Taming the Tongue (James 3:1-12) Children’s Sermon

This message emphasizes to kids the importance of using speech wisely. Children experience the impact that words can have, but they don’t always stop to think before they speak or consider how their words will impact others. This message reminds students that the things we say can be a helpful tool or a harmful weapon. Words do have lasting effects … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"James" Bible Book Coloring Page

This free coloring page is based on the Book of James. It’s one part of our series of illustrations for each individual book of the Bible. Click here to download the print friendly PDF version. We’ve also uploaded the image in JPEG format. The illustration captures the theme from James Quick to hear. Slow to speak. Slow to anger. A harvest of righteousness is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Strong and Humble (The Book of James – Part 4)

Growing humility is a necessary trait of a strong believer in Jesus Christ. This fourth lesson of the Book of James series, “Strong and Humble,” will teach children how to embrace humility and incorporate it in their daily lives. Also, by identifying Jesus Christ as the ultimate example of humility, the children will understand that sacrificial service and humility are … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lesson: Strong and Wise (Book of James – Part 1)

The book of James contains a plethora of information for believers to become mature in their relationships to Christ. This series of five lessons will cover each chapter of James with the goal of outlining how we can become stronger in our faith. In part 1, “Strong and Wise,” there will be an emphasis on trusting God’s plan, persevering through … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Three Object Lessons on Lying (James 3)

Telling lies is a temptation we all face, kids and grown-ups. Use this power packed, triple-punch of object lessons to teach kids what God says about lying and how we can resist this universal temptation. Spread the object lessons out over three weeks or use them in one lesson. Salty ice cream: You need a tray of goodies for this … More Children’s Ministry Resources