Review: VeggieTales DVD Library Curriculum

Many of our readers at Ministry To Children are familiar with the Veggie Tales DVD’s.  Yes, we have been critical of VeggieTales in the past, but we have also been complimentary as evidenced by this interview with Phil Vischer, the creator of VeggieTales.  Now, they are at it again in helping Children’s Ministries reach children in an easy and fairly … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Video: I Recommend the ESV Study Bible

A shout-out to my favorite over sized book There are so many great tools for Bible Study, but here is one that I have found most useful. This one volume puts more Bible information in your hand than I actually learned in Bible College and Seminary. I use it almost every week and I’ve also bought copies for all my … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Picture Books for Christmas

There are so many children’s picture books out today that tell the Christmas story.  Here is a short collection of books that I would highly recommend.  These stories are fun and engaging, plus they tell the true meaning of Christmas.  Your kids will enjoy hearing them again and again! Don’t miss our look at the top children’s Bibles available in 2020. God … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Book Review: Family-Integrated Church

One of the current buzzwords in churchlife today is the phrase, “family-integrated.” However, what looks to the casual observer as simply a “fad” is more than that: it is a theological, methodological, and philosophical conviction for those leaders in churches who are truly family-integrated. Family-Integrated Church, by J. Mark Fox, (Xulon, 2006) is one church’s story of how it transformed … More Children’s Ministry Resources

MOPS International: A Resource for Christian Moms

They say that a parent is a child’s primary teacher. The hours are stacked up to support that statement.  In a post entitled 1/168:  Children’s Ministry Hours per Week, Terry Delaney writes that parents have 167 hours to influence their children.  We, as individuals serving God in Children’s Ministry, have 1.  One short hour. In one of his recent posts, … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Fool Moon Rising (A Book Review)

“Dear God, “I heard a cosmic story and wondered if it’s true. The Moon was stealing glory and this is what he’d do.” So begins a highly enjoyable and quite profound new children’s book from Crossway Books, cleverly titled Fool Moon Rising. Husband and wife team Kristi and T. Lively Fluharty wrote and illustrated this “rhyming, rollicking tale” about the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Children's Books That Engage True Princesses

My three-year old is sleeping right now, all snuggled up under her beloved princess blanket.  Most likely, her dreams have set her on a frantic search for Cinderella’s lost slipper in a faraway land.  I adore this stage of her life – the tea parties, the dress-up gowns, the pretend play and the creativity.  However, I am not as crazy … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Book Alert: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

I am not sure about the children in your church, but my kids have been enraptured by a series of books entitled Diary of a Wimpy Kid by Jeff Kinney. The book is called “a novel in cartoons” and consists of pencil sketches made by a “kid” as he writes about his life in a diary. I am wanting to … More Children’s Ministry Resources

The Watchmaker: Intelligent Design Video For Kids

Have you seen the video called “The Watchmaker,” produced by Kids4Truth? It is a nicely told parable illustrating the folly of believing that the human race sprang into being by random chance. Just as the intricate parts of a watch could not possibly come together by accident to create a sophisticated timepiece, so the even more intricate and detailed workings … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Sunday School Rosters = Ministry To Do List

Sunday School Revolutionary is a blog hosted by the Kentucky Baptist Convention on the topic {you guessed it} Sunday School. I just read the latest post and wanted to share it here. It’a full of practical help for turning your Sunday school attendance list into a ministry list. Here’s a great quote: Revolutionary Sunday School cares for people in class … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Getting To Know Kids In Your Children's Ministry

The best Sunday School and Children’s Ministry teachers are able to build life long relationships with the kids in their ministry. This makes the teaching much more powerful and the experience more rewarding for the teachers. How you relate to the children you teach will always affect how they receive the Bible lessons  you teach. The old cliche is true … More Children’s Ministry Resources

A Great Christian Book About Adoption

Terry Delaney, one of our writers on this blog, is giving away a signed copy of Russell Moore’s new book Adopted for Life. Just go to his website and leave a comment on his review of Adopted for Life. Terry really – really – really likes the book. He writes: Every pastor must read this book. I dare say that … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Ministry Spotlight: Jelly Telly

Phil Vischer, the creator of VeggieTales, has a new web-based ministry for children.  It is called Jelly Telly.  The essence of the website is to provide a safe-haven for children to “surf” the web.  There is a daily “television” show with puppets, computer animated characters, and live actors teaching a God-centered lesson. You can check out all the characters found … More Children’s Ministry Resources

"Dad really believes the things that are in this book."

I just read about a new book for children by Dr. Bruce Ware. I’m always glad to see world-class theologians tackle the important task of relating truth for young children. The book is titled Big Truths For Young Hearts. It aims to equip parents to guide their young children through all major doctrines in an understandable, chapter-a-day format. More from … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Teaching Children's Church Like Jesus

I just ran across a great article written by Karl Bastian. He asks a question that just might change everything about your children’s ministry. What if Jesus taught in your children’s church? Karl writes: Jesus didn’t come and undertake an educational ministry, but rather a relational ministry! Jesus came to this earth, born as a child, grew up within the … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Three Perspectives on Family Ministry

This post is a review and summary of Perspectives on Family Ministry: Three Views. Ed. by Timothy Paul Jones. Nashville: Broadman and Holman Academic, October 2009. 213 pp. Introduction Dr. Timothy Paul Jones, the editor of this book, served for fourteen years in vocational ministry. He is now an Assistant Professor of Leadership and Church Ministry at The Southern Baptist … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Online Devotions For Christians

Over the past week, I’ve been helping set up a new site for Christian devotions. The site works like an RSS aggregator and pulls all the best daily bible devotions into one homepage. The end results is an extremely user friendly way to make use of these excellent online devotions. Going forward the site will add more features and begin … More Children’s Ministry Resources

Missionary Stories For Kids

Teaching children about missions is important. Tonight I found several great websites that offer missions education for children. These were links I found on the Kids page from Wycliffe Bible translators. Just for fun, I asked my 8 year old Son to check out these sites and give me a few comments for this post. I’ve put his thoughts in … More Children’s Ministry Resources