Bible Craft Ideas: Jesus Calms the Storm

The story of Jesus calming the stormy sea is an exciting event that also packs important Biblical truths: God controls all things. He keeps His promises to take care for us, and will provide what we need. Just as Christ had command over the wind and waves on the lake, He has command over our hearts and can still our … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bear Fruit: Bible Craft Ideas from John 15:1-8

We know that Jesus is divine…and we are “de branches”! These fruit-themed crafts remind students of the importance of staying rooted in and connected to Christ. When we stay close to Him, we bear spiritual fruit. Apart from that “vine”, we wither and wane. These crafts include grape themes galore. A grapes versus raisins collage imparts the truth that, while … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Craft Ideas on Jesus The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-18)

There are several Biblical references that involve sheep. The lifestyle of the first century made this an applicable metaphor, as there were many who were involved in the business of livestock care. Even with that familiarity, people did not always readily understand sheep stories (“This figure of speech Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he was saying to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Road to Emmaus Bible Craft Ideas (Luke 24:36-49)

It’s important to communicate to children the authenticity of Jesus, and His authority in our lives. This was something that even His own disciples sometimes had difficulty understanding. After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to His followers, but He still had to explain God’s plan to them. In a way, He also had to prove who He was, that it was … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Doubting Thomas Bible Craft Ideas

Thomas is notorious for insisting that he see Jesus before believing he truly rose from the grave. He got his wish and was permitted to thrust his hands in the wounds of Christ…however, Jesus promised that those who have not seen and still believe are considered “blessed.” These crafts celebrate the fact that we “walk by faith, not by sight” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Doubting Thomas Bible Lesson Message (John 20:19-31)

Children tend to be rather trusting in general. However, they are also literal in their understanding and interpretation of things, and often have a hard time grasping abstract or unseen concepts. This message reminds kids that our faith in Jesus is reliable and true, even though we cannot physically see or touch the Lord. When we believe despite a lack … More Children’s Ministry Resources