Dad Acrostic Poster and Poem Activity

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Dad Acrostic Poster and Poem Activity
Dads get left out sometimes. Mother’s Day is in the spring and is always so full of flowers and crafts that kids make, and then comes Father’s Day in the summer and during vacation from school when routines are off and other things get forgotten.

Let’s not forget how specials our dads are and let’s get the children in our classes excited about telling their dads how much they mean to them.
Here is a great and simple poster and poem activity that would be wonderful to do with your class for Father’s Day. Simply print out the poster and blank poem page. Give each child access to markers, crayons, colored pencils, etc. to write about their dads using the letters D – A – D. They could use a phrase or a word that starts with the corresponding letter. After they have filled it out, have them glue it, along with the poster, onto piece of construction paper or a manila folder to decorate.
The dad poem reads like this:

Divinely and
Psalm 139:14
I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Don’t miss our full Sunday School lessons for Father’s Day and our Father’s Day coloring pages.

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