“The Big God Story” is a children’s picture book beautifully written by Dr. Michelle Anthony, and exquisitely illustrated by Cory Godbey. A great enrichment resource to “Spiritual Parenting,” or a stand alone story for children to see God at work through history.
The text is very simple and focuses on the flow of the story as opposed to great detail. It is a fast-paced, descriptive narrative of God’s redemptive story and how we are a part of it! Beginning with Adam and Eve, the author connects people and events through history and how God has had a hand in it all.
I was especially awed by the illustrations. They actually seemed to be in motion. I truly felt the Holy spirit weaving through each page, always connected to the story. It was very powerful.
Dr. Anthony really hits home with this one. I love the brevity of text, yet nothing is left out and the flow from one story to the next. This straight-forward approach will have a great impact on kids. Dr. Anthony takes the bible and, while condensing it, encapsulates the big picture. Not an easy task.
It starts with the garden and the fall, but immediately tells the children of God’s promise to send a redeemer. It moves on to God flooding the world and how He rescues Noah. It tells of Abraham and Sarah, lonely without a child, but God gives them a son and then some! It illustrates how Joseph was betrayed by his brothers, but God took care of him. The stories go on and on showing God’s love on each page. What a comforting reminder for our children that God is always there taking care of us. I love how Dr. Anthony explains that God wasn’t just rescuing us but was always redeeming us getting us back into right relationship with Him.
There is expanded content available at davidcook.com/BigGodStory. It includes theological terms and discussion starters to enhance the experience.
Parents who enjoy this book should consider reading “Spiritual Parenting” as well. This is Dr. Anthony’s how-to guide for christian parents who wish to raise children with a true relationship with God, not just well-behaved children.

Packaged together, this would make a great “family” gift at Christmas – Spiritual Parenting for Mom and Dad and Big God Story for the kids! It can be found on amazon.com, together, for about $20.00. What an awesome way to celebrate a family you know this season!
You can learn more about the book and it’s author on her official website and Facebook page. Check out these other blogs for a second opinion on this book: Wayne Stocks, Sojourn Kids, Matthew Guevara, Kidmin360.