John Baptizing Jesus Cartoon & Coloring Page

Click on the images below to save & print these free coloring sheets about the Baptism of Jesus. Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. But John tried to deter him, saying, “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?” Jesus replied, “Let it be so now; it is proper for us to do this to fulfill all righteousness.” Then John consented. As soon as Jesus

"The Joy of the LORD is My Strength" Cartoon & Coloring Page

Click on the images below to download these printable illustrations based on Nehemiah 8:10 KJV.  “Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

"Jesus in the Wilderness" Bible Comic Book

I’m offering this FREE. PDF comic book, The Christ Chronicles Comic the Wilderness Episode. Which is based on Jesus being tempted in the wilderness by Satan after being Baptised. This is the first in a series of the adventures of Christ found in the gospels. I should tell you that I have ramen some creative liberties in dialogue and rendition of the characters. I don’t do this out of disrespect it for the purpose of ridicule. My

Communion / Lord's Supper Coloring Page

This free coloring page could help children learn about the meaning of Holy Communion. Click on the preview image above to download this coloring-page (PDF). We’ve also uploaded a full color example (PDF) for kids who like a template to copy. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 (ESV) 23 For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, 24 and when he had given

"Jacob Wrestle God" Cartoon & Coloring Pages (Genesis 32:22-31)

This cartoon shows how Jacob (aka Israel) wrestled with an Angel of the Lord. The story itself is mysterious, but many interpreters believe this was a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ. Elgin offers this comic take on the incidence – complete with modern day wrestling tights! Use the links below to download this free illustration to use in your ministry. coloring page (PDF) cartoon illustration (PDF) Genesis 32:22-31 (ESV) Jacob Wrestles with God 22 The same night he

"Wise Men Follow His Star" Coloring Page

In Matthew 2:2 the wise men travel seeking the new king of Israel. What they discover is a young child who was God come in human flesh. While they did not arrive until some months (or up to 2 years) after Jesus was born, it was at the star above Bethlehem that appeared when he was born that led the way. This coloring page and illustration can help you teach this Bible story to the children in

Christmas Angel Coloring Page

When the angels announced the birth of Jesus Christ, they brought a message of peace and goodwill on the Earth. This coloring page is based on that scripture text in Luke 2:14. This coloring sheet and printable illustrations can be used in any ministry context, but they would be most helpful in a Sunday School lesson leading up to Christmas. Click on the preview image to download the printable PDF version of this coloring sheet. We’ve also

"Jesus and Santa" Cartoon & Coloring Page

This playful coloring sheet and cartoon will help children remember that even Santa (the historical figure) was a follower of Jesus. The dialogue balloon shows Santa saying, “Hear ye HIM, not me.” You can use the coloring sheets as an activity or simply print the full color illustration below to discuss the differences between Jesus and Saint Nicolas. Click on the preview image to download the printable PDF version of this coloring sheet. We’ve also uploaded the

Advent Candles Coloring Pages

This simple coloring sheet can be used to teach children the meaning behind the Advent candles used in many churches. There is room for the children to label each candle with the theme of the week (i.e. hope, peace, etc). This is a departure from my usual humorous cartoon style. I realize many churches in the body do not celebrate Advent, but it us a beautiful tradition celebrated by many Liturgical  churches. I’m hope those readers will

Isaiah 64:6 Cartoon & Coloring Page "Our righteousness is like filthy rags"

This cartoon & coloring page was inspired by Isaiah 64:6. In a humorous way, the illustration will get the kids thinking about what God’s Word says about our own attempts at “being righteous.” This could be a powerful discussion started about why we need Jesus as our substitute righteousness. For lesson plans or other ideas, be sure to use our search page. Click on the preview images below to download each picture as a print-friendly PDF document.

John the Baptist Coloring Pages & Cartoon Illustrations

Download these free John the Baptist coloring sheets and caricature sketches for the kids in your ministry. They could serve as a teaching activity or coloring page for your Sunday School Bible lesson about John the Baptist. If you need more ideas, be sure to use our search page to find related church resources. And all the country of Judea and all Jerusalem were going out to him and were being baptized by him in the river

Proverbs 29:11 Coloring Page & Cartoon "A fool gives vent to his spirit"

Download this free cartoon caricature and coloring sheet based on Proverbs 29:11. The verse describes the foolish person who won’t stop talking in contrast to the wise person who quietly holds his opinion. A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back. Use these free printables to illustrate any Bible lesson about self-control or using wise words. They would also be helpful for children working on Proverbs 29:11 as a

Jeremiah 1:7 Coloring Page & Cartoon "Do not say I am only a youth…"

This printable illustration and coloring page are based on Jeremiah 1:7 ESV, a verse used when talking about children and their potential to serve God. But the Lord said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’;  for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak. Use these free printables to illustrate your Bible story about Jeremiah. They would also be helpful for children working on Jeremiah 1:7 as a

"Elijah and the Ravens" Cartoon & Coloring Page

These free coloring page and cartoon illustration is based on 1 Kings 17 where God provides for the Prophet Elijah by sending food to him by ravens. Use our search page to find free lesson plans based on that same scripture passage. Download the printable black/white coloring sheet in either PDF format or as a PNG image file. You can download the full color illustration as print friendly PDF version or PNG image. You shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the

"Samuel Anoints David as King" Cartoon & Coloring Page

Use this free cartoon caricature style illustration and coloring page when teaching about how David became King of Israel. This printable download shows the Prophet Samuel pouring the anointing oil on young David’s head. This Bible story is found in 1 Samuel 16. Use our search page to find free lesson plans based on that same scripture passage. You can download the print friendly PDF version or PNG image of the full colored picture. We’ve also uploaded a free coloring page

"Taming the Tongue Coloring" Pages & Cartoon

Use these free printable illustrations to teach children about taming the tongue. They are a powerful discussion starter about the dangers that talking can bring into our lives. These pictures will get the attention of older kids and help them talk about the importance of what we say. See James 3:1-12 for a good scripture to discuss along with this activity. Download both black/white coloring pages in one PDF document Download both full coloring cartoons in one PDF

"David and Goliath" Cartoon & Coloring Pages

Here are two different cartoon caricature illustrations of David and Goliath from 1 Samuel 17. They could be used as a teaching illustration or coloring page for your Sunday School lessons. Use the empty dialogue boxes for the children to write out what David said from the Bible story. Use the links below to download these free printable pictures. PDF is the easiest to print, while PNG allows for custom editing with photo editing software, i.e. resizing

"Daniel in the Lion's Den" Bible Cartoon Pictures

This free cartoon illustration of “Daniel in the Lion’s Den” could be used as a teaching illustration for your Bible Lesson.  You can download the print friendly PDF version or PNG image of the full colored picture. We’ve also created a free coloring page based on this same file, pictured below. You can the printable black/white coloring sheet in either PDF format or as a PNG image file.

Jonah and the Whale Cartoon Illustrations

This cartoon illustration of “Jonah and the Whale” could be used as a teaching illustration for your Bible Lesson about the prophet Jonah. In this graphic, the large purple whale/fish is swallowing the stubborn prophet. It’s important to remember this was God’s way of saving the man from the worse fate of drowning in the open ocean! You can download the print friendly PDF version or PNG image of the full colored picture. We’ve also created a

Moses and the Burning Bush Cartoon & Coloring Page

This cartoon illustration of “Moses and the Burning Bush” could be used as a teaching illustration for your Bible Lesson about this passage from Exodus 3. In this graphic, there are two speech bubbles for teachers or students to write in the dialog from the Bible story. You can download the print friendly PDF version or PNG image of the full colored picture. We’ve also created a free coloring page based on this same file, pictured below.

"The Fool & His Folly" Proverbs 26:11 Cartoon & Coloring Page

Here is another cartoon illustration related to April Fool’s Day from Elgin Bolling. This one is based on Proverbs 26:11 where it says, “As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.” The illustration might be too gross for some, but it’s a clear presentation of what the Bible actually says. Remember, this is God’s divine perspective on our sin & foolishness. Directions: Click on the preview images or links below to download the

"The Fool Has Said" Psalm 14:1 Cartoon & Coloring Page

Last week, readers on Facebook were asking for resources related to April Fool’s Day. Elgin Bolling, a professional illustrator and sketch artist from New York City, took up the challenge and created this cartoon & coloring page based on Psalm 14:1. Directions: Click on the preview images or links below to download the a print-friendly version of this artwork. Full-color illustration (PDF document or PNG) Black & white coloring sheet (PDF document or PNG) This would be a powerful

"Empty Tomb & Defeated Devil" Cartoon Page

Elgin has created this cartoon illustration for Easter. It shows the empty tomb and a large “Vacant” sign. Meanwhile a cartoon character of the Devil looks on in frustration. You can use the black & white version as a coloring sheet. Directions: Click on the preview image above to download this coloring page as a print-friendly PDF document. We’ve also uploaded the PNG image for advanced users to edit. If you want an example page to show