This simple poem is perfect for sharing the story of Jesus birth with younger children. Scroll down to see the full text or simply download the printable PDF storybook below:

Twas the Night of Jesus Birth
Printable Christmas Story Poem
Twas the Night of Jesus Birth (full text)
‘Twas the night of Jesus’ birth, when all through the town Not a creature was stirring, not even a cow
The animals were munching in their stable where
They hoped that the Savior would soon be there.
The sheep were all nestled down for the night
While the shepherds made sure that all was just right
Everyone thought that it was just the same
As every other boring Bethlehem day
When out in the sky there arose such a light
The shepherds couldn’t look ’cause it was so bright
There was a beautiful angel up in the sky
The shepherds just couldn’t figure out why
The shepherds were scared and they covered their eyes
The angel told them in a manger there lies
A baby – the Savior – was born tonight
In the town of David which was nearby
The shepherds went off to where the baby lay
They knew they would see the Savior this day
More rapid than eagles, they ran so fast
To see the Savior — they didn’t want to be last
Now Peace! Now Joy! Now Everlasting Life!
On Goodness! On Love! God’s one and only Son!
To the city of Bethlehem! To the door of the stable!
Let’s hurry now and be on our way!
From the dry desert sand, the magi they came
Following a star, the didn’t know it’s name
So over the dunes they came from the east
This long journey they didn’t mind the least!
And then in a twinkling, the star just stopped
So in each sorry they simply popped
To wonder about the Christ child born today
In the city of Bethlehem, so far away
They saw His mother sitting by his bed
With Joseph softly rubbing his sweet head
Their hearts were both filled with great joy
Of the birth of this very special boy.
His eyes–how they twinkled! His dimples–how merry!
His checks were like roses, His nose like a cherry!
As his visitors awed – He simply laid On His mouth developed a smile
As though He wanted them to stay awhile
He had a sweet face and a little round tummy
He kept looping up and smiling at His mommy
It truly was a “Silent Night” in that stable
And the laughed to themselves, whoever was able
Each couldn’t believe where he was
This is so much better than meeting Santa Claus
They spoke not a word, but wanted to give more
Than what they had, but they could only adore
The wise men gave god, frankincense a myrrh
And the animals warmed Him with their fur
As they all left that place – so holy and mild
They couldn’t do anything but smile
They had just seen the Savior – the Christ child
Merry Christmas to all and to all
A Good life!
About this Story Poem
Here is a booklet you can print off and share with your children this Christmas. I actually rewrote the story Twas the Night Before Christmas to Twas the Night of Jesus’ Birth. This booklet would be a great addition to any Children’s Bible Lessons about Christmas, or you could even use it for a children’s sermon. This printable Christmas poem for children would also be useful in family devotions.
Each page of this booklet has one paragraph of text and a simple clip art illustration. It is designed to be read aloud to a group of children. Like many condensed story versions of the birth of Jesus – the evens are all brought together. We know the events in the Biblical Christmas story spanned a much longer time period.
If you need something longer – maybe for an adult worship service – we recommend this Christmas Poem from Dave Trenholm’s blog
More Christmas Ideas – Browse over 30 free Christmas resources for Children’s Ministry or find a Christmas Sunday School Craft.
Twas the night before Christmas poem printable
We found a good version of the original “Twist the night before Christmas” poem printable on Teachers Pay Teachers. It’s listed for free, so you just need to login with free account to download.
‘Twas the Night of Jesus’ Birth had an error on page 11
Was it a download error or something in the text of the booklet?
Santa Claus is misspelled – is spelled Santa Clause. Easy to white out before printing though.
I came across this for a Christmas virtual program for our school for my students in “Speech” class to recite. This was perfect to use. Thank you for sharing this poem with the same rhyme scheme too but about the birth of Jesus.