The Bible Bee Program for Families

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**This guest post was written by Heather Easterday
National Bible Bee LogoHow much time do you as get to spend with the kids of your church each week?  One hour?  Two hours?  Maybe three hours?  It’s overwhelming as a ministry leader when parents count on you to be the one discipling their children.  You need parents leading discipleship at home.
Sure, it can feel intimidating to think about providing Biblical learning at home.  Parents feel unqualified, too busy, or that the kids won’t listen.  But, they miss the greatest gift as parents if they don’t disciple their kids.  The Bible Bee wants to help you help the families of your church.  This summertime program is designed for the entire family to take 12 weeks together in God’s Word.  Best of all, it trains parents at the same time as training the kids.
The Bible Bee takes the entire family through one book of the Bible–each member studying at the same pace but with age-appropriate materials.  This in-depth study teaches the basics of studying the Word–equipping kids and parents alike for future study of any book of the Bible.  By the end of the summer, each family member will have developed a habit of studying the Bible 20 minutes each day.  Each family member will have also memorized 100 verses of Scripture.
There will be prizes, encouragement, and great resources, but most of all it’s 12 weeks to help families develop a lifetime affection for God’s Word.  And, at only 20 minutes per day, it complements any other activities you have planned for families. So, issue the families of your church a challenge–the Family Discipleship Challenge.  Challenge them to complete the Bible Bee program together with other families of the church.
To learn more, visit

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