Christian Object Lessons: Kitchen Utensils

Do you like dressing up as a character when you teach? I do! Sometimes showing up for class in a costume really gets kids excited about learning. Add in a few Christian object lessons and you’ve really got a fun idea. One of the easiest characters to dress up as is a chef. Grab the kitchen utensils, an apron and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Beach Bible Object Lessons for Kids Church

As warm weather settles in, more families will be making trips to the beach and their favorite water parks. What a perfect time to break out these beach object lessons for kids church! These visual aids are inexpensive and easy to find, perfect for teaching kids important lessons from the Bible. Ready to use some lessons that are just “beachy?” … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sandcastle Children’s Ministry Object Lesson

What’s more “summery” than a sandcastle? Besides being a recognizable symbol of fun in the sun, sandcastles make a great object lesson. This powerful object lesson takes a little prep work but I’m confident that you will find it worth it. I recommend that you use Matthew 7:26-27 as the text: “But everyone who hears these words of mine and … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Bible Object Lesson Using Honey

God’s word is a great resource for living but most kids don’t take the initiate to read it independently without some encouragement from you and I. With this object lesson, you will teach kids that God’s word is sweet for our souls; it nourishes us in wonderful ways. I recommend using Psalm 119:103 for this object lesson, “How sweet are … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About Evangelism

Evangelism isn’t just for grownups—it is for kids too!  Our big God wants to use each person’s experiences to turn others hearts to Jesus. As teachers and pastors, we have a mandate to tap into a child’s boldness and desire to share the good news with his friends and family. That means that you and I must teach evangelism regularly … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons About Self Control

I believe God designed us to learn self-control during early childhood but for a number of reasons, this doesn’t always happen. Let’s be honest–some children have stronger wills than others and insist on touching the “hot stove” even when they are told not to.  Poor impulse control can manifest in different ways–constant interruptions during conversations, throwing a fit, ignoring instructions … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Pencil Bible Object Lessons

So what’s the most humble school supply? I’d have to go with the pencil–an item that every child is familiar with. Why not take this tool and use it for an object lesson? From chewed to new, a pencil object lesson is one that kids will remember everytime they reach for one. Just for fun, I developed two object lessons … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Rubber Band" Bible Object Lessons

Reach in your office drawer and pull out a few rubber bands. That’s all you need to share these object lessons. Bring the Bible to life by presenting this important lessons to kids using these snappy visual aids. Of course, it may be hard to find a volunteer. People don’t like getting popped or snapped. You could really make this … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Cookie Bible Object Lessons

Kids speak a unique language of fun and faith, don’t they? If you want to grab the attention of your young audience, teach using a tasty treat. Not only will they hang on every word (crumb!) they will look forward to snacking on them after the lesson. Try these cookie object lessons if you want to teach about brokenness or … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Object Lessons with Food Coloring

In case you haven’t noticed, I totally love object lessons! Visual demonstrations of bible principles delivers the “wow” factor that every teacher wants. If you’re looking for some super-colorful lessons to share with the kiddos, you can’t go wrong with object lessons with food coloring. Bright colors grab the eye and keep kids spellbound. However, before you start squirting, remember … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Crayon Object Lessons

Most children have used or handled crayons before–that makes this popular art supply the perfect item for an object lesson! Take advantage of your class coloring time with this childhood toy. Use a box of 8, 16 or even 8 crayons. Since crayons are such relatable item for kids, they’ll pick up on the teaching faster, easier. Wouldn’t it be … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Squishy Object Lessons

Kids love a big ol’ mess and I think it’s safe to say most children’s pastors do too! When it comes to anything slimy, gross or messy, kids want to see it. If you’re looking for a real attention grabber try these squishy object lessons. Get that drop cloth ready and put on some old clothes–it’s time to get messy! … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Water" Bible Object Lessons

Need a few object lessons for the upcoming month but don’t want to break the bank on supplies? You can do that with inexpensive (okay, cheap) items like a glass or pitcher of water. In the Bible, water is often a symbol for purity and represents the cleansing of sins. That’s a great place to start! You can feature these … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Jell-O" Themed Bible Object Lesson

It’s easy to make and great for an object lesson–it’s Jell-o! You’ll have to plan ahead for this visual aid as it takes a few hours to set but you can cheat and purchase some pre-made single servings to hand out after the demonstration. Since Jell-o has such an unusual composition, it’s perfect for a bible lesson about building your … More Children’s Ministry Resources

3 Football Object Lessons for Kids

No matter where you live in the United States, chances are people in your neck of the woods love football. Whether you’re a college fan or follow the NFL the rules of football are pretty basic. Get the ball, move the ball and score some points. These are all concepts that are easy to transfer into a classroom setting–even in … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Strong Together" Object Lesson about the Church

Try this simple object lesson to teach children the importance of the church community in their lives. Main Idea: We are stronger together, the church is a group of friends who help each other follow Jesus. Items Needed: Several heavy books. We used unwrapped story Bibles. Suggested Verses: Ecclesiastes 4:12 —  Though a man might prevail against one who is … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teacher's Tools: Lord's Prayer Activities

Teaching the Lord’s prayer? Remember that teaching time for kids should include a bit of fun! If you’re looking for some Lord’s prayer activities, you can’t beat these ideas. Choose one or two or use them all! Introducing activities into a lesson gives children the opportunity to activate their faith on what they’ve learned. Write it in the sky! If … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Lord's Prayer Object Lessons

You’ve got a great lesson planned to teach kids the Lord’s prayer but what about object lessons? When you reinforce a teaching session with visual aids, you keep kids’ attention and give volunteers a chance to dip their toes into the teaching waters. Illustrate this important lesson with object lessons inspired by the Lord’s prayer. Which bread? A few days … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Apple Object Lessons

When you need a filler activity in your schedule, you can’t go wrong with apple Bible object lessons. Besides cutting an apple in half to demonstrate the trinity, you can also teach a wormy lesson on sin and a lesson about the outer appearance. The first object lesson is pretty simple but the second one may take some preparation so … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ping Pong Ball Object Lessons

Got a few ping-pong balls handy? If so, you’ve got all you need for a few memorable Bible object lessons. This cool visual lesson is also great for new leaders and volunteers to try. Since ping-pong balls are so lightweight, you can get them to float easily in water and in the air. Pick up a pack of these balls … More Children’s Ministry Resources