Why go to a conference? Conversation with Michayla White from INCM

I just had a great conversation with the Michayla White, the executive director of the International Network of Children’s Ministry. This was a informal talk about what’s happening right now in kids ministry and why leaders need time to recharge at events like the Children’s Pastors Conference. Why go to a children’s ministry conference? Training Resources from INCM Free webinars Certification in Children’s Ministry Subscribe to their blog Children’s Pastor’s Conference Interview Audio about the Children’s Pastors

Ideas for Training Kids Ministry Leaders

At the first of every year, I began to fervently pray for volunteers. Whether they’ve signed on for a month or for six, most volunteers need and appreciate training. I believe in hands-on training but you’ve got to teach too. Host regular training conferences for volunteers and inspire your team to minister to children effectively. Incorporate a few ideas into a casual lunch or offer a Saturday boot camp. Don’t forget to include some role-playing so volunteers will

How to Write a Lesson for Children’s Ministry (Video)

In this workshop, you will learn the basic process of creating a lesson plan for your children’s ministry. Before you start, you can print this page and use the lesson outline below to take notes. 1. Identifying your purpose. a.Who are you teaching? b.What is the context? c.How many kids? d.What length of time? e.What is the main truth you want kids to get? 2. Key Basics a.Your truth needs to be on the kids’ level. b.Everything

Workshop on Stopping Problem Behaviors

In this 18 minute video workshop, you’ll learn why misbehavior happens and how you can stop it before it starts. Feel free to download the workshop notes to review and share with your team. Leave a comment below sharing your favorite behavior management ideas. More Resources The following links will help you and your team learn more on this topic. Check out our related workshop from Jenny about creating a discipline plan for your ministry. Read How to handle

Workshop: How To Plan Major Events

In this 21 minute presentation, you will learn the 9 steps for organizing major events in your children’s ministry. You can download the notes from this workshop, PowerPoint or share the video with your team using this link. http://youtu.be/ssvIek3PkA4 Group Discussion Leave a comment below to share your response to this training. For example, you could discuss a recent major event in your church and how these steps may have improved the outcome. More Resources The following links will help you learn more about

How To Create a Discipline Plan for Your Ministry

This online training workshop (20 minutes) will help you develop a consistent plan for dealing with behavior issues in your ministry. You can download the session notes or watch the video with others from your ministry team. Workshop Notes: Developing a Discipline Plan for Your Children’s Ministry Misconceptions about Discipline Discipline = mean, harsh, strict Kids don’t like rules. We can’t discipline at church. If we discipline kids won’t like us. Why discipline is necessary: Four basics of a