Easter Basket Object Lesson

Got an Easter basket handy? Fill it up with a few items and you’re ready to teach a memorable Easter basket object lesson. Of course after the teaching is over you can share your goodies for a special treat. I like the idea of taking popular Easter treats and items and using them to present the truth of the gospel. Are you ready to teach? What You’ll Need An Easter basket (woven basket–no fabric or plastic) Easter

Jesus' Transfiguration (Luke 9:28-36) Sunday School Lesson

The Trinity can be a difficult concept for anyone to grasp, but it is especially tough for youngsters who tend to be quite literal-minded. The transfiguration of Jesus offers a glimpse of the Trinity, as well as a wild display of God’s glory and confirmation of who Christ is. Needless to say, nothing is simple about this event, but we can emphasize elements of it for kids that will create a practical and meaningful lesson. These activities

Psalm 27 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 15 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 27 we see the psalmist crying out to God for rescue as enemies surround him. He knows that God alone is the One who

Planting Seeds Object Lesson (1 Corinthians 3-5-8)

Spring is just around the corner! Time to think about things that grow and the Master Gardener. With this object lesson you can show children that God can grow in many different containers–in many different ways. I plan to use this verse to introduce my Planting Seeds Object Lesson to the class. 1 Corinthians 3-5-8 NIV reads, “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants

Lesson: Walk in Faith (“Walk Series” – Part 4)

Believers are told to “Live by faith, not by sight,” in 2 Corinthians 5:7. But what does that look like in our lives? What is faith, and what evidences should be present as followers of Christ? This fourth and last part of the “Walk Series” will help children grasp the concept of faith by looking at the world around them and provide appropriate methods they can use to continually grow in their faith. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE:

Lesson: Walk in Love (“Walk Series” – Part 3)

When we look anywhere other than God’s word to define love, an extremely sinful and skewed view is the result. In this part 3 of the “Walk Series,” children will learn that loving God and others must influence our actions as believers. Also, it will be understood that “Walking in Love” requires sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ to others and helping those who stray from what is right to see the truth. The children will learn

Lesson: Walk in Truth ("Walk" Series – Part 2)

Truth is not defined by personal preference or conviction: it is defined by the holy word of God. This lesson,”Walk in Truth” (part 2 of the “Walk” series), will teach children that ultimate truth is not determined through erroneous human intelligence. Rather, it is created by our righteous, omniscient God. We can trust that aligning our lives to the incredible truth of the bible will increase our faith and help us identify cultural and sinful lies. TARGET

Lesson: Walk in Wisdom ("Walk" Series – Part 1)

Because Christ lived a perfect life of obedience, we too can walk in wisdom, truth, love, and faith. “Walk in Wisdom,” (the first of four lessons in this series) will teach children the difference between earthly wisdom and spiritual wisdom. In addition, they will learn practical ways to incorporate wisdom into their lives through prayer, humility, obedience, and a reverent fear of God. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To learn the definition for spiritual wisdom and be able

Potato Chip Object Lesson (Matthew 5:13) Salt of the Earth

Today I am bringing you another object lesson! This is called the Potato Chip Object Lesson and it’s so simple you’ll love it. All you need to teach with is a big bag of cheap chips and if you like, mini bags of chips to share with kids during snack time. You will also need a clear glass bowl to dump the chips in. Before class, carefully crush the chips without opening the bag. Hide the mini

God's "Sticky" Eternal Love – Valentine's Day Lesson for Kids

God’s love for us is extravagant, forever, and incomparable! In this lesson, “God’s ‘Sticky,’ Eternal Love,” children will explore the depth of God’s love for them through bible study, a sticky-note activity, and an energizing seek-and-find game. In addition, the children will learn that the “stickiness” of God’s love is secure, so we can live in assured obedience to his will. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To examine the biblical proofs of God’s eternal love so each child

Conversation Hearts Object Lesson about God's Love

Who doesn’t love the sweet candy known as Conversation Hearts? I know I do! It’s so much fun reading those loving and sometimes humorous messages before popping those candies in your mouth. Since they are so popular around Valentine’s Day, why not use them as an object lesson? That’s what I plan to do. Here is my idea. What you’ll need are mini boxes of Conversation Hearts, enough to show and enough to share. If you keep

Body of Christ Lesson: Ankle, Eye, or Pinkie Toe? (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)

There are many ways to consider how the church operates as a team of believers…the Bible makes it clear that every person has special gifts and abilities. We can use those unique elements to come together and do amazing things. But we have to use each other to make it happen. As adults we may be used to this message, but for kids sometimes it takes a little extra illustration and activity. This lesson aims to emphasize

Lesson: Why Bother? Living out our Faith Matters!

  Even (and sometimes especially) in the church, students are often at a loss to understand or explain some of the basic essentials of Christianity. Sometimes kids grow so used to a routine of “doing church” that they forget why it is important to participate in a church body or go through the motions we are accustomed to doing. It is critical that kids of any age appreciate the importance of the basics, or they will be

God Gives Gideon Victory-Judges 6:36-7:25 Week 2 of 2 (Sunday School Lesson)

Title: God Gives Gideon Victory Scripture: Judges 6:36-7:25 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: God alone saves His people Supplies:Picture printouts from www.bricktestatment.com, marker board and marker Lesson Opening Ask: How have you been helped or encouraged by someone else this week? Say: In our story we’ll hear how God encouraged Gideon to go out and fight Israel’s enemies. Say: Our main point today is: God alone saves His people.  We’ll learn that God is the

God Calls Gideon- Judges 6:1-35 Week 1 of 2 (Sunday School Lesson)

Title: God Calls Gideon Scripture: Judges 6:1-35 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: God overcomes our weaknesses Supplies: Pictures of Idols, post it notes, pencils Lesson Opening Ask: Have you ever gone through something so difficult that you cried out to God to help you? Say: The last few weeks we’ve been talking about Israel conquering their enemies as they entered the Promised Land. God had been with them and fought for them, showing His power

Lesson: What Happens After the Manger?

When we are obedient to God’s commands, we can count on his order, provision, and protection. In “After the Manger,” children will learn about the events that took place after Jesus’ birth and how those events teach us to boldly obey God. Even among opposition we can have the confidence that the Lord is near because he provides exactly what we need to follow him. From Pastor Ken Gray’s sermon entitled, “Beyond the Manger.” (December 27, 2015) Transcribed

Lesson: Jesus Teaches in the Temple (Luke 2:39-52)

When Jesus was 12, He and his parents travelled to Jerusalem for Passover with a big group of their relatives.  During this trip, Jesus was left behind.  His parents found Him three days later teaching the elders in the Temple.  Mary and Joseph were worried about Jesus, but He was exactly where He needed to be.  Even at a young age, Jesus knew who He was and who His Father was and He was preparing Himself for

Lesson: No Price too High…Redeemed for God's Glory

What did God do for us and why is it important? Why do we need Jesus, anyway? Sometimes we take for granted what it means that we are God’s children and have been redeemed. This lesson emphasizes the importance of a Messiah and reminds us that God used prophets to tell everyone what was coming. It also reminds us that God is our protector and “lifesaver” in all circumstances. Lesson focus: God has promised from the beginning

Psalm 24 Sunday School Lesson for Kids

This is lesson 14 of 33 in a series of lessons called “Praise God Through the Psalms.”  Lesson focus: Through the book of Psalms and the worship of the people of Israel, we get a glimpse into the character of God and how we should rightly respond to Him in worship. In Psalm 24 we have a clear picture of the gospel when the psalmist asks ‘who can stand in God’s presence?’ This lesson provides an opportunity

Jesus Teaches the Synagogue (Luke 4:14-21) Sunday School Lesson

Jesus’ coming to the Earth fulfilled the scriptures of the Old Testament.  In Luke 4:14-21 He is just beginning to teach the good news.  When teaching in Galilee and then Nazareth His message is that He is God’s son and has come to save God’s people.  In Nazareth He will be rejected which will fulfill the scriptures.  Jesus taught that He will make the imprisoned free and the blind see.  For preschoolers, the lesson will be simple:

Jesus First Miracle (John 2:1-11) Sunday School Lesson

The Bible is full of fantastic miracles. These are performed by Jesus, by His disciples and followers, and by God Himself. Sometimes, in our constant reading and telling of them, we can take miracles for granted and neglect their ultimate meaning and place in things. Youngsters hearing about miracles might wonder why we don’t see these unearthly feats accomplished today. The ideas we focus on here, however, are that miracles are more than just supernatural events. For

Lesson: Great Joy, Love, and Salvation (Luke 2:9-11, Ephesians 2:4-5, Hebrews 2:1-3)

A full understanding of God’s greatness cannot be attained on earth, but his great joy, love, and salvation should engulf our actions as believers. Children will learn how God has granted these wonderful attributes to us and explore ways to use them as his representatives to the lost. From Pastor Ken Gray’s sermon entitled, “Great!” (December 13, 2015) Transcribed for Sunday school with permission. TARGET AGES: 10-14 OBJECTIVE: To help the students understand that great joy, love,

Jericho Falls Sunday School Lesson (Joshua 3-6)

Title: Jericho Falls Scripture: Joshua 3-6 Target Age Group: 3rd-5th grade Main Point: God’s power brings victory Supplies: 24 stones or blocks Lesson Opening Ask: Who is the strongest person you know? What is that person able to do that other people can’t? Where do you think that person got their strength? Say: In our story today we’ll hear about how strong and powerful God is. We’ll learn that it’s God’s power that brings victory! Say: As

Two Kinds of Baptism (Luke 3:15-17, 21-22) Sunday School Lesson

This free Bible lesson is based on Luke 3:15-17, 21-22, which tells of Jesus’ baptism, and Acts 8:14-17, which tells of baptism of the Spirit.  It is designed for children’s church or Sunday School. Please modify as best fits your ministry. If your church follows the Revised Common Lectionary, this teaching plan would correspond to Year C – Baptism of the Lord, Gospel Reading – Luke 3:15-17, 21-22, and New Testament Reading – Acts 8:14-17. Opening Activity –