons for Kids

Who doesn’t love a cupcake? This delectable treat is inexpensive and it’s the perfect item to use as an object lesson for kids ministry. Cupcakes are great for a holiday lesson or any time of the year. Prepare a batch of cupcakes or if you don’t enjoy baking (like me) you can cheat and purchase some from your local bakery. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Getting Families Connected on Facebook

Everyone has a Facebook page. I knew when my Dad, retired Navy Seal and lovable curmudgeon, created a personal Facebook account that social networking could work miracles (not literally, of course). In a practical sense, connecting to families through a social networking site just makes sense when you operate a children’s ministry. You can send reminders, make announcements and interact … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Halloween Object Lessons (Trick or Treat) Romans 6:23

Like yours, my local church provides families with Halloween alternatives like trunk or treat and pumpkin prayer activities in kids church. But there’s always a bunch that likes going door-to-door for trick or treating, hoping to score big on candy and prizes. Even kids that don’t trick or treat understand the concept. Ring doorbell. Demand candy or deliver a trick. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

9 Things a Kids Ministry Leader Needs to Hear

Kids ministry can be one of the most exciting ministries but it can challenge you, too. It’s easy to feel isolated, unappreciated and well, misunderstood even in a supportive environment. Sometimes, the kids ministry leader just needs to hear a kind word. If you’re wondering what to say, try one of these 9 things a kids min leader needs to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ninja Warrior Sunday Ideas for Children's Church

I’m crazy about themes, props and the Bible! I love creating new ways to present Bible principles and verses to kids. Like many children’s pastors, I’m not a big fan of Halloween but I do recognize the incredible evangelistic opportunity I am presented with every year. Since kids love to dress up, each October I fill the kids’ church calendar … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Pumpkin Party Games for Kids

It’s fall! Who’s planning a pumpkin party? I love this fall, un-scary theme for fall. We have a pumpkin party every year for all our kids. Besides pumpkin garland and cutesy decorations, you need some pumpkin theme games for kids to play. Put on some cheap grillz for authenticity! These fun ideas are perfect for a party or to add … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Kid of the Week Program

When I started our Kid of the Week Program, I had no idea how much my kids would love it. I didn’t realize that two years later, I’d still be rewarding kids who follow the Golden Rule with the title, “The Kid of the Week.” However, these TNT Kids Church kids wouldn’t let this program die and I’m so glad. … More Children’s Ministry Resources

4 More Minute to Win It Games

NBC’s Minute to Win It Game is a huge hit for fun-loving families. Watching this show has inspired us to offer you some (more) kid-friendly, minute to win it games. These fast paced games are ideal for pre-church activities, schedule fillers or mid lesson breaks. Customize them to suit your needs. Lights Out: For this games you need six push … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Schedule Fillers for Children's Church

No matter how good you are at planning your children’s church schedule sometimes things do not go as planned. A teaching went quicker than you realized, the service in the main sanctuary is taking longer than usual. You’ve got a crowd of kids who look bored and may end up in mischief. It’s always a good idea to keep some … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Offering Ideas for Kids Church

Being a cheerful giver is an important part of a believer’s life. Remember this verse? “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NIV) Not only are we encouraged to give of our finances but also our time. It can … More Children’s Ministry Resources

5 Minute to Win It Games for Fall

I love “minute to win it” games! They keep my early arrivers busy and give me a fun way to interact with kids. It’s important to infuse your lessons with some silliness and these games are the perfect for that. Rotate these five, minute to win it games for fall each week. You may need some extra volunteers for these … More Children’s Ministry Resources